Opinion › Feature Article       19.11.2017

Why Christian Clergymen Sin in Officiating Marriages for Non-Virgins!!

Part I
Yes indeed, yours truly can say in all certainty that any Christian clergyman who officiates at a marriage involving any woman who, prior to the hour of officiation, had lost her virginity to some man—any man other than the one who now stands beside such a defiled woman requesting and desiring to be married to her—is simply spiritually incorrect, bereft of holy wisdom, yet to find a holy purpose in life, and therefore sins against Yahuwah Elohiym, his Maker, by his action!!

Also, any man who marries such a woman is only a spiritual buffoon! And yet, such buffoons, many of us men have ignorantly made ourselves to become over many generations past! Sadly, this spiritual buffoonery of yesteryears still lingers on and has become a much popular occurrence and phenomenon in our world today!!

This is all because the world seems ignorant of the fact that Yahuwah Elohiym has placed a perpetual ban on women who have lost their virginity in any sexual union or escapade—other than in a legal marriage when the woman was yet a virgin—from ever being married! And so, any such illegal marriage that is so contracted following this ban of Yahuwah Elohiym, obviously, draws curses and punishment from the Most High One; and this, I’m sent to let today’s generation know!

It does not matter whether such a woman lost her virginity to a rapist who threatened to murder her in order for her to yield to his demand; or to a pedophile when she was yet an innocent, helpless, and or defenseless child; or to a fun seeking gigolo in a one night fling between consenting adults; or to a beast such as her pet dog; or in a willful act of damage to her own body [hymen] while seeking sexual pleasure with a dildo in secret!!

In all such scenarios leading to a loss in virginity, this ban of Yahuwah Elohiyim stood in full force, nonetheless, and the resulting curses brought upon such banned or ill-contracted marriages, if they continued to be considered as marriages, were and are always sure to come about!

There may not be any visible distinctions in the nature of the curses based on the manner in which the virginity of a woman was broken before such an illegal marriage was contracted since a curse is a curse and how it shows itself to be does not matter!!

Also, the effect of the curses do not always seem to take their toll immediately, but seem to do so subtly and with varying degrees of intensity and or complexities in the resultant problems they draw upon offenders, progressing to become clearly felt, visible, and almost insolvable over time!!

The ban on marriages involving women of broken virginity is clearly stated in the Towrah, the holy Word of Yahuwah Elohiym! And so, Christian clergymen who claim to be representatives of Yahuwah Elohiym in our world today ought to know of this ban and never to act as to ignore it or deliberately violate it, by ever joining the hand of a non-virgin woman to any man’s as in the context of marriage today!!

The spiritual cost and consequences to any man who marries a woman who had lost her virginity to someone else are incalculable and do eventually bring a perpetual ruin to such a man’s life if he continues to live in this illegal marital relationship! And so, Christian clergymen should not be the ones who trigger off such evil consequences by officiating in marriages involving women of broken virginity, if they indeed work for Yahuwah Elohiym and or for the good and blessing of their followers as they so claim!!

Now, for all men who may want to rush into marrying any woman without being sure of her virginity status, but simply because they think they are “head over heels and madly” in “love” with her because she is some beautiful daughter of Khava (Eve??), my suggestion to them is that they must be very careful in their actions and to accept and be cautioned by the fact that the word “love” is one of the most abused, vague and meaningless English words on Earth today!

Not many years back, I read a news item on the internet which was in fact a lamentation by one Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, a stalwart of the Charismatic Movement in Ghana, putting it out rather bluntly that there were no virgins in [his] Churches!

Well, it is said that Bishop Heward-Mills has to his credit and charge, churches in various locations all over the world and so he may very well have known what he was lamenting about in claiming that no virgins could be found in his churches!!

Now, this must disappoint and also sadden the hearts of many who suppose that “church” is made up of holy people whose spirits are washed clean from sin and thus saved from ever committing sin thereafter!! Again, many more people are disappointed when they get to know that church people are not, after all, such a holy group of people living in a spiritual union of one body and thus made to forever belong to Yahuwah Elohiym, as they have been misled to suppose!!

But of course, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills may very well have been minded by one same state of affairs prevalent in ALL churches in this universe, and not just one state of affairs that was peculiar or particular to those churches under his charge and watch, in uttering his lamentations or making known his frustrations!

Thus, the Bishop Dag Heward-Mills would have been directly accusing the entire human institution called “Church” as not being able to produce virgins or chaste and holy young women among its membership and also of being incapable of keeping any women who took membership therein when yet virgins, to continue to be chaste—till, for, and unto marriage!!

And this situation, being actually so, that the findings of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills do indeed establish the fact that no virgins can be found in all Christian churches on Earth, then it makes the state of affairs in this spiritual organization or body called “church” very inglorious and precarious, in a spiritual sense, and thus sure to bring dire consequences to all people who belong to it and to even further affect all non-church people in our entire Earth in due course; as the world is already experiencing!

The calamity that is billed to come upon all inhabitants of the Earth because no virgins exist or are available for procreation must be obvious since Christians who form the majority of the people on Earth claim they are in themselves the salt of the Earth; and yet any such “salt” they produce in multiplying effects by and in their unholy marriages involving non-virgin women is obviously very toxic to their entire congregations and is also bound to spill over to affect an entire Earth evilly!! How then may “church” be deemed to be of any use or value to the Creator in His plans if church is itself so unholy??

You may want to read this lamentation of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills that was published in the internet for yourself! If you do want to, then here is the internet link to click on in order to read it: https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Virgins-are-no-more-in-churches-Heward-Mills-361365.

For me, many questions came into my thoughts after reading this lamentation of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills.

Firstly, I had to ask myself the question: Do Christian clergymen who conduct ceremonies to join the hands of people in marriage know that many of these women whose weddings they officiate over, had an illicit sexual union with some man other than the one they now sought to be married to??

Secondly, do such clergymen know that physical seals of human flesh known as hymen are purposefully placed by the Most High One Himself as cover or lid to the entrance to the innermost parts [womb] of a woman in order to establish proof of her virginity and thus make her worthy and eligible for marriage ONLY when this hymen remains intact and in situ??

And if they know of this work of the Most High One that is done on and for women to benefit Him and all men, are they able to confirm that such a lid was in place over this entrance into a woman’s innermost parts, intact and unbroken, before they signed away any women into marriage??

Thirdly, before coming to officiate weddings before the huge congregations of invitees who are often called to be witnesses to these events, did these clergymen indeed have the mandate of Yahuwah Elohiym to join the hand of the woman, who may or may not have proof to her virginity, to a man in marriage, to enable these clergymen to rightly make the claim thus: “As a minister of God, I now join you two together as man and wife; and so, my dear groom, you may kiss the bride”, as they always do at their ceremonies wherein they join the hands of a couple in marriage??

And if they do not have proof to such a mandate, how truthful are their utterances and how altogether useful are these ceremonies they conduct for mankind? Furthermore, how worthy or beneficial is such a clergyman’s supposed walk with his Creator to himself or to his followers??

I must say that many more of such questions flooded my mind for which, sadly, I may never find answers to and therefore of no need to state these here in this article!

Part II
Since Christian clergymen who officiate at weddings get to find out through the so-called pre-nuptial counselling services they conduct for those intending to marry in the churches they claim to have charge over, that the women they subsequently hand over to their men suitors were not virgins at the times they did these handovers, they sin against Yahuwah Elohiym and even against themselves by going ahead to conduct these ceremonies anyway!

Yes indeed they sin because by their actions they establish illegal and banned relationships between people, contrary to the Towrah of Yahuwah Elohiym, who they marry off based on the tenets and practices of their churches and not the Towrah!

In fact, such clergymen, by their actions opt to join themselves to the sins of the fathers of these non-virgin women, since it is the spiritual responsibility of the biological father of the woman to hand her over to a man in marriage as a holy virgin with unbroken virginity! And so, what this means is that any father who gives out his non-virgin daughter in marriage, commits a sin whether he knew or never knew that she had lost her virginity before the marriage ceremony!!

Now, before the Most High One will someday accuse and judge Christian clergymen of sin by their self-ordained officiations at marriages, I take it upon myself as a servant of His and in a show of love for such Christian clergymen of my day to make bare to them their sins in this regard, with the hope that some of them may be corrected and thus begin to seek the forgiveness of Yahuwah Elohiym, before the soon-coming day of judgment for all mankind!

And even as Christian clergymen begin to repent of their roles in joining people in illegal and unholy marriages, all of their followers must also do repentance concerning the illegal marriages they live in so that we all may be forgiven of our sins in this regard!!

Let us now go into the scriptures in search of the correction to this evil practice of marrying off non-virgin women to men which has now become a characteristic of almost all marriages involving Christians, if indeed the lamentations of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills are anything to go by!

My first ammunition for this correction is found in Devarim (Deuteronomy??), the chapter twenty-two in the verses thirteen to fourteen, and twenty to twenty-one. I must warn that this is a very tough word of correction! It is as follows:

(13) “If a man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her (14) And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid (virgin): . . . (20) . . . if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: (21) Then they shall take out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of the city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the WHORE in her father’s house: so shall thou put evil away from among you.” KJV Bible—word in parenthesis mine; caps mine.

As can clearly be seen from these words of Yahuwah, any woman who marries a man while knowing very well that she had lost her virginity to some other man in some illicit affair, MUST by such a callous and foolish act of hers immediately attract upon herself death by stoning at the hands of all the men of Yisroel in her community!! This was and is still the law of Yahuwah Elohiym and its concordant punishment that kept and keeps Yisroel pure and holy, and will thus give any nation some modicum of spiritual value, if copied or adopted, so as could be considered of any use to Him!

In fact, any copulation between a woman of broken virginity and a husband who refused to witness to her status of lost virginity proven from events of her first night of marriage would definitely bring evil consequences on the entire nation of Yisroel, simply because a sin of unholy union was not punished in order to appease the wrath of Yahuwah!

And so, whenever the wrath of Yahuwah was never appeased, evil both triumphed and ruled until justice was done through the stoning to death of the sinful woman!

The fact is that if the man who married such a woman of broken virginity refused or failed to report on his findings in the matrimonial bed on the first night of marriage, he would definitely have issues with Yahuwah Elohiym which will not permit him to have peace and prosperity in all he does all of his days in the marriage! For, how would anyone do contrarily to the will of Yahuwah Elohiym and yet prosper in life??

But then, which man can stand the wrath of Yahuwah Elohiym? And so, one can surmise that no man in the history of Yisroel dared knowingly to hide the truth of a woman’s broken virginity that could only be found out by him ALONE through the secret and private affairs of men on the matrimonial bed on the first night of a marital union!

In fact, only a foolish son of Yisroel would attempt to hide this; and so there exists no law in the Towrah to caution a man who would want to keep the important information on his wife’s lost virginity status to himself, and thus attempt to shield her from the wrath of all Yisroel and their Elohiym, neither is there any evidence in the Tanakh (Old Testament of Christians??) of men who suffered any punishment for acting in connivance or collusion with a woman of broken virginity!

So then, since women of today who lose their virginity before marriage may not suffer being stoned to death to appease the wrath of Yahuwah Elohiym for violating His Towrah, simply because some man-made laws that disregard the Towrah and some so-called Human Rights activists both now exist to be applied and to step in to defend them, their marriages cannot evade the curses which their actions must attract!

I can confidently say that families are as they are all over the Earth today—very immoral and lacking behavioral discipline of both their adult parents and growing offspring—because at the root of all family problems is the galore of illegally contracted marriages to non-virgins we now see everywhere on Earth!!

You see, the one single illicit sexual act that brings about a loss of virginity can lead to the introduction and perpetuation of whoredom in any nation and thus the entire Earth—as mankind is warned of and cautioned in the word of Yahuwah Elohiym—if unpunished with death by stoning and allowed to taint or defile one single marriage!

Sadly, this ONE sure route to whoredom revealed in the word of Yahuwah Elohiym to take over the spiritual life of any nation is contrary to the views held by many people today as to what leads to or constitutes whoredom! Today, whoredom is thought by many as being a situation ignited by the trading of bodies by both men and women for sexual gratification!!

But of course, this state of whoredom now seen all over Earth, started with one sin of illicit copulation involving a man and a woman that led to the woman breaking her virginity—a sin which was later condoned by some other man who married her and thus was never punished by the commandment of Yahuwah Elohiym detailed in His Towrah!

When the word of Yahuwah Elohiym cautions mankind in Vayikra (Leviticus??) 19:29 to never permit “the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness” it is in fact a caution to never permit in the land of Yisroel, any marriage to a woman of Yisroel of broken virginity or to any woman who was not of Yisroel or one who was termed a “strange woman”!!

Well, I can confidently say that the entire Earth has now fallen to whoredom, the very situation the Towrah of Yahuwah Elohiym had sought to avert, by the galore of illegal marriages contracted with women of broken virginity all over the world under the endorsement and blessing of Christian clergymen!

I can say there is yet a more damning effect to a marriage involving a woman of broken virginity if it survived beyond the day by which it ought to have been established by a council of elders of Yisroel that the woman was guilty and thus sentenced to death and killed by stoning!

You see, if maybe through a willful act of collusion of the couple to hide the evidence of broken virginity of the woman in order to allow copulation beyond the first day of honeymoon to continue [forever], then such sexual activity was in the eyes of Yahuwah Elohiym one that involved a dead woman, anytime it happened, since any woman who marries in the state of broken virginity MUST count herself a dead woman when her guilt would have been determined after the first night of her marriage!!

And so, one may shudder at the thought of what evil effects the over 90% of all marriages on Earth today which involve women of broken virginity have on the spirituality of all mankind, particularly, on their husbands and children, if they do get to bear any children at all in their unholy states and union!!

Part III
In fact, all who come into being as children by such an illegal marital union involving a woman of lost virginity MUST be seen as “dead” people, technically and spiritually speaking, but only physically alive according to the grace of Yahuwah Elohiym!! This is simply so because a woman with broken virginity is simply dead both spiritually and physically too, within a day or two of marriage [and in fact cannot be considered a living soul worthy to be married to anyone] and thus, any being or anything produced in the context of a marriage to her is by induction also spiritually DEAD!

The Towrah of Yahuwah Elohiym demanded and still demands that every first-born child of virgin birth belonged to Him in His service or that he or she be redeemed—cf. Bamidbar (Numbers??) 3:12-13.

According to this law, every first born child who was also the first to break the matrix of his mother was deemed holy at conception and thus could be useful in the service to Yahuwah Elohiym since he was begotten of a virgin mother.

However, any birth by a non-virgin mother could never be accepted in the service of Yahuwah since such an illegal birth by a defiled virgin was not even possible in Yisroel, anyway!!

Now, because children begotten by women who were defiled before marriage were never useful to Yahuwah Elohiym in any ways is the reason why such women as Dina of Bereshiyt (Genesis??) 34:1-31 and Tamar of Schmu’El Sheni (Second Samuel??) 13:1-32 and Divrey HaYamin Ekhad (First Chronicles??) 3:9 who lost their virginities in evil ways were never given out by their fathers in marriage to anyone to produce children who would be deemed unacceptable to Yahuwah Elohiym for His needs and purposes!!

And so, every father who gives out a daughter in marriage when she had lost her virginity in any situation, knowingly or unknowingly of her status, commits a sin! In this, all men must begin to search their conscience and to make repentance for the purging of their spirits!

Today, instead of Christian clergymen chanting the “No Marriage for non-virgin women” or “Death to the defiled woman who marries” slogan that Yahuwah Elohiym reveals in His word, they instead support and champion the secular laws that are enacted by men to enforce their cliché of “No Divorce, No Divorce” once a marriage under a so-called “Ordinance” or "Church" is contracted involving even non-virgin women!!

It is sad to note that, whereas the Kohanim (priests??) of old who ministered at the mizbeakh (a word pronounced as miz bay akh, and said to mean altar by bible translators) of Yahuwah Elohiym were never to marry any woman who had lost her virginity to some man, even in a once-upon-a-time legal and holy marriage to any man other than of the tribe of Levi when she was yet a virgin, today’s Christian clergymen are happy in getting themselves married to women of lost virginity who may be so morally deranged as could easily be classified as whores or sex workers!! How then would virgins ever be found in Church; as Bishop Dag Heward-Mills laments??

So then, it now seems obvious that our world is full of illegitimate human beings begotten through illegal marriages that are evil to Yahuwah Elohiym!! As many of these illegitimate human beings are leaders of Christianity who officiate at illegal marriages between their followers, it is no wonder that Christianity is as it is [useless] and must soon go away! For, as sin has become endemic in Church, at the point of begetting babies, how can any virgins ever be found there??

It seems to me that so-called Christian marriage counsellors have no slight idea of how the myriad of problems they identify in almost all of today’s marriages came about or originated from! They therefore have no clue whatsoever to the solutions of these marital problems! I can confidently say that the problems in marriages have evolved of these marriages themselves; and are thus endemic and unsolvable in them! How sad!!

Now, just think with me: If no man ever contracted a marriage with a woman of broken virginity, and thus with some woman who had no right to live but to die at the behest of Yahuwah Elohiym through stoning at the hands of men who were truthful to His Towrah, would the wrong kind of people be begotten to create all the problems and wickedness we see or would ever face in our world?? Just think about this!!

When a couple complains of the type of children they have in their home—children who are disobedient and disrespectful of them, lazy, wasteful of their resources, ungrateful, engage in sexual acts for fun or pleasure even as teenagers who have no idea of or desire to be married, wicked to other people, sickly or physically blemished at birth, etc., etc.,—they must know it was their own disobedience to Yahuwah Elohiym against His Towrah instruction not to marry defiled women that had brought them all these problems and pain in order to render that marriage a useless undertaking to them which should never had been contracted in the first place!

If we are to consider what are often termed as generational curses that are found throughout the world and across all generations, we would find that the ONLY ways of origin, perpetuation, and continuous existence of these curses are through marriage, and that they only come about and take effect through marriages that are in themselves cursed by Yahuwah Elohiym at their very inception and which ought not to have been contracted at all!!

It is sad to note that in the lead of such problem-riddled marriages are those that involve non-virgin women! Following such problem-riddled marriages contracted with non-virgin women are those other marriages involving people who are close relatives, and which are thus generally considered incestuous and abhorrent, even according to the very simple sensibilities of most people, not to talk of the fact that Yahuwah Elohiym forbids them since they are recorded as such in His Towrah—cf. Vayikra (Leviticus??) 18:1-30!

Now, even though inter-racial marriages may not be as repulsive to the sensibilities of many people as are incestuous marriages involving couples who are close relatives, every inter-racial marriage such as between a Negro and a Caucasian is nonetheless also forbidden under the Towrah, since they lead to the intermingling of the human seed [blood] which Yahuwah Elohiym hates—cf. Ezra 10:1-44, NekhemYahu (Nehemiah??) 13:27, Mishle (Proverbs??) 22:14, 23:27, 33!

My dear reader, you may have read from the book of Mishle (Proverbs??) 18:22 in the Bible, thus: “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of Yahuwah (the LORD??)”, KJV; but please be informed, however, that Yahuwah Elohiym has no non-virgin woman in His mind for Him to make to become a wife to any of his loyal and holy sons!

So then, if you are a man who is married to a non-virgin woman, thinking it was Yahuwah Elohiym who hooked you up with her, then you must begin to repent of that thought and begin to make plans to get out of that weird marriage, in order to have PEACE with Elohiym!!

And now, talking about finding peace with Elohiym, let me proffer some solutions for our world that is foolishly rushing itself toward self-destruction by its massive appetite and penchant to contract marriages with non-virgin women, even though Yahuwah Elohiym has barred people from engaging in them!!

Obviously, the first way and means to solving this problem has to be that no man today should marry a non-virgin woman; for, this is the starting point of trouble in life for every young man and for even any of advanced age!

And so, fathers of non-virgin daughters should stop giving them out in marriage! Christian clergymen should not officiate at such marriages and State Governments should wash their hands off such marriages since it is none of their business to declare a couple as married.

Second, men must immediately begin to divorce the non-virgin women they are married to; and more promptly so, if these wives are yet to bring forth any children through the union!! In so far as non-virgin women who marry are considered by Yahuwah Elohiym to be dead, anyway, why would anyone want to continue to live with someone who is dead in the name of “love”—or is it not rather lust??

Thirdly, a couple married to each for a very long time before coming to the realization of being guilty in disobeying the instructions of the Towrah of Devarim 22:13-30, may continue to live together even in the same house but must NEVER have any sexual union with each other, any longer, upon judging themselves as guilty of illicit sexual behavior!!

For me, such a couple may continue to live together even under the same roof so that they may be seen in the eyes of the world to be married in order for them to be able, together, to bear the collective responsibility of taking care of any children who were born as a result of the marital union!

But obviously, this is no easy undertaking for any couple living together and yet not supposed to copulate!! Well, is this not the kind of sacrifice and cost anyone who seeks to be holy and acceptable to Yahuwah Elohiym must pay??

However, this may be easier to do where the wife is now past child bearing ability and is in what stage in her life that is termed menopause!! After all, is menopause not in fact a three word command of Yahuwahmen oh pause—shouted out to men to halt from their carnal ways with their wives when these wives may no longer have the ability, energy or the desire to bear children for them and may thus have become frigid to acts of sexual intercourse with their spouses?? Please pause over this!

Part IV
This article should not end without making a case study of the chapter eleven of the book of Shofetim (Judges??) of the Tanakh (Old Testament??) which is an account on the life of a man of valor by name Yiftakh (Jephthah??), who was begotten as the son of Gileadi (Gilead??).

I’d like us to examine the whole chapter of Shofetim in this case study! So then, dear reader, do read the entire chapter on your own in order to be familiar with it before coming to continue your reading of this article.

To begin with, it is obvious that Gileadi the father of Yifthakh disobeyed the commandment of Yahuwah Elohiym in having an illicit sexual union [in marriage??] with a woman who was of Goy (Gentile?) descent and also a harlot; who was to become the second wife of Gileadi and, most probably, was found living in a Goy community at the start of their relationship!

I believe this to be so since this woman who eventually gave birth to Yiftakh is also described as a strange woman and could only thus be a stranger to Yisroel; and, in fact, no harlot could ever live in a community of Yisroel, since no such women could evade being stoned to death if found to be so!

It might seem that Yahuwah Elohiym had in mind a more fitting punishment for her and her erring hubby than permitting the death of the woman after their first sexual union gave her up as not being a virgin, as even a woman of broken virginity in the house of Yisroel deserved to die on the first day after having a sexual union with her hubby after their first night of wedding! So, for her, it was surprising that she even lived through pregnancy unto the safe birth of Yiftakh and yet we are not told what punishment she suffered!!

All the accounts surrounding the life of Yiftakh—the discrimination against him by the legitimate children of the other wife of his father which came at a particular time; his flight to live in HaAretz Tov (Land of Tob??) and his life there as captain of an army of vain men; the timing of the children of Ammon to go to war against the children of Gileadi of the house of Yisroel in an unjust war that ought to have been fought some three centuries earlier if it were a just one; the disgraceful plea of the house of Gileadi to have Yiftakh as their head over and above all the legitimate sons of Gileadi his father, the acceptance of which thus caused him to become the legitimate heir and thus enabled him to be the head of his father’s house in the stead of his father, etc.—were all to lead him to swear the oath he swore to Yahuwah Elohiym, so that in all of that Yahuwah Elohiym would get to have justice to Himself by avenging the sin of Gileadi who was a head man of the house of Yisroel in his illegal marriage to a strange woman (and harlot)!!

You see, the wrath of Yahuwah that had come upon a leader or head of a clan in Yisroel for defiling His covenant through an illegal marriage to a non-virgin foreign woman had to be avenged and the land thus cleansed of whoredom!

In all of this, Elohiym was patient in His plan and He was not to be understood until the whole plan was fully executed to display His wisdom in His manner of doing things! At the end of it all, Yahuwah Elohiym got for Himself a righteous first born girl child due to Him by right from a righteous father Yiftakh as His rightful and acceptable sacrificial item to be sacrificed to avenge His wrath on the house of Gileadi, forever, and to even establish, in all of this, a yearly memorial to constantly bring to the memory and in warning to all of the house of Gileadi the sin of their father which they were never to think of committing in marrying harlots or non-virgin women!

So then, all people today who have sinned by marrying non-virgin women, and all who facilitated such illegal marriages will have to face the wrath of Yahuwah Elohiym no matter how long it takes Him to avenge these sins—and even if posthumously!! And so let all beware and be thus cautioned so as to be ready for the Judgment Day of Yahuwah Elohiym!!

It seems to me that Christian clergymen who claim to be led by a so-called Holy Ghost/Spirit to do holy things and live holy lives are rather misled by an Evil Ghost to do the most despicable and unholy acts such as conduct marriage seminars and counselling, and weddings, involving non-virgin women who may easily pass as sex workers, harlots and prostitutes, plying their trade in shrines, brothels and hotels all over the Earth, and yet such clergymen claim to do service in the name of the Most High One for the benefit of mankind! How could they??

Methinks the instruction of the Most High One to the first man on Earth to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:” should now be revoked, if to my surprise He has not even already done so yet!!

For, why would He allow Himself to be continually afflicted in His heart by all these [dead on arrival] people who are begotten on Earth by lust-filled and fun seeking sexually hyperactive people who disregard His laws on procreation??

The belief system of Christians is simply bull shit if as it can now be seen that one of its major pillars of faith and functions—the organizing and blessing of marriages between its adherents according to their so-called holy matrimony doctrine—turns out to be for people who are unqualified to marry each other in the first place, according to the Towrah of Yahuwah Elohiym!! And yet they suppose that these marriage ceremonies give to their beneficiaries a cloak of respectability and holiness and so must be patronized so as to be a blessing to their patrons!! Like seriously??

Very soon, and I do pray it indeed be very soon, there will be a fresh start to life on Earth to be led by we the true children of Yisroel after being washed and cleansed from the effects of committing sin and delivered from the power to commit sin in itself—cf. Yechezk’El (Ezekiel??) 36:25-27—set to happen somewhere on the next Exodus journey back to our promised land from the regions of Africa South of the Sahara, where all true children of Yisroel are temporally living (many of who may not even be conscious of their identity as being the children of Avraham) while awaiting the final events on Earth to purge it of sin, and then to usher in the eternal rule by Melek Dovid (King David) under the power and in the name of HaBen HaElohiym who is eternally called Yahushua, HaMashakhYahu i.e. the Anointed of Yahuwah (or is this functional title Masaya or even the Messiah of Christians??)!!

At the end of that second and last Exodus, the lands of the Earth would have been cleansed from the effects of whoredom, and then holiness would be restored to Earth as was in the beginning; and thereafter shall only virgin women conceive to bear children throughout all generations of mankind to the glory of the Creator, Yahuwah Elohiym!!

My dear Negro kinsmen who are typically identified among all races of people by your unique crop of woolly textured hair on your heads and faces, would you and or your descendants be part of this holy journey that is prepared for us to someday be undertaken according to the will and plan of Yahuwah Elohiym Himself??

For me, this is my ONLY hope and so, I live so as to be part of this homecoming should it happen in my days or that my descendants after me don’t fall out of it when it takes place! And so, my task is to prepare them to be part of this holy event on the calendar of Yahuwah Elohiym.

My prayer to Yahuwah Elohiym for your sakes, my dear readers, is that you and or your descendants would be a part of this coming glory for Negro people! Shalawam aleikhem!!

You may want to contact the author with your constructive comments via this email address: nngmingbongle@gmail.com.

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