Opinion › Feature Article     ›   02 Nov 2017

Media Cabal in the UEW Impasse

It is very disheartening that the media houses (TV3, Cities FM and its online portal, Joy FM, Ghanaweb, etc.) who are expected to report everything happening in the UEW impasse decided to sell their conscience to Hon Alex Afenyo Markin and co, the people behind the current mess in the University. Since May 22, 2017 when the case was in the Winneba High Court, no media house has ever reported the real issues on the ground at UEW but are quick to report on false information given by heartless characters. On Tuesday, 31/10/2017 and Wednesday, 01/11/17, some media houses reported that UEW VC and 5 others were detained by EOCO without cross checking their facts. It is a blatant useless reportage. VC and the 5 others were not detained. How can some journalists be so mischievous? I am now beginning to believe the media cabal claimed by HE John Mahama. Thanks to UTAG National for bringing the truth swiftly on the media claim that the VC of UEW and 5 others have been detained by EOCO.

To EOCO, don't be used by Freemason Treacherous Devil Incarnate Alex Afenyo Markin, Assoc Prof Abakah, Black CASSOCK MAN Afful-Broni and co to cause mayhem in UEW. No wonder, Alex Afenyo Markin is seriously sick. I wish him speedy recovery. The Bible says pray for your enemies and wish them well. In all the brouhaha in UEW, why always the black CASSOCK man is left out as if he is not part of management? Since when did UEW council realise that they have to arrogate to themselves the power to find facts pertaining to malfeasance and corruption. I learnt that the council formed a so called committee to do some witch hunting. I suppose this is a field of speciality for the council chairman and the Pro VC. I learnt the committee came back last week to ask for an extension and they were given 2 weeks and before one could say jack, the council chair called for an emergency meeting on 31/10/2017 to discuss the committee's interim report which was not even made available for council members to peruse. From the so called interim report in front of the council chair alone, he claimed that some files were missing and a motion was moved for voting on “VC (who has stepped aside since July 14, 2017), FO (who has stepped aside since July 14, 2017) and four (4) others to step aside” and the voting was 8-4 in favour of asking the officers to step aside. On 30/10/2017, the Ag. VC had to meet the student leadership and convinced them to vote on the “asking some officers to step aside” issue. The content of one of the letters to an affected officer is “Following alleged financial and procurement irregularities, among other things, levelled against the University by one Mr. Supi Kofi Kwayera at the Winneba High Court, the Governing Council of the University, at its meeting on 5th September, 2017, set up a Fact Finding Committee to go into the matter to establish the facts in an attempt to abreast itself with information relating to the issues and also to prepare for its defence against eventualities. Besides, the EOCO and the BNI are also conducting investigations into the matter. Whilst the above-mentioned investigations are in progress, the council has been informed of alleged removal of vital documents from files at some offices that are at the centre of the investigations at dead night. Thus, at its meeting held on 31st October, 2017, to discuss the interim report of the Fact-Finding Committee, the Governing Council decided that to enable the Committee, EOCO, and BNI to do a thorough work without being impeded, undermined, compromised, and or shipwrecked, with immediate effect, you and the following officers should step aside while the investigations are ongoing: The above is communicated for your information and compliance.” Then in another letter titled “STEPPING ASIDE OF SIX (6) OFFICIAL AT UNIVERSITY OF EDUCAITON, WINNEBA, at a paragraph, it reads “…Consequently, the Acting Vice-Chancellor has set up a Committee which is currently investigating this serious allegation. Also, interim report from the Governing Council’s Fact Finding Committee raises extremely worrying concerns”. It is fact that EOCO and BNI have finished their investigations so what is UEW council throwing out there? The letters were typed before the council chairman called for the emergency meeting. If this is not witch hunting, then what can it be. The council chair has been committing administrative errors since the time he assumes office. If one looks at the letter to the officers asked to step aside, the letterhead is Registrar’s letterhead which council chair signed. The UEW council chair is abusing his administrative powers. The Pro VC cum Ag. VC and Council Chair have been ordered by Alex to cook the missing documents story. Alex always blackmails the 2 failed professors because he helped them to be where they are now and for that matter they are being controlled by him. Files (Documents) missing is a cock and bull story. Which offices are documents missing from? VC and FO have not been in office since July 14, 2017 so how can they have access to Idocuments? So is the council chair saying that as for the Pro VC, he cannot orchestrate the removal of the said files or documents and must also step aside? Is the file not from a particular office or offices? Let us assume that it is missing from DFO' s office. Why should the development officer been asked to step aside? Is the council's decision not contempt of the supreme court? All these gymnastics is to make sure that the black CASSOCK man hold on to power. Once again, Ag. VC is at post, a file is missing, then UEW council is claiming the VC and the FO who have not been in office since July 14, 2017 have some knowledge of it. The UEW council should go and tell that to the marines. Can’t the Ag. VC and the Council chair be asked of the whereabouts of the files (documents)? Once again, I believe strongly that it is a set up by the Ag. VC to still hold onto power. My question: How many times must VC and FO step aside?

I am reliably informed that Alex Afenyo Markin realising that the ruling of the Supreme Court that comes off next week Wednesday, 8/11/2018 on a certiorari application may not be favourable so he has to order the UEW council chair and the Ag. VC to cook some story. When the winneba high court fixed 28/11/2017 to rule on the application brought against UEW, didn't the council know that they can take action? Now, the Supreme Court has fixed 8/11/2017 and the council chair now realises that some officers have to step aside. If council chair, Ag. VC, Alex Afenyo Markin, etc. think that the UEW impasse is not affecting work output then they should go back and consult their voodoo. I am reliably informed that most lecturers are not teaching with the zeal they used to teach.

I just heard from Citi FM that the lawyer for Supi Kofi Kwayera who has never appeared to defend him in court has withdrawn unconditionally all the cases brought against UEW. I think all the plans from Alex Afenyo Markin is to make sure the supreme court will not rule on the certiorari but he lie bad.

Media Cabal, please, report the real issues on the ground at UEW so that level headed Ghanaian will appreciate your works.

Victor K. Owusu (An Alumnus of UEW)

The following is a piece from a level headed person.

“This action of asking VC, FO and 4 others to step aside over missing files and documents is an afterthought but unfortunately it’s not well thought through. It’s clear to all well-meaning people that this is an attempt to pre-judge the case at the Supreme Court.

How can you accuse people who have not stepped into their office since July 14th 2017, of missing files? The VC and FO have been asked by the Winneba High Court to step aside since 14th July 2017 and they have since not come close to any University offices.

No files are missing. It's ignorance of the procurement process that is worrying the Council Chairman and the Ag VC. The Public Procurement Authority (PPA) and the Central Tender Review Board (CTRB) have copies of all documents of the all procurements in question because of the methods used and the amounts involved.

Did the VC, FO and the 4 others go to the offices of PPA and CTRB at "Dead Night," to steal the copies there too?

If the Council Chairman knows the hour or time that the files were taken (Dead Night), it means he knows those who took them or he saw them taking the files. What did he ask those who took the files?

All UEW offices especially the Administration Blocks are guarded by 24 hour Security-men and a strong control system over the movement of Office keys. The main entrance of the main administration block has CCTV system. How can these six officers take files at Dead Night without being noticed? Do we have any key movement records that show that these officers took keys at odd times?

How sure are we that these six officers have not already completed the files stealing agenda and that asking them to step aside will not yield any results? Why can’t we list the so called missing files and hold the officers who are responsible for the proper custody of those files accountable?

For every file in the University, there is somebody who is officially responsible for its proper custody. Why not hold those specific individuals responsible and request them to produce the so called missing files or documents? The VC and the FO keep file on Procurement?

The truth is that the Council Chairman and the Ag. VC are only very shocked, surprised and confused that after all the noise they made about this issue, they are unable to find any evidence of malfeasance.

Copies of all records concerning the contracts in question are with PPA or CTRB. The Council Chairman should make an official request to PPA and CTRB for copies of the entire documentations on all the Procurements in question.

God is alive and He is in full control of everything!!!”

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