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FN Business Awards 2017 Closes Nominations Tomorrow

The nominations for the maiden edition of FN Business Awards is set close tomorrow, October 20, 2017, 6pm after the one month grace period.

The main event comes off on Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Lou-Ralph Hotel, Dome- Pillar 2, Accra in a grand class.

[ads2]The FN Business Awards is an annual awards ceremony instituted by FN Network, publishers of to honour and celebrate growing Ghanaian businesses, start-ups, SMEs, and individuals making meaningful impacts on society.

The maiden edition, dubbed ‘Ghana @60 Edition’, which is on the theme “Celebrating Ghanaian Businesses” is to join the rest of the people of Ghana to mark Ghana’s 60 years of independence.

The FN Business Awards is being sponsored by Senyo Global , Lou Ralph Hotel with media partnership from Awake Africa and is expected to drawn over 100 participants for the memorable night.

There are thirteen (13) official categories in all of the first edition as well as three honorary awards at the discretion of the organizers.

In a press statement signed by the CEO of FN Network, Mr. Frederick Noamesi indicates that, the awards scheme is to fish out and celebrate Ghanaian businesses which fall in line with the vision of the President of Ghana.

According to him, there will be no room created for nominees who could not win to complain as the criteria to be used in selecting winners by the jury on the various categories will be made public.

The criteria include; 30 percent online voting and 70 percent score from the our jury.

The thirteen official opened categories are;

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