Opinion › Feature Article     ›   24 Nov 2016

Ondo State: The Return Of Eyitayo Jegede And A Future Assured

The judgement by the court of appeal reinstating Mr Eyitayo Jegede SAN as the authentic candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the forthcoming gubernatorial election in Ondo State has sent the people of the state on wild jubilation.

Before the judgement from the court of appeal, political activities in Ondo State had assumed a subdued dimension due to the needless crises instigated by some self-seeking politicians who are believed to find ready-made aid in the court of a certain Justice Okon Abang whose penchant for dishing out highly questionable orders was confirmed by justices of the appeal court who said he acted in “a violent attitudinal disposition to the rule of law”.

The wild jubilation that engulfed the state immediately after the pronouncements of the appeal court must not be allowed to overshadow the compelling need for the people to troop out on Saturday, 26th of November, 2016, or any other day that might be fixed by INEC should it decide to listen to the voice of reason and postpone the election, to vote right and vote for the PDP candidate, Eyitayo Jegede.

Apart from this, the people of Ondo State must be vigilant and stand firm against every form of electoral manipulation and malpractices that might be thrown at them by people who do not mean well for the state. They must reject every form of inducement forces that are out to mortgage their future and that of their children approach them with.

In doing this, the people of Ondo State must remember that Governor Olusegun Mimiko has set a legacy and laid the foundation for people-oriented leadership and projects that must not be allowed to be frittered away by shenanigans parading themselves as office-seekers.

The people of Ondo cannot afford to forget so soon how chieftains of the ruling party at the federal level have been dancing disco on podiums and churning out one propaganda after another, half-truths after another and outright sophistry in their desperate bid to climb to power. Soon after, they have succeeded in visiting Nigerians with hunger, loss of jobs due to closure of businesses as a result of economic hardship, tyranny, etc, contrary to all that they promised.

Nigerians fell for their mendacity and today we are all paying the price for installing an obviously rudderless government in Aso Rock. Failures are always looking for cousins, and truncate the progress of selfless and genuine leaders, hence, the desperate attempts by some forces to stop Jegede just like they have attempted to do in other places.

This is the mistake Ondo people must not make. The “majority” of Nigerians dragged all of us into this mistake at the federal level, this is a golden opportunity for Ondo State to extricate itself from that error. They must not allow the enchantments and divinations of desperate power mongers to have any effect on them.

Of all the governorship contestants in the Ondo election, Eyitayo Jegede SAN is obviously the only one who has the mien of a man with a caring heart, ferocious in his job but gentle in his carriage. Little wonder he has achieved so much for himself as a lawyer and for the State as its attorney-general.

The forthcoming election presents the people with the rare opportunity to make a statement against those who want to sell the state to some landlords in Abuja and or Lagos. They must insist that Ondo State is not for sale.

With Eyitayo Jegede, the people are assured that the mega-school projects would not cease, rather more of it would spring up. They are assured that their children would continue to enjoy free ride to and fro school everyday thereby saving the parents the irritating burden of transport fare. They are assured that the urban renewal scheme would be continued, and that more befitting markets, motor parks, roads, mother & child hospitals that ensure available and easily accessible healthcare to the people, would not cease but rather expanded and improved upon.

There are also plans for power projects and the industrialization of the state taking advantage of Ondo as a major corridor to several states.

While people in PDP states like Abia, Akwa Ibom, Ekiti, Gombe, Ondo, Rivers etc are hailing their governors for the developmental strides in their respective states, Nigerians are deeply regretting their choice of other parties at both the federal and state levels to the extent that even leaders, members and other stakeholders of such parties are equally regretting that they sought office in the first place because they acknowledge that their performances have been expectedly abysmal.

PDP has been tested and they have proved their mettle that they breed visionary leaders who have a knack for achieving results and serving their people. It has proved that despite the numerous fierce attacks against it, it remains the best political party in the land. It is the turn of Ondo people to continue in the noble path of supporting the PDP as they troop out to vote for Eyitayo Jegede SAN for an assured future.

---jrndukwe@yahoo.co.uk ; Twitter: stjudendukwe

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