News › General News     ›   06 Sep 2016

Jomoro NPP Parliamentary Candidate To Transform Constituency

The New Patriotic Party(NPP). Parliamentary candidate for Jomoro Mr.Paul Essien has assured the electorate of his readiness to transform the image of Elubo as the gateway to neighbouring la Cote D`Ivoire.

He explained that as a boarder town where inter-regional trade transactions flourish, Elubo needed to be given a general face-lift through modernization to further accelerate the pace of development in the Jomoro constituency.

Mr. Essien,who is an Assembly member for Tikobo No.1,told an impreeive crowd of NPP party faithfuls and sympathizers during a fundraising ceremony at Elubo to solicit for funds to kick-start their campaign for the December Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

The NPP Parliamentary candidate stressed the need for party members to donate generously to raise funds and go all out to campaign vigorously in their quest to win the December 7 general elections.

Outlining some of his vision, he promised to assist the youth in the area to to get jobs to become economically empowered which will enhance their standard of living and also create the enabling environment for market women and traders to make business thrive.

Mr. Essien urged NPP party supporters and all those who yearn for a change,to campaign for him and the party`s flagbearer,Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo Addo to win the forthcoming general elections.

The Western regional Chairman of the NPP,Mr. Francis Siah said Jomoro was lagging behind in terms of development hence,the need to change the dynamics of politics in the area by voting massively for the NPP.

He asked polling station agents to be extra-vigilant during voting and counting of ballot papers because `elections are won at the polling station`.Mr.siah noted that the incumbent Member of Parliament has failed to bring development to the area.

The party chairman reminded the people that Mr.Essien as an Assembly member, has done a lot to better the lot of the people especially in his electoral area,Tikobo No.1 through the building of stores, giving scholarship packages to school children, effort in ensuring environmental sustainability among others and deserves to represent the interest and aspirations of the Jomoro constituency in Parliament.

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