News › Education     ›   04 Feb 2005

Non Formal Education facilitators honoured

Agona Swedru, Feb 4, GNA - Forty-four Facilitators of the Non-Formal Education Division of the Ministry of Education in the Agona District of the Central Region have been honoured for their hard work. They received items worth more than 32 million cedis including roofing sheets, bicycles, sewing machines and wax print. Mr Andrew Nawil, Deputy Agona District Co-ordinating Director said non-formal education was important in the country's human resource development to improve the living standard of the people. He said it was also part of the efforts to make more people literate to move the country's socio-economic and political development forward.

Mr Nawil stated that the initial critics of the programme had been proved wrong considering the impact it had made especially in the advancement of people living rural areas.

He advised the facilitators to teach their learners more about government policies and programmes especially the National Health Insurance Scheme.

Mr Daniel Sackey, Agona District Co-ordinator of the Non-Formal Education Division said the Facilitators were honoured to encourage their colleagues to give up their best.

He expressed the hope that the incentive would motivate them to strive to increase the number of learners in the district, which stood 3,888 made up of 1171 males and 2717 females.

Mr Sackey appealed to the District Assembly to provide a permanent accommodation for the Division.

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