Politics › NDC     ›   10 Jun 2016

NDC needs intra-party soul searching - Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings and founder of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) has asked party members to undertake a thorough introspection in order to identify and remove impediments to the party’s progress.

Speaking at the 24th anniversary of the party, Mr Rawlings said, “We need to offer ourselves multiple opportunities for intra-party soul-searching, where we can candidly look ourselves in the face and question our contribution to the success or otherwise of this political force.”

He also urged party leaders to consult members on all decision-making processes to ensure true participatory democracy is achieved in the party.

Mr Rawlings founded the party in 1992 after leading the country for over a decade through a military coup.

He rode on the back of the party to win the 1992 and 96 elections under a democratic system.

He told party supporters that the NDC was borne out of the toil and sweat of the ordinary people of Ghana, who spontaneously rose up on June 4, 1979, to put an end to the arrogance of power, massive corruption and the denigration of the people of Ghana for well over a decade.

“I need not bore you with the history of the AFRC and the PNDC even though there are some here who actually need a few years of education on why some laid down their lives to bring them where they are today,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, NDC General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketia said the party is poised to win elections on November 7 as the party has repaired its image over the years.

“We have polished our image. You know that some time ago we were branded with the tag of a violent party and luckily we have managed to shed that branding completely and another group has graciously taken over that branding and we thank them for that,” he stated.

Story by Ghana | Myjoyonline.com

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