News › General News     ›   18 Aug 2015

Ayedwe Community struggles to educate children

Some Children of School going age at Ayedwe, a community in the Twifu Hemang Lower Denkyira District of the Central region continue to stay at home because there are no schools in the community.

The Chiefs and People of the community have been appealing to government to make the dreams of the children and the community possible by helping them get a school.

The community made the appeal when Pro World Ghana, an NGO constructed a community centre for the community.

Apart from the children in the community not having access to education, the community of about 300 people has no access to health care as well as other social amenities.

The nearest school and health facility are about seven kilometres from the community. Children who desire to go School have to trek every morning to the nearest School at Jukwa Mfuom.

The chief of the community, Nana Adu Gyan told Joynews, pregnant women and the sick suffer most in case of emergencies as the pregnant women and the patients have to be carried by strong men in the community to a health facility receive medical attention.

“We are handicapped. There are no schools here. A private School came with a car to take our children to school every day but they stopped coming because of our bad road network. So for four days, the children here will not be able to go to school. It is a big challenge to this community. We need the intervention of government to help us get the children to school. We are indeed happy that Pro World has set the pace by putting up this community centre where we can start something”, the Chief indicated.

The joy of the community knew no bounds as the first block building (a community Centre) was constructed to serve as a meeting place for the community by PRO World Ghana.

Country director of the NGO, Shawn Dillard, is happy that their dream of helping the community has finally been realized.

“Our vision is to help empower communities and we work with interns of Universities to do that. Our mission is to extend our reach to the rural communities in the central Region to help them develop and realize their full potentials. What really touched me about this community was how hard working they were and their resolve to get things done”.

The Cape Coast Metro director of the Social Welfare Department, Felicia Ankrah, who was informed of the plight of the community, assured the community of her resolve to help get them under the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Program( LEAP).

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