Opinion › Feature Article     ›   28 Jun 2014

And The Church Drama Continues

The church and its leadership are sometimes to blame for the insult and mockery it gets from unbelievers. We are living in the days when church leaders are trying to outwit each other in their quest to tap into the supernatural. They even throw caution to the dogs. Some don't mind tapping into evil powers so long as it will help them mesmerise the crowds. Some times even the screaming and manifestation of the 'spirit' seems demonic. It is surprising that secular broadcasters are prudent enough to avoid endorsing some of the drama when airing clips from some church services. Most of them begin with disclaimers to warn their viewers while gullible Christians take it all, hook, line and sinker.

Last time I wrote about Pastor Allen Parker and his 'nude' White Tail Chapel. He has managed to persuade the entire congregation to be attending services in their birth day suits. I also did mention Rev. Njohi from Kenya who has ordered all ladies to be coming to church without underwear so that Christ can enter their bodies unhindered, don't ask me how? He is the only one with answers to this question. And finally, I tackled those crazy church names. But wait a minute, that's not all there's to this unfolding church drama.

A pastor in South Africa is trying to out do them all. He may not be a popular figure in Malawi, but he is already causing a stir elsewhere. The Zimbabweans denied him entry into their country for duping his followers into eating grass. Respectable ladies and gentlemen took to their knees as they competed to orally mow that grassy lawn like cattle in a grazing field. He had told them his anointing could turn anything into sweet food. They ate and testified to its sweetness. A few minutes later they were all sick as some started vomiting and purging. This was professionally edited out and never became the viewers menu. He professionally got away with it. Then he pulled another stunner by ordering his members to sleep and they all powerlessly fell into a fatal slumber. Then he literally stomped on their helpless bodies. Viewers felt sorry as he stomped on a small girl with his boots on. The church gulped for breath in shock. Later on he ordered those close to them to slap or hit them hard. You could see the apprehension on the face of the congregation as some refused to hit their beloved in the Lord. He said all this was from God and to prove it he asked the dizzy looking members after they had been awakened from their stupor, if they felt any pain. All of them said there was no pain in their bodies. He claimed that all this was a sign that all the slapping and stomping is from God. Just soon after waking them from their stupor, he ordered them to follow him on all fours. They all crawled and some barked like dogs, while others mooed like cattle as they followed him when he was snaking his way in the aisles. Should we call this manipulation godly? Which God would abuse his followers like that?

The man has to show us scriptural backing to prove that God loves a sleepy church. The Bible encourages people to stay awake and be on the watch. Actually God equates love of sleep to laziness in the book of Proverbs Chapter 6 verses 9 - 11. Secondly, the man has to explain the benefit of taking people through that torturous ordeal. After the sleeping and the slapping, what do members gain? My suggested conclusion is that the guy is just a hypnotist. He professionally leads them into a hypnotic trance and begins to control their minds. The only Biblical account of a man eating grass is in the book of Daniel where King Nebuchadnezzar was divinely banished from Gods presence and was clearly mad. If this is not insanity in Jesus name, then what is it?

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