Politics › Politics     ›   17 Sep 2013

Thirty-six year old teacher confirms as DCE for Lambussie-Karni

Assembly Members in the Lambussie-Karni district have voted to confirm thirty six year old teacher, Bom Kofi Dyaka as the District Chief Executive.

At an emergency meeting held at Lambussie, 25 out of 34 Assembly Members voted to confirm the nominee.

The election which was conducted by the Upper West Regional Director of the Electoral Commission, Ali Dauda requires the nominee to win two thirds of the votes of members present, meaning the nominee needed to secure at least 23 votes.

The DCE-elect, Bom Kofi Dyakah thanked president Mahama, the Assembly Members, the leadership of the National Democratic Congress for the confidence reposed in him. He promised to work assiduously to make the government's better Ghana agenda a reality there.

He stated that been a professional teacher he was not enthused about the pass rate of students in the Basic Education Certificate Examination in the area.

"Education is the live-wire and cornerstone of every nation and I will tackle it squarely which in a way will alleviate the poverty the people are wallowing in," he added.

Deputy Upper West Regional Minister, Abu Kabiebata Kansangbata, judging by the support given the DEC by the Assembly Members which was translated into the votes he had, charged him to double his effort to bring everybody on board irrespective of one's party affiliation.

''The results shows the beauty of democracy; you disagree and agree on principles. This is just the beginning, it presupposes that our nominee who has been confirmed needs to reconcile and work with everybody'', he posited.

He appealed to the DCE to make sure that state resources are used judiciously and that they should not use common fund to service district assembly meeting but for development projects.

He tasked him to work together with Assembly and Unit Committee members to look for innovative ways to expand revenue mobilisation in the district.

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