News › General News     ›   16 Jan 2013

Pentecost University warned against re-admitting sacked students

Authorities of the Pentecost University have been warned against a move to recall all students dismissed for defective entry requirement without due process.

It came to the attention of the Human Rights court that all affected students are seeking to reap the fruits of a law suit by a few of their colleagues who are challenging their dismissal.

Lawyers for those suing were in court today to move application for ten others to be joined to the case which was granted.

But the court cautioned authorities against recalling other affected students, saying it is only those who sued that can enjoy the fruits of an existing injunction against their dismissal.

Gary Nimako, one of the lawyers for the students told Joy News other students who wish to be recalled into the school can only do so by joining the suit.

The order granted affects only the 20 students and therefore any other student who for one reason or the other was also affected by the directive must join the suit in order to benefit from the order given by the court, else they do so at their own peril.

Ten students late last year proceeded to court to challenge a decision by school authorities to axe them from the school for defective entry requirements.

The students won the case and the court ordered the school to readmit them.

Ten other affected students also joined the suit increasing the number of students to 20.

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