Opinion › Opinion       20.01.2012


Accra, Jan. 20, GNA – All praise and thanks to Allah, the Exalted and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S.A.W.). “To every people, is a term appointed: when their return is reached, not an hour can they cause, delay nor can they advance in anticipation” (Quran 7:34). Such is death, the inevitable and as Allah has destined, one by one, one day at a time, every soul shall have the taste of death. As Muslims, we do not question death but rather take solace in the fact that Allah has mentioned in the Glorious Quran (Chapter 2:156) that, “Verily! We are from Allah and verily, unto Him we shall return.”

Muslims believe that everything occurs according to pre-ordainment and according to what has been decreed (by Allah). Besides, nothing happens in the universe except with Allah's knowledge, permission and divine plan. It is for this reason that Allah says in Quran 57:22 that, “No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a book before we bring it into existence: That is truly easy for Allah”.

The word “IDDAH”, is derived from the Arabic word “AL-ADAD”, meaning 'the number'. In the terminology of the Shariah, it means “a period of waiting” after the death of a woman's husband or her separation or divorce from him. The same word Iddah is used to describe both waiting periods resulting from death, separation / divorce as the case may be. The Muslim Jurists have unanimously agreed on its importance since the injunction of the Quran is quite explicit on this subject.


Iddah of a woman who still menstruates (iddah resulting from separation or divorce): three monthly periods

Iddah of women who have passed the age of menstruation (as in old women): three months

Iddah of a woman whose husband died: four months and ten days or 130 days (the extra period of 40 days seems to have been added to provide ample time for the widow to mourn her husband)

Iddah of a pregnant woman (as a result of the death of the husband or divorce): until she delivers the unborn child.

Iddah of a woman whose marriage is not yet consummated i.e. a woman whose husband divorces her before having any sexual relations with her, there is no waiting period.

Some Scholars like Ibn Abass have said that since Allah has made it obligatory for the woman whose husband dies to wait for four months and ten days, and has decreed the specified period of waiting for the pregnant woman to last until she has delivered, it follows that if the husband dies leaving a pregnant wife, she is bound by the two periods CONCURRENTLY just as she would fulfil any two duties combined. This means that though the Iddah of a widow is intended to last for four months and ten days, if she is pregnant her waiting period will depend on the length of time left for the child to be delivered. The waiting period could be more, equal or less than the specified period depending on how old the pregnancy was at the time the husband died. This is to say that if a pregnant widow delivers a child even a day, a week etc, after the husband dies, her Iddah ends the very day the child is born. She needs not wait again.

There are Quranic injunctions to support the aforementioned types of Iddah. In Quran 2:228, it is stated unequivocally that, ”Divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly periods. Nor is it lawful for them to hide what Allah hath created in their wombs if they have faith in God and the last day”. Besides, Allah says concerning Iddah resulting from the death of a husband, “If any of you dies and leaves widows behind, they shall wait concerning themselves for four months and ten days. When they have fulfilled their term, there is no blame on you if they dispose of themselves in a just and reasonable manner. And Allah is well acquainted with what ye do (Quran 2:234).” Again, explicitly, the Quran says about Iddah for a woman whose marriage is not yet consummated. “O! You who believe: when you marry believing women and you divorce them before you have touched them, no period of Iddah (waiting) have you to count in respect of them. So give them a present, and release them in a handsome manner”(Quran 33:49).


Women, before the advent of Islam, went through the worst of conditions. It is well known that in those days (the days of ignorance), the Arab woman suffered many atrocities and untold hardships. She had no right whatsoever, to the extent that her permission was not sought, in matters concerning her own being. In fact, she herself became a property to be inherited upon the death of her husband. With the advent of Islam some 1,400 years ago, came her liberation and emancipation leading to the termination and condemnation of such barbaric acts.

It is reported in a hadith that Zaynab Bint Jahsh said, “If a woman in the days of ignorance (before the advent of Islam) loses her husband, she is kept in a small room similar to a pen where animals are kept to undergo a waiting period of one year. She will be made to wear the worst among her dresses, not take a bath, not use any fragrance, nor adorn herself with jewellery or ornaments until the year has ended. When the waiting period is over, animals like goats, sheep and birds are used to rub her body and the stench on her body is such that the animals hardly survive; they die. When she is finally let out of the pen after completing her waiting period of one year, the faeces of a camel are poured on her after which she is set free”. (This Hadith was agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim in their collections of Traditions). How barbaric, inhumane and savagely cruel!!!


With the advent of Islam came the emancipation of the Muslim woman. Today's Muslim woman was emancipated some 1,400 years ago contrary to what is perceived in contemporary times. Her rights are succinctly enshrined, entrenched in the Holy Quran. Her rights were granted, guaranteed and spelt out unambiguously, vividly, and explicitly in Chapter 4 of the Holy Quran. A whole Surah (chapter), in fact, has been dedicated to women in the Quran. This chapter is known as AN –NISA meaning. The Women. Why the dedication to Women only? Allah knows best. Some of these rights include the right to be maintained by her husband, the right to choose her own spouse and not under duress, the right to own and dispose of her property as she deems fit, the right to education, among others, with her first right being the knowledge that these rights do exist for her. She can only know this through education which is a jurisprudential foundation of Islam. It is only through education that one can exercise one's rights as a citizen of any nation. It is only when one knows that one can access a lot of governmental interventions that have been designed to eradicate poverty, hunger and disease that one can benefit from them. The Muslim woman must, therefore, seek knowledge wherever it may be.


The first thing to know is that the widow is supposed to wait for four months and ten days or precisely 130 days after the death of her husband. The countdown starts from the day he died.

The widow must have self-control and patience
During that period, the widow must always appear neat, simple, ordinary and modest as Islam always expects of her, no matter how wealthy her family may be. Her dressing must not depict affluence, sophistication or opulence.

She must neither adorn herself nor wear any jewellery or ornaments.

She must not use any fragrance like perfumes, cologne etc.

She must not adorn herself with any kind of make-up; not even kohl (eye liner)

She must not enter into any matrimonial agreement with any man during the period of waiting. She may only do this afterwards.

Concerning the use of kohl, it is reported by Umm Salama (may Allah be pleased with her) that, a woman came to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and said,”O Prophet! my daughter's husband died and whilst she was in her Iddah she complained of her eyes. The kohl has always been the solution for her eye problem. May we apply collyrium (kohl) on her eyes? The Holy prophet answered, “No”. The question was repeated two or three times and each time the answer was an emphatic “No”. Then the Holy Prophet said,”It is only four months and ten days after which the kohl is permitted”. This Hadith goes to show how patient and enduring a woman should be as she performs the Iddah. The natural disposition of women upon which Allah created them is to love beauty and the art of beautifying but the time for Iddah is no time for beautification.


The first and foremost reason why a Muslim woman must undergo the Iddah is because Allah says so. Allah's commandments are meant to be obeyed. One cannot claim to worship Him if one does not obey Him.

Having gone through such a trying time, coupled with shock, depression, anguish and sadness the woman is allowed time to mourn her husband's death, reflect on a number of issues and gradually purge herself of the shock through Allah's guidance.

To ascertain whether the widow is pregnant for the deceased husband. The waiting period will enable the deceased husband's relatives as well as society at large to know if the widow is harbouring a child of the husband in her womb so that there may be no confusion or disagreements about the paternity of such a child if the woman seeks to re-marry. By this, the deceased husband's lineage will be protected.

The widow needs to wait for the period since engaging in social activities soon after the husband's death might make society suspicious of her. Her husband's honour and dignity must be protected.

Though extremely difficult, Islam encourages women to marry again after their husband's demise. The waiting period allows the woman time to be fit enough to exercise her fullest judgement to avoid making hasty and regrettable decisions, and Allah knows best.

Amongst the rights of a Muslim Woman is the right to be maintained by her husband. Maintenance here is the right of a wife to receive food, clothing, residence and other essential services from her husband on a scale commensurate with their social position and in accordance with the customs and norms of the society in which they live. Maintenance of a woman according to the Quran, the Sunnah and the concensus of the jurists is an obligation upon a husband. There are, however, exceptional cases where for one reason or the other the Muslim woman, apart from being the manager of her home, accepts an employment outside her home to cater for the needs of the entire family, including her husband, either because the husband is indisposed and cannot work or to supplement her husband's meagre income. This is permitted in Islam.

Upon the demise of her husband, this obligatory maintenance ceases to exist naturally. The widow is supposed to be taken care of from her husband's estate or property if he left any. In the absence of that, society must bear the burden of catering for her needs until she has completed the Iddah. If society does not fulfil this obligatory act, then two things may happen: Firstly, a widow who was employed before the death of her husband and cannot obtain the luxury of a leave of absence of four months and ten days or 130 days with or without pay as a corporate or organisational policy, may go to work and earn her living. Besides, a widow who was not employed before the death of her husband may go out to earn a living if her husband left nothing to be used to feed and cater for her needs or if society is not forthcoming with her upkeep.

In an authentic Hadith, Jabir narrated that his maternal aunt was divorced. During the period, she went out to cut the fruits from her palm-trees. A man saw her and forbade her to go out. She went to the Holy Prophet and reported the matter to him. The Prophet said: “Certainly, You may go out to cut down fruits from your palm-trees, for perhaps you may give sadaka (charity) or do an act of kindness”. (This Hadith was reported by Muslim). From this narration it is clear that a Muslim Woman performing Iddah is permitted to go out to work, to earn a living and certainly use part of her earnings to do an act of kindness like charity.

A widow must spend the days of her Iddah in the house of her late husband. Such is the ruling given by majority of religious scholars. She should be taken care of by close relatives and other family members from both sides. However, assuming the widow was out of the country (with the consent of her husband when he was alive) for say, an official or national assignment and is resident (as in the case of foreign or diplomatic service personnel) in that country, she can perform the Iddah there, without necessarily coming back home. If she was in that country only for a visit, then it is incumbent on her to come back home to perform the Iddah in her late husband's house.


Have faith in (Allah) God. In this moment of truth, one needs to do a lot of purging. The only guaranteed means of purifying the heart, removing anxieties and worries is to have complete faith in Allah. There can be no true meaning to life, in fact, when one has no faith. In proportion to your faith i.e. whether strong or weak, firm or wavering will you be happy and at peace. The waiting period is a very trying and turbulent condition. A stage in life which has to be surmounted with faith and belief in Allah. To have faith means one must understand and accept wholeheartedly without reservations that, “No kind of calamity can occur except by the leave of Allah. And if anyone believes in Allah, He guides his heart (aright): For Allah knows all things” (Quran 64:11). The Quran says,”Whoever works righteousness whether male or female, while he is a true believer; verily, to him we will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision). And we shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. paradise in the hereafter)” Quran 16:97. Allah has said that He will test us with something of fear, hunger, loss of lives, fruits, and that there will be glad tidings for the patient ones. The only way to pass this test, Brothers and Sisters is through Faith.

Above all, Remembrance of Allah. Remember Allah always, for He has said that “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest (Quran 13:28)”. Remembrance is not only a safe haven from the problems and worries of this world, but also a short and easy path to achieving ultimate success. When we remember Allah, clouds of worry and fear are driven away and the mountains that make up our problems are blown away. Repeat His Beautiful, Blessed names and mention Him as being alone, worthy of worship. Mention His praises, supplicate to Him and ask for forgiveness from Him and you will find, by the will of Allah, happiness, peace and illumination. By remembering Allah, you walk towards Him. He will reciprocate by running towards you. In an authentic Hadith, the Holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), said “The example of one who remembers his Lord to one who does not is that of the living and the dead”.

Furthermore, one must be constant and steadfast in PRAYER. Widowhood is a difficult and challenging situation, a period of turbulence, for one to find oneself. God, however, listens to us when we are on bended knees and when we prostrate especially. God has said that His servant is closest to Him when he prostrates to Him. As a widow, you are beset with fear and anxieties but, stand up and pray for that is when your soul will find comfort and solace. The prayer, as long as you perform it sincerely with a wakeful heart, is guaranteed to have a soothing effect on you. The tears will flow freely when you do not even expect it but take more of it to your Lord in Prayer. Allah loves it when we call on Him. He is always expecting us to ask Him to do something for us; the medium is prayer, sincere prayer involving the heart and mind. What He loves best? Prayer, deep in the night when sleep is probably enjoyed most. “911” Him for a quick response deep in the night for, He is always on standby to pick that call. His lines are never busy. At least not around 2am. That is when He would wish you call on Him. This is why He emphatically says in Quran76:25-26,”And celebrate the name of thy Lord morning and evening, and part of the night, prostrate thyself to Him: and glorify Him a long night through”. Sisters, prayer will make your anchor hold in this storm of life.

Moreover, READ. Read wide. This article would not have been possible if I had not read, if I had not researched and consulted to get the necessary information. The period of waiting is long. We (Women) would never have waited if Allah had not commanded us to do so. We have to make it useful and worthwhile for, time and tide waits for no man. Reading expels anxiety and grief. Reading helps to develop the mind and purify its thoughts. Reading increases one's faith especially if one reads beneficial books. Reading increases one's knowledge and improves one's memory and understanding. Reading helps to relax one's mind from distraction and to save one's time from being wasted. Do not waste the waiting period! Make sure you read the Holy Quran, cover to cover, understand, and reflect on its meaning. I agree the Holy Quran is voluminous but, be determined and you can, for, the difference between the possible and impossible is determination.

Last but not least, give out as much “Sadaka“(charity) as you can. Engage in many acts of goodness and kindness. If possible, help the poor, the needy, the destitute, the deprived, the homeless, the aged, children, orphans, the sick, your neighbours, other widows etc. No matter the condition, no matter the situation, you may be better off than someone. That has always been Allah's own plan. Do these acts of goodness with the sole intention of attracting Allah's immeasurable blessings unto yourself and ask Him to extend same to the departed ones. Remember, all the good things they did in their lifetime and all those we do on their behalf after they depart from us will be beneficial to them in the hereafter. It is added unto what they already have to their credit in a scale or balance called AL-MIIZAN. Would you not love to help make the good deeds of your beloved departed souls outweigh the bad ones (if any)? It is not far- fetched. The aforementioned acts of goodness and kindness will make it possible, Insha Allah (If God wills).

Sisters and Brothers, I must say in conclusion that, do not be sad, for that which has been pre-ordained has already been decided upon and will take place though you may not like it. The pens have dried, the scrolls have been rolled up and every affair is firmly established. No woman in her right senses would pray to God to make her a widow since that would be tantamount to killing but if it so happens through God's knowledge, pre-ordainment and divine plan we must be ready to accept it and keep the faith.

On a more personal note, I think as a widow, I believe that whatever had happened to me was decreed for me just as whatever I have missed out was never meant for me. “Que sera, sera” (whatever will be, will be). . .............. Allah is All-Wise, All-Knowing. A waiting period of four months and ten days is so long. A period which to me, is an experience of a lifetime. I so selflessly made good use of every passing moment that, with the end of the period in sight

I cannot help but miss it and wish the last day would never come. How time flies! Everything that has a beginning must surely have an end but little did I know it will be so soon. Though a stage in life, a test of time, I believe it is the best thing that ever happened to me. Strive to intensify all acts of worship. Have unreserved faith in Allah, remember Allah, pray, read and intensify all acts of goodness and kindness as if it is the end of time for you. Again, we must strive to contemplate the many favours and gifts that Allah bestows upon us and be thankful to Him. Remember, Allah has said:” And if you would count up the favours of Allah, never could you be able to number them......... (Quran 16:18).

In everything, we must give thanks to Him. It is my fervent hope and prayer that by his faith and righteous deeds while he lived, Allah will reward and admit him into the Gardens of Bliss, Gardens of Eternity, beneath which rivers flow to abide therein forever on couches encrusted with gold and precious stones, with goblets, shinning beakers and cups filled out of clear-flowing fountains. May I ask Allah who deserves all praises, thanks and glory to have mercy on your soul, Ambassador FARHAN LAARY BIMI (Late Chairman, N.C.C.E.).

Fare thee well.
A GNA Feature by Francis Ameyibor and Hajia Hanatu Abubakar-Bimi

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