Opinion › Feature Article       19.10.2009

Christianity Was Adapted Wholesale From Paganism

HRM Naiwu Osahon, the Agosu of Africa, renowned author, philosopher of science, mystique, leader of the world Pan-African Movement

All modern religions of the world use lies, verbose, archaic and in most cases appalling languages, passed off erroneously as wisdom or divine inspiration, to intimidate and cajole their followers into believing that there was nothing before their advent. Religious truth cannot be unraveled without recourse to its mother source, which is African spirituality. Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and all the other names peddled as founders of modern religions, adapted their religions from the African Mystery System of Thoth, Ausar, Auset and Heru. Western, Arab, and Asian scholars, jurists and commentators on the history of religions ignore this basic fact and the entire gamut of spiritual flowering dating from pre-historic man and the dawn of alchemy in the five thousand years before the new era.

It is this ignorance by the world's supposed “great religions” and their apologists, this shallowness in the interpretation of spirituality, this disconnection from source, this lack of spiritual depth paraded as scholarship or divine faith, that are responsible for the confusion in the world of religions today. Modern regions are false and inadequate, that is why adherents are using aggressive means to stay alive. Enduring legacy cannot be built on quicksand. Mankind has been ignoring the elementary wisdom of using hard facts and truth, however bitter and uncomfortable, to find 'God' in the last two thousand years.

Africans are the ones created in the image and likeness of 'God' because they were the first humans on earth. They are the original human race and have been around for 13 million years. Other races are African bleached copies and are generally less than 15 thousand years old. So, is it unreasonable to expect that Africans would know their 'Father' better than the follow-up races they themselves sired? In fact, is it possible for any one to find and know 'God' without seeking the help of 'God's' first and only child, the African ancestor of the human race, who as Homo-sapiens, is a hundred thousand years old?

The Universe is some 13.7 billion years old and the Earth 4.6 billion years. Humans are the late comers on Earth and have evolved over a period of 13 million years mostly as members of the chimpanzee family. We only started looking as we do now (i.e. Homo sapiens) 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. 15,000 years ago to be specific, the human race was still very primitive. The stirring of civilization started in earnest from Black Egypt less than 10,000 years ago. All races of the world originated from the African (Black), and moved to occupy the rest of the earth from Africa. Even when original African settlers all over the world had begun to change in skin colour due to climatic differences and had forgotten their African origins, new waves of Africans continued to invade their old colonies to assert their authority and teach new knowledge. From the Osirian reign in Egypt in 4100 BCE, Africans began to teach the rest of mankind farming, industrialization, commerce, and how to organize cities and nation states, while the African religion, the Mystery System, (which is the mother of all the religions of the world), began its uninterrupted supremacy until about 2000 years ago.

Africans from Ethiopia and Egypt colonized Mesopotamia and Elam in 4000 BCE to teach the rudiments of civilization and introduce African religion (spirituality), which with eventual emphasis on Nimrod, whose after life image is carved from that of Ausar (Osiris), went through several phases to become Zoroastrianism. The African religion also gave birth to the Islamic religion in Persia, 1000 years before the birth of Muhammad. The Dravidians from Ethiopia took Hinduism to India in 3200 BCE. In 1640 BCE, 70 Hebrews entered Egypt but some 3,154,000 African-Hebrews left Egypt in 1230 BCE, under the leadership of the African prince called Moses. Moses trained in the Mystery System as a prince for 40 years and adapted its laws for his followers. Arabs are a hybrid of Africans and Caucasians. Muhammad was born in 570 CE and he adopted the Babylonian (African) religion that was already 1000 years old from Persia during his time.

The basis of morality, justice, resurrection, virgin birth, Holy Ghost, Trinity, humanized Trinity, the notion of the last judgment, with Ausar as judge (God) of the dead, myths and philosophies of all religions, law and order in society, what constitutes good governance and democracy, all originated from the 'Great Quarrel'' and the 'Judgment of the Night of Weighing Words,' of the Mystery System.

Also in the 'Great Quarrel,' is the origin of the 'Virgin Birth,' and the Immaculate Conception myths, four thousand, four hundred and twenty-five years before the Christian version. Still clearly visible today in the Temple of Ausar (Osiris), in Abydos, are pictures of the 'Virgin Birth' and the 'Resurrection,' showing Osiris' penis perpendicular to his body as the symbol of resurrection and 'Virgin Birth.'

The Tomb of Pharaoh Rameses VI, in the Valley of the Kings, shows the forty-two Admonitions of Goddess Maat, out of which Moses copied his 'Ten Commandments,' thousands of years later. The laws on morality and human behaviour are known as the 'Admonitions of Goddess Maat,' the Goddess of Justice and law. Africans introduced the concept of the feather of truth, and the scale as the symbol of justice.

Africans gave the world the concept against murder as a result of the judgment of the 'Great Quarrel' between Auset, Heru and Set. Heru (who the Greeks called Horus), and all the other Gods, saw the murder of Ausar by his brother Set, as evil. A murder that preceded the Cain and Abel copy story by four thousand, four hundred and twenty-five years.

Africans gave the world the concepts of Heaven and Hell and all the aligned concepts copied by all the religions of the world. The African Mystery System gave the concept of good and evil, truth and lie (deceit), and the feather of truth (i.e. that truth is weightless and lie requires several layers of lies to sustain it). That righteousness is superior to might and steel. That virtue will be rewarded in Empyrean-abode of blissful spiritual life after death, and that our ancestors do not die. Ausar (Osiris) ascended into heaven. The evil and deceitful roast perpetually in Hell. Reward for the righteous is sometimes slow but always certain. No evil doer will escape punishment, which influenced the law of Karma in Buddhism. These laws were settled when Heru, the one and only Son of God Ausar by 'Virgin Birth,' took his Uncle Set to court. Heru's triumph in court established that patience, honesty, truthfulness and goodness will defeat evil and might in the court of just men.

Cheikh Anta Diop: (The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality, edited and translated by Mercer Cook, Lawrence Hill Co., USA), tells us that: “A visitor to Thebes in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt can view the 'inferno' in details (in the tomb of Seti I of the nineteenth Dynasty). Osiris at the tribunal of the dead is indeed the Lord of revealed religions, sitting enthroned on Judgment Day.” Africans created God Ausar, the Lord of all religions, sitting in Judgment over the dead. He is righteous, noble, beyond fault, and his brother, God Set (Setan or Seth), evil personified, would not obey his own laws, and contesting realm of influence (human souls) with his elder brother. Diop says, “ from a famous passage from the Book of the Dead in which the deceased renders an account of his earthly acts before the Tribunal presided over by the God Ausar (Osiris), it is readily seen that Judaism, Christianity and Islam, took their dogma of the Last Judgment from the text: I have not sinned against men… I have done nothing to displease the gods; I have indisposed no one against his superior. I have not let anyone go hungry. I have not made anyone weep. I have not killed, nor ordered anyone to kill. I have not touched the bread of the gods. I have not stolen offerings to the blessed dead. I have not reduced the measure of grain. I have not shortened by one cubit nor cheated on weights. I have not taken milk away from the mouth of the child, I have not removed cattle from the pasture, I have not dammed floodwater during its period… I have done no damage to herd, property, or temple funds. Be praised, O God! See I come to you without sin, without evil… I have done what is pleasing to the gods. I have given bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothes to the naked, a boat to him who had none. I have made offerings to the gods and funeral gifts to the blessed dead. Save me, protect me. You will not accuse me before the Great God. I am a man with pure mouth and pure heart. Those who see me say, welcome. “

African Deities are Gods spelt with capital letter 'G' and are attributes of the 'One Source,' the 'Uncreated Creator,' who is Tu-SoS, or Judaism's En-Sof, and is beyond God or Gods. The Christian religion worships African humanized deities in Horus as Jesus, and Ausar/Seth as Yahweh (or Kether), one of the ten attributes of the One Source called En-Sof in Judaism. This is why the Bible claims that God created man in His image and likeness. Humans are too evil to be in the image and likeness of Tu-SoS/En-Sof. In the image of the Human God Ausar, of course, yes. The Bible describes Yahweh (God) as the Ancient of Days, having hair like pure wool. Of course, Ausar was African, and had hair like pure wool, so changing his name to Yahweh was not enough to change the ancient concept of God as Ausar. The first human cloned by Anu's race, our extraterrestrial ancestors, was Black. The human race is one and Black from the cradle.

Ausar (Osiris) the Egyptian Redeemer-God atoned for human sins by sacrificing himself. Church fathers claimed that Jesus (Christo) too had washed away the sins of his followers through his crucifixion. Ausar died nailed in a chest and resurrected to save humankind, four thousand, four hundred and twenty-five years before the story of Jesus was concocted. Jesus rose from the Sepulcher in c33 CE? Christian fathers had to claim the resurrection of Jesus because that was the only way Christianity could compete on equal, if not superior terms, with the Mystery System it was trying to suppress. Ausar rose to heaven to sit in judgment over the dead in the African myth. Ausar's resurrection led to the 'Judgment Day' saga, and is the source of the 'Second Coming' of Jesus' story. Jesus, like Ausar, could forgive sins, bring the dead back to life, live a sinless life, heal the sick, and that he was the anointed Son of God. By juggling for Jesus, the characteristics of Horus and Virgin Birth, with those of his father, God Ausar, (the Holy Ghost), Jesus naturally emerged for the Church fathers as the special and only Son of God. These were not strange claims at the time, however. African imitation saviour-gods of the Mexicans, Mayas, Aztecs made similar claims and died to save mankind by being nailed to crosses or tied to trees, with arms outstretched as if on a cross, or slain violently in other manner, 625 years before the story of Jesus Christ was fabricated. Even to the Edo, Nigeria, their Oba was the only son of God 365 years before Christianity.

Suffering was the principal tenet of all religions. The implication was that the foundation of the world was impossible until God performed some sacrifice. Since all religions claim that there was no life, culture or anything worth preserving until they came along, tribal traditions and religious fathers were not advocating anything more outrageous than the dawn of manifestation, which is by sacrifice in Hinduism (Bhagavad Gita, iii 10). In Islam, the creator fashioned himself in due proportion and breathed into him something of his spirit (Holy Koran XXXII, 9). The Bible claims in the Book of Revelation: “the lamb was slain for the foundation of the world,” (Rev. XIII, 8).

Edicts of Theodosius and Toleration (4th and 6th Centuries) Towards the end of the fourth century CE, the African religion, the Mystery System, still dominated the world of religion so Rome passed the Edict of Theodosius, ordering the closure of all Egyptian temples. This was to allow the still struggling Christian religion to gain popular support. In the Island of Philae, in the first cataract of the Nile, the African religion refused to accept Christianity and the Roman government fearing a rebellion, paid tribute to them as an appeasement. During the sixth century CE, Justinian issued the Edit of Toleration, suppressing the remnant of the African religion in Egypt and propagating Christianity among the Nubians.

According to George G.M.James, “The abolition of the Egyptian Mysteries was to create an opportunity for the adoption of Christianity. This was the problem. The Roman government felt that Egypt was now conquered in arms and reduced to her knees, but in order to make the conquest complete, it would be necessary to abolish the Mysteries, which still controlled the religious mind of the ancient world. There must be a New World Religion to take the place of the Egyptian Religion. This New Religion, which should take the place of the Mysteries, must be equally powerful and universal, and consequently everything possible must be done in order to promote its interests.” G.G.M James quoting from Sedgwick and Tyler (History of Science), and Zeller's (Hist. of Phil. Introduction) says; “With the abolition of the Egyptian Mystery System, intellectual darkness spread over Christian Europe and the Graeco-Roman world for ten centuries; during which time, knowledge had disappeared. The Greeks showed no creative powers, and were unable to improve upon knowledge which they had received from the Egyptians.”

With the death of the last Egyptian priest who could interpret the writing of the words of the gods (the hieroglyphics), the African religion in its original form began to sink into oblivion. Despite the cannibalization of African religions, cultures, philosophies, traditions, ideas, and our eventual loss of political leadership of the world, African ideas continue to dominate the world of religion and learning and also symbolically. Residues of African religious influence in Europe are still visible albeit in symbolic forms. The Roman she–wolf is a reminder of the southern black practice of totemism and Sabine contains the root of Sheba.

Joseph Vendryes, (French Professor of Linguistics, edit. Etudes Celtques) tells us that: “In fact, inscriptions have been found in which Isis is associated with the city of Noreia. Noreia today is Neumarkt in Styria (Austria). Isis, Osiris, Serapis, Anubis have altars in Frejus, Nimes, Arles, Riez (Basses-Alpes), Parizet (Isere), Manduel (Gard), Boulogne, (Haute-Garonne), Lyons, Besancon, Langres, and Soissons. Isis was honoured at Melun, at York, Brougham Castle, Pannonia and Noricum.” Pierre Hubac (Carthage) says: “Worship of the Black Madonna still survives in France. (Our Lady Underground, or the Black Madonna of Chartres). It remained so vivid that the Roman Catholic Church finally had to consecrate it. The very name of the French capital might be explained by the Isis cult. The term 'Parisii could well mean Temple of Isis.' For there was a city with that name on the banks of the Nile, and the hieroglyph per represents the enclosure of a temple on the Oise.”

Cheikh Anta Diop: (The African Origin of Civilization) confirms that: “The first inhabitants of the present site of Paris, who fought against Caesar, bore the name Parisii, for some reason unknown today. The worship of Isis was evidently quite widespread in France, especially in the Parisian basin; temples of Isis, in Western parlance, were everywhere. But it would be more exact to say” Houses of Isis,” for in Egyptian, these so called temples were called Per, the exact meaning of which in ancient Egyptian, as in present-day Wolof (Senegal), is: the enclosure surrounding the house. The name 'Paris' could have resulted from the juxtaposition of Per-Isis, a word that designated certain cities in Egypt. There is also the existence of the god Ani among the Irish and Etruscans. The Egypto-Phoenician impact on the Etruscans is quite clear, as it is on the Sabines, whose name and customs suggests southern Black civilization. Sabines and Etruscans buried their dead in the Italian peninsula. The Etruscans knew and utilized the Egyptian sarcophagus….. '

Godfrey Higgins in Anacalypsis, Vol. 1, tells us “we have found the Black complexion or something relating to it whenever we have approached the origins of nations. The Alma Mater, the Goddess Multimammia, the founders of the oracles, the Memnon or first idols were always Black. Venus, Jupiter, Apollo, Bacchus, Hercules, Ammon, Asteroth, Adonis, Horus, Apis, Osiris, in short all the wood and stone Deities were Black. They remain as they were first made in very remote times.” In the Celtic Druids, Higgins says: “The Greek gods were adaptations of the Egyptian ones, hence the earliest ones of Greece were also Black. 'Ethiop is a title of Zeus who was the Father of the Gods among the Greeks.”

Romain Rolland noted French writer in his (Intermediare de Chercheurs at des Curieux Vol. 34) states that “the majority of the Virgins that are revered in the celebrated pilgrimages are Black. At Boulogne-Sur-mer, the sailors still carry a Black Virgin in their procession. At Claremont in Auvergne, the Black Virgin is revered as also at Einsiendeln, Switzerland, near Zurich, to which thousands of pilgrims (Swiss, Bavarians, Alsatians), go to pay homage. The famous Virgin of Oropa in the Piedmont is still a Black woman, as well as the not less legendary one at Montserrat in Catalonia, which received 60,000 visitors a year. I have been able to trace the history of this one to the year 718 CE, and it was always Black. Tradition says that it was St. Luke who knew personally the Mother of Christ, and carved with his own hand, the majority of these Black Virgins. Virgin Mother was Black in ancient times all over the world: France, Switzerland. Italy, Spain…”

J.A. Roger (100 Amazing Facts about the Negro) says, “the earliest statues of the Virgin Mary and Christ in Europe as far as Russia, were Black. That the oldest and most noted statue in the world, the Sphinx of Gizeh, bears a Black face and was worshipped as Horus, or Harmachis, the Sun God of Light and Life. The devil, which is now depicted as Black, was before the advent of White power, portrayed as White.” In (A book of the beginnings Vol. 2, London 1881), Gerald Massey says: “The Black Jesus (Horus) is a well-known form of the child-Christ worshipped on the (European) continent where the Black bambino, the pet image of the Italian Church is as popular as Chrishna, the Black Christ of India – the Divine son was incarnated in Black flash from the Black Sut Nashi, the Black image of the earliest god (Osiris)…. And finally, the Black Jesus of the Christian cult is the son of the (Black) Virgin Mother in the Romish Church.”

Edouard Schure, a noted French writer on religion and mysticism in (Les Grand Inities, 113th edition, Paris 1931) says; “Remembrances of them have disappeared from popular tradition. The Blacks, however, have left two ineffaceable imprints in Europe: the horror of the dragon, which was the emblem of their kings… and the idea that evil or the devil is White which Whites reversed… During the time of their sovereignty, the Blacks had religious centres in Upper Egypt and in India. Their cyclopean cities embattled the mountains of Africa, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.”

St. Paul (c10-c 67 CE). He was a Jew. His Hebrew name was Saul. He was a Pharisee lawyer, tax collector, involved in the persecution of Christians. He claimed that while on one of his raids on tax dodging Christians in Damascus, he was arrested by God. He saw an apparition and was converted to Christianity on the spot. Without him, Christianity would not have taken roots. He spread the religion throughout the Roman provinces, Europe, Asia, Macedonia, and reinforced the concept in Greece and Rome. He was deeply involved in the administrative structuring and running of the early Church. Most documents on him suggest he was executed in Rome between 64 and 67 CE.

Paul's epistles constitute the second half of the New Testament and form aspects of Christian teachings. He preached that man is made up of three parts, spirit, soul and body, and that we are all “Sons of God.” Said he, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you? “ He taught that Christ was in the heart of each man, “until Christ be formed in you,” or until “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” St. Paul talked about superhuman beings who before earth's formation, brought knowledge to man through a long evolutionary process, and described man's relationship with God as a descending order of intelligence as in “thrones, dominions, principalities and powers.” John's Book of Revelation also makes similar point in “Cloud of Silent Witnesses before the Throne-Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.” These gradations have become de-emphasized in Christianity as stages of spiritual evolution. The concept of the seven spirits before the throne of God is recognized in the scriptures and the Roman Catholic Church speaks of revered angels in aid of man and nature. Church Fathers' elevation of Jesus to a deity, or the “only son of God” concept, downgraded personal responsibility for evolutionary spiritual growth in the Christian religion.

Council of Nicaea (325 CE). Dr. Martyn Percy, the famous canon expert once wrote and I quote: “The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven.” The Bible is a creation of man. Man, not God, writes history, and history is always from the perspective of the conqueror, not the conquered. It is the elite, the most powerful in society, that defines the society's reality, and that is exactly what Constantine did after subduing African influence in the world.

In Emperor Constantine's days, the official Roman religion was Sun worship (i.e. the African Egyptian cult of Sol Invictus or the Invincible Sun). They called it the Jovian Mystery System and Constantine was the Chief priest. In fact, Constantine, a Pagan throughout his lifetime, was hurriedly baptized on his death bed, too weak to protest. During the reign of Constantine, and over three hundred years after the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, the Christian population had grown to the extent of posing serious threat to the unity of Rome. The Christians were constantly warring with the Pagans and threatening to tear Rome apart. Constantine, a smart opportunist, decided to side with the larger group. History books on the issue marvel at the way Constantine converted his Sun God worshippers to Christianity. He did it by creating an amalgam, a hybrid, a fusion of Pagan symbols, dates, rituals, and ideas, into the growing Pagan-Christian traditions of the time, to produce something that compromised and overwhelmed both parties. Constantine produced a sacred entity outside the scope of the human world whose power was, therefore, unchallengeable by mare mortals, and called it the Roman Catholic Church. To do this, he conveyed his 325 CE Council of Nicaea that produced the Nicaea creed. The Nicaea Council is claimed by the Church fathers to have been called principally to thwart the Arian heresy and assert the headship of Jesus over Christendom.

The problem really was whether Auset (who was the Virgin Birth Mother in the ancient African Mystery System, imbibed by the Jovian Mystery, which was being adapted by the Church fathers, should continue to take precedence over her son Horus, as in the ancient African myth). In the end, Ausar (re-named Yahweh) retained his double roles as the Holy Ghost or God, (misunderstood by Christians as the universal 'Spirit'), and as (human 'Father' in the African Mysteries 4,425 years earlier), (who became the Christian Ghost Impregnator) of Mother Auset, re-named Mary, with the Virgin Son, Horus, (renamed Jesus). In other words, “Holy” and “Virgin Birth” were transferred to Jesus and Mary, from Horus and Auset. Jesus became born in Bethlehem and acquired higher rank than his contrived mother. He was supposed to be her first child and to have been miraculously conceived. His foster-father was given the name Joseph, and the carpentry profession, to appeal to humility. The name 'Christ' came from the Greek translation of Christos (meaning anointed), taken from the Hebrew title of Messiah. Church fathers at the Nicaea Council in 325 CE, decided that Jesus, who was supposed to have been baptized as and called Emmanuel before the Conference, was born in Bethlehem in Judea. All these were happening some 325 years after the purported death of Jesus.

Constantine called and chaired the 325 CE Nicaea Council, which had 219 Bishops in attendance. Constantine's principal objective, (as admitted by him and emphasized in conference documents), was to settle the much-debated issue of God's relationship to his Son. Many Bishops turned down Constantine's invitation to the conference. Eusebius of Caesarea was one of the people who attended the Conference although he was not a Bishop. Eusebius was a well-known chronicler and defender of Christian monotheism at the time, and he wrote about what happened. All the issues raised at the Nicaea Council were debated and voted for, including the role of Bishops, the administration of sacraments, and the divinity of Jesus.

The Bishops had several sittings at the Council to perfect their strategy in the guise of separating truth from heresy. The story of how Bishop Arius was commanded by the Bishop of Alexandria to quit his beliefs or be declared a heretic, and how his writing were ordered destroyed, is eloquent of many things that happened when the Christian religion was being formulated. Bishop Arius was beheaded for saying Christ is not God. Read the lost books of the Bible. There is nothing divine about the Bible. Humans put it together under vicious acrimonious human circumstances.

The Christo in you, as preached by Paul, was the Christian emphasis until the Nicaea Council in 325 CE. Christo was not supposed to be a historical person. The vote to make Jesus (Christo), Christ, divine, human/spirit and the 'only Son of God,' was very close. The following statement is taken verbatim from 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica.'

“Constantine himself presided and actively guided the discussions. He personally proposed the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council as of one substance with the Father … .Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination…….”

This is the most important creed in Christendom. It was proposed by the emperor to the consternation of many of the bishops in attendance. But out of fear not to offend the emperor, all but two of the bishops signed the creed. Today, the Church claims that Jesus is some special breed of God, and that the Bible is some divinely inspired document. Jesus' divinity was critical because if the Pagan God Horus, was divine and the only 'Son of God,' the new amalgam could not afford to be less so as a means of unifying the two warring Roman groups and the Roman Empire. By officially endorsing Jesus as the only 'Son of God,' Constantine turned Jesus into a deity. Historians agree that Constantine not only stole the mortal leadership and possible human message from the Church, he covered his invention, (Jesus Christ), with an iron cloak of divinity, to expand and enhance his personal political power base.

Nothing in Christianity was original. The Pagan's Sun disks became the haloes of the Catholic saints, and Auset's pictogram nursing her Virgin birth son Horus, became the model for the image of Virgin Mary nursing the baby Jesus. All the elements of the Catholic rituals, the mitre, the doxology, the altar, and the communion (act of God-eating), were all taken from African Pagans' rites. The Christians, whose original holy day was the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, adopted the Pagan's holy day, Sunday. Constantine shifted the Christians' holy day to the Pagans' veneration day, Sunday. So, when Christians go to Church on Sundays, they are actually there paying tribute to the African Sun God.

The Passover, Feast of Tabernacles, Easter where all adapted from the Egyptian Mystery System. Easter dates were inserted in Christian usage by King James in Acts 12:4, where Easter was substituted for the Passover. It only exists in the King James' Bible. King James was forced to remove the word Easter from the new King James' Bible. Christians ought to know that Easter is a hoax; it has nothing to do with the supposed crucifixion or resurrection dates of Jesus Christ. After all, our birthdays do not fall on the same day of the week every year and on different months from year to year, do they?

Jesus' death anniversary is always on a Friday, of the week, and his resurrection is always on a Sunday of the same week, while the month moves from March to April, year to year. This is because it was based on the Pagans' changing cycles of the moon's rites. Eostre, the African goddess of spring's movement towards the rising sun was celebrated on the first Sunday after the first Vernal Equinox full moon by the Egyptians who believed that the sun died in winter and was reborn in spring.

The Christian Easter fixation with the moon ties with this African goddess of spring (vernal equinox) festival, and demonstrates the African Egyptian religious influence in the continued structuring of Christianity. Chosen date by the Christians, was also the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox, which falls on the Sunday before. The Easter moon is an imaginary one and cannot fall earlier than March 22 or later than April 25. The real moon usually appears one or two days later. Not many people know that the 'May Day' they celebrate is the Pagans' coming of spring when the earth comes back alive with renewed vigour and plentiful bounty

Semiramis, imaged after life on Auset, was worshipped as the Queen of Heaven and goddess of fertility. Ancient Babylonians believed that an egg fell into the Euphrates River from the moon from which Queen Ishtar was hatched. This moon egg was called Ishtar's egg. Buns were offered to the Queen of Heaven; the goddess of Ishtar and Rabbits were associated with the goddess of fertility because of their prolific nature. In Western Europe, it is traditional to eat hot-crossed buns on Easter Sunday morning. These small sweet buns are usually decorated with solar crosses made of white icing. They were consecrated in ancient Greece to the goddess of the sunrise, which is why you have 'sunrise services' in some churches in Easter. The forty days of mourning of Tammuz, instituted by Semiramis, when no meat was allowed to be eaten, has become the Christian Lent. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ashes were said to be the seed of the Indian fire god, Agni, who was deemed to have the power to forgive sins.

Trinity was inserted in Christian usage by King James in I John 5:7 and exists only in the King James' Bible. It was a miss representation of the African Trinity concept of God Auser whose ghost pregnated Goddess Auset to produce the Virgin Birth son, God Horus. Christians, after replacing Auset with fictitious Mary, removed (the female) Mary, from the Trinity; replaced Horus with Jesus, and invented a Joseph, a cheated husband by-stander. The Osirian worshipped cross is called the 'Ankh,' (the Horus' cross). The priests offered bread and wine at the Osirian rituals. Christians, 4,425 years after the Osirian origins of the concepts, worship over 40 crosses and offer bread and wine at what they call the 'Lord's Supper.' The original African cross was a square with four arms of equal length to signify peace and convey the natural union between male and female. Christians elongated one arm as a torture device. In fact, the Christian name for the cross, the crucifix, came from the Latin verb cruciare meaning to torture. The word cross, originated from the Africans and then through the Chaldeans to the Church. To cover up its origin, it is claimed that as Constantine and his soldiers approached Rome and were about to face what is known as the battle of Milvian Bridge, they saw a sign of the cross in the sky.

Ausar (Osiris) was born on the first of the intercalary days says Moret: “That is, on the 361st day of the year, which corresponds to the 26th of December, when we take into account the reform of the Egyptian calendar by Rome. The birthday of Ausar was observed by the Africans as the festival of Sol invictus, the (unconquered sun), the Saturn God of agriculture, for four thousand, four hundred and twenty-five years, before Christianity. Saturnalia was marked by seven days of merry making, feasting, and the exchange of gifts. The Roman Sun God worshippers reveled in Saturnalia festivals. Pope Julius I, arbitrarily fixed December 25th as the birthday of Jesus (Christo) in c350 CE. “What could have inspired Pope Julius I, to choose that date, only one day removed from the birthday of Osiris' which Rome had celebrated for centuries until then, unless it be the Egyptian tradition perpetuated by the Roman calendar,” asks Diop? Despite Pope Julius I proclamation of December 25th as Jesus Christo's birthday, the Church only began to observe it as the day of Nativity from the 5th century CE (i.e. some five hundred years after the supposed birth and death of Jesus).

St Nicholas, Santa Nikolaus, better known as Santa Claus, the patron saint of children whose feast day is actually Dec. 6, was incorporated into the Christmas festival to liven things up and replace the Sun-god worshippers' feasting, and exchange of gifts. Ausar (Osiris) was the God of agriculture and Diop says: “The idea of a tree associated with the birth of Jesus is taken from Osiris. Osiris' symbol was a tree without branches, set up to announce the resurrection of plant life. This was an impressive agrarian rite characterizing a sedentary society. The plant, symbol of Osiris, was called Djed: standing erect, planted upright. Djan: vertical; Djed-Djed oral: very erect (intensification of Djed); Djen: a post. …..once again we see, on retracing the course of time, that more than one feature of western civilization, whose origin has been forgotten loses its enigmatic character when linked with its African source.”

The Egyptian God Ausar (Osiris) was anointed by an Egyptian priest in 4100 BCE. Jesus was allegedly baptized or initiated by John the Baptist in early CE. Egyptian “Ab” – heart, represents Osiris. A person with 'Pure, Light' heart is Osiris in the Pagan's mysteries. He is as 'Light' as 'Feather.' Every person's heart is weighed on Isis or Goddess Maat's feather scale. To balance on it, is to be Osiris pure and sinless. This is Osiris' conquering power over all as 'Lord and God.' Christianity and other religions adopted these African concepts, replacing the African God Horus with their own intermediaries, (i.e. Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc).

Osirian Goddess Maat (with wings), handled the orderliness of the world. The Christian's replaced Goddess Maat with Angles with wings, as deities' messengers to humans. The Osirians' most powerful creature symbol is the sefer a.k.a griffin. The Asiatic religions' and Christianity's most powerful creature symbol over 6000 years after the Egyptian example, is also the griffin. The Deity 'Djehuti, the sayer of the logos (word), tells Virgin Isis (Auset) in about 4100 BCE, that she will give birth to a son, the righteous divine heir namely: Horus. An angel announces to Virgin Mary in about 4 BCE, “You will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son.”

African Egyptian Serpent Goddess Meretseger was the guardian of the Valley of the Kings. The Goddess of Asiatic religions holds two snakes she tamed. The Indian androgyny deity of the Krishna sect also holds two snakes and the Ankh. Not to be outdone, Christianity's Eve receives apple from the snake. Fish facing opposite directions in circular motion represented the Trinity 6000 years ago in the African Mystery System, so too in Christianity now. The Pyramid with the Eye of the African God Horus represents Horus the Supreme One in his house (Pyramid). The Christian symbol of Trinity is the pyramid (triangle) embodying the Eye. The Eye of Jehovah in Christianity represents Jesus as a child and master of nature. So too is the significance of Buddha's Eyes or Krishna's Eyes, as child and master of nature.

In the Mystery System, 6,108 years ago, Set (or Seth), the African God and king of Egypt who killed his brother, God king Ausar, to usurp his throne in Egypt, was going to kill Horus, who was Ausar's son by virgin birth. Set, with his men, searched every nook and cranny of the Lower Delta of the Nile for Horus. Her mother, goddess Auset, had hid Horus in Butto (in the belly of Africa), and Set could not find Horus. In the Christian copy story, Herod the king, 4,425 years after Set's incidence, was going to kill the little boy Jesus. Herod had his men check every family and every household, for this supposedly baby boy. Goddess Yashoda, a virgin, flees with her son, Krishna, to save him from a tyrant ruler.

The Celibacy. Ausar's resurrection without his phallus was the original reason religious leaders, nuns, and monks, were psychologically castrated or had to be celibate. After Adam and Eve were invented and Auset and Horus were replaced with Mary and Jesus, eating of the forbidden fruit and lust replaced the original reason for celibacy. Assumption of the Virgin. Pope Pius XII, in late 1950, proclaimed Mary's ascent to heaven after her imaginary death. Protestants are not excited about such dogma based principally on the whims and caprices of the reigning Pope and or his Council.

Rome believes in the fabelli (feathers), The Egyptian priest king used the Fabellum, a large fan made of feathers. This was later known as the mystic fan of Bacchus, and even as this fan was carried in procession with the supposed African Pagan priest of Egypt, so also are these fans carried with the Pope on state occasions. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, when going to solemn ceremonies, the Pope is carried on the sedia, a portable chair of red velvet (like in the Pagans' mysteries), with a high back and escorted by two fabelli feathers. For almost a thousand years, the people of Rome believed in the mystic keys of god Janus (Horus) and goddess Cybele (Auset).

The priests in Egyptian and Babylonian rituals were known as the flamens. The word is taken from flare meaning one who blows or kindles the sacred fire. They were the keepers of the holy flame, which they fanned with the mystic fan of Bacchus. The Egyptian-Babylonish garments, like the colour of the fire, were flame red in colour. They were servants of the Pontifex Maximus in Nimrod's days just as the Cardinals today are the servants of the Pope Pontifex Maximus. The flamens were divided into three distinct groups and so the Cardinals have Cardinal Bishops, Cardinal Priests and Cardinal Deacons. The garments worn by the Cardinals of the Catholic Church are red. Cardinal Birds, Cardinal Flowers and Cardinal Priests are linked together by the colour red. The Bible mentions certain princes of Babylon who dressed in red garments, and men portrayed with vermilion bright red…… (Ezekiel 23: 14 – 15). The Priests of Baal dressed in black and so do the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. The round cakes were used in occult of the Egyptian Mysteries and in Mithraism. The inner initiates of the System received a small round cake, or water of unleavened tread, which symbolized the solar disk.

The title Pontifex Maximus, or Supreme Pontiff or Pontifex Maximus, which the Pope bears was a title used by Nimrod, (Pona, Bridge and Facio), meaning the Bridge maker. The High Priest was called the Paper Pastrum, meaning the Father of fathers. The head of the Roman Catholic Church, borrowing directly from this title, is known as the Papa or Pope. The title Pontifer Maximus is repeatedly found on inscriptions throughout the Vatican. It is above the entrance of St Peters and above the statue of Peter, which is really the statue of Nimrod/Ausar. It is in the dome above the Holy Year Door, which is opened only during Jubilee year. The Sun God's symbols and rites, the Pallium, the idolatrous fishermen's ring, the 14-carat bishop's gold ring with large purple amethyst diamonds and hand tooled mitre-crozier appliqué, the crucifix with thirteen embedded pieces of black onyx, known as crux gemmata, the Queen of Heaven in image form, the Obelisk, are all stolen from the African Mystery System. There is an Obelisk (the Egyptian symbol of the phallus), at the entrance of St Peters in Rome.

In the Catholic Encyclopedia, Gilamesh mythologically transformed into a Babylonian Hercules, designated as Nemrod (Nimrod) in the Bible. From him descended a line of priest kings each standing at the head of the occult of the Babylonian mystery religion and continued to Belshazzar. The Jewish Encyclopedia says Nimrod made all the people rebellious against God. The multitudes were ready to follow the determination of Nimrod and they built a tower neither sparing any pains or negligent about the work, and by reason of the multitude of hands employed, the tower grew very high. The place where they built the tower was called Babylon. Semiramis, Nimrod's wife and mother, was known as the woman that made towers. The goddess Cybele (who also has been identified with Semiramis) was known as the towers in cities, with a tower-like crown on her head, as it was also with Diana. In the symbolism of the Catholic Church, a tower is emblematic of the Virgin Mary, who is also their Queen of Heaven.

St. Augustus (354-430 CE). Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo in North Africa. He was a native of Numidia (known now as Tunisia) in North Africa. His family was deeply involved in the Manichean practices of the ancient African Egyptians. Anyone in doubt about Augustine's indigenous African origin should read his Confessions. He is as African as the indigenous Nigerian. After finishing his education in Khart-Haddas (Carthage), he took his Manichean teachings to Rome during the Christian era. When this twenty-nine-year-old boy arrived and spoke to Ambrose (who was the greatest Christian scholar in Europe in the fifth century) about his education in Carthage, Ambrose was stunned and he said: “Man you are heavy.”

The Manichean concept influenced Augustine's writing against the Stoics. He had a great deal of influence on early Christianity. For example, he wrote the fundamental principle that was to govern modern Christianity in its morality, in his book: On Christian Doctrine. He was the first person to separate Deus from Deities and to talk of original sin. He had earlier written the: Holy City of God, in which he argued that mankind was one, a product of God's creative will and enjoying existence throughout its history only in God's contemplation. He insisted in the book that the Church was the earthly incarnation of the City of God and, therefore, is superior to the state. That by the same token, the head of the Church was superior to any secular ruler. While the secular ruler can make mistakes, the Church leader cannot.

His God was omniscient, omnipotent, transcendent, and the author of the universe from nothing. He believed that since God knows everything, He determines all things. This was his doctrine of predestination. He insisted that after Adam and his sins, God separated mankind into those to be rescued or condemned for all times. He taught that everything in the universe, including evil, is good because both fit into cosmic harmony like shadows to a painting. That man should avoid the pleasures of the world because they distract him from loving God. It was difficult for some Christians to accept how an all-loving God could create evil. He believed that witches and wizards are off springs of (a) Male demons called incubi (singular incubus), who have sex with women in their sleep and (b) female demons called succubae (singular succubus) that have sex with men while they are asleep. Q. S. Jertulian of Carthage, had in his book: 'Apologeticum,” published earlier, suggested that demons, witches, and wizards, live in the air and stars are their neighbours.

The Old and New Testaments. The Greek letters of the word Lateines (Latin), the historical language of Rome in all its official acts, amount to 666, magic, hocus-pocus, deceit, the equivalent of Nigeria's modern code for crookedness, falsehood, deceit, financial fraud, which is '419.' The Bible is the Church father's 419. Some of the books misquoted, distorted or misinterpreted to assemble the Bible included: The Book of the Dead, which the British Museum gave their own title of (The Book of the Coming Forth by Day and Night), in 1895. The Book of the Divines; the Book of Judgment; the Heart of Judgment and such other works. Also included in the list of documents, of course, was the Jewish Old Testament.

The Bible is made up of the Old and New Testaments, and is the canon of the three branches of Christianity: Roman Catholic, Greek and other orthodox sects, and the Protestant groups. Judaism and Islam put premium on the Old Testament, which came from a wide range of ancient manuscripts written in archaic Hebrew, Aramaic, and Chaldean languages, with their problems of modern interpretations. Two of the most important documents the Church fathers distorted and suppressed while putting the Christian religion together namely: The Coptic Scrolls and The Dead Sea Scrolls, eventually surfaced in their original forms from their hiding places. The Coptic Scrolls, sometimes called the Nag Hammadi, were found at Nag Hammadi in 1945, while The Dead Sea Scrolls (supposed to have been produced around the 9th or 10th century CE), were dug out of a cave near Qumran in the Judaean desert in the 1950s. The Scrolls incorporate ideas from very ancient Pagan times in Egypt, and The Dead Sea Scrolls include Isaiah's materials dating back to the second century BCE. These were all doctored while being translated into European languages. For instance, the Jews while translating the Hebrew religion into Greek text fraudulently spelt one of their deities or idols, with the capital letter 'G' for 'God' while spelling the idols of other nations with the small letter 'g' for 'god.' Seventy Jewish scholars gathered in Alexandra, Egypt, around 200 BCE to perpetrate the fraud. They found that although Judaism was preaching monotheism, they were in reality serving several deities or gods of the Canaanites.

The leader of the Canaanites' deities was El (or El Elyon) whose subordinates or sons where spelt with small letters as in: el, eloah and elohiym. None of these deities, not even El, was considered the Supreme or Universal Being. They were all deities with El as their superior or Father or the only God that could be spelt with the capital letter 'G.' These deities were actually super human beings who had at one time or the other lived on earth and were now ancestors who took charge of several individual nations. El Elyon (Black, Father or God of all gods), allocated the nations of the world to the deities.

The Jewish scholars doctored the Hebrew translation to Greek text, to promote Yahweh, the deity allocated to Israel, and sold Yahweh as the Supreme God of the universe, to enable them claim that they were the chosen people. They spelt their own deity as 'God' with the capital letter 'G' and the 'Gods' of other nations with the small letter 'g.' So, the Jewish God became Theou in Greek, and anywhere the Jewish deity, Yahweh occurred, it was translated as 'God' instead of god which they used for the deities of other nations. El or El Elyon was the chief of all Canaanite gods referred to as God or God Most High (or Most High). El was supposed to be The Most High God in Genesis 14:18 (whose priest was Melchizedeck), but that status was fraudulently given to Yahweh 'God' of Israel, as was done in the Most High in Deuteronomy 32:8 and the God in Psalm 82:6, which should refer appropriately to the Canaan God El Elyon. As a result, every where Yahweh is mentioned in the Bible became God said, God did, God told Moses, (Exodus 3:14). The correct translation is that Yahweh, a deity or idol of the Jews, (like the Sango of the Africans), told Moses. In the same vain, they translated el Philistine as the god of the Philistine and el Israel as the God of Israel. The end product of their fraudulent distortion is the Septuagint (LXX), the first Hebrew religious text in Greek, which the Church incorporated into the Bible as the Old Testament. Most of the Old Testament is allegorical, written in historical form and accepted by orthodox Christianity as the gospel truth.

There are many incredible passages. Some describing their Supreme Deity as a ruthless, blood thirsty, arrogant tyrant, obviously because the Jews created a deity of suppression, exploitation and control of non-Jews, which served the political ambition of the ignorant Church fathers. Yahweh is extremely cruel and violent. He unleashed unprovoked attacks and invasions of other nations, slaughtering women, men and children in their thousands. The Jewish scholars sold a booboo or devil to Europe who went around the world selling the idol as the universal God at gun point, while describing their victims as idol worshippers, and littering civilization with a trail of blood; …the crusades, the slave trade, the massacre of American Indians, the first and second World wars, apartheid, the on-going slaughter in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, and the mindless forfeiture of lives of thousands of unlucky youths, Black and White, in civil wars around the world. The Church was established on such cruel and inhuman bobby-trap cushion of thorns, laced with a monumental narrowness of mind, maintaining the impossible to be true and insisting that the records they present were divinely inspired. The Church fathers who assembled the Bible didn't write the original texts and myths. They only deliberately misinterpreted or misrepresented ancient ideas. It is difficult to see who was divinely inspired between the ancient authors of the original myths and the later day Church fathers who assembled distorted ideas obviously for a peculiar political purpose.

The New Testament is a collection of oral traditions segmented into a book of Prophecy, Epistles and four Gospels. The Gospels are about the imagined life of Jesus and the early Church, some of which were written towards the end of the second century by the supposed disciples of Jesus. There is hardly any doctrine in the Gospels, but the Epistles contain a vague notion of the faith. Implied sacred instructions of metaphysical nature, (witchcraft), by Jesus to his advanced disciples, are deliberately suppressed in the Bible by the Church fathers.

Huge amount of information is available in the apocryphal of the Jews and the classic literature of some bishops, teachers, and religious scholars, written between the second and fifth centuries on the fictitious life of Jesus turned reality, his supposed disciples, the early Church, and the growth of metaphysical philosophy, which the Church fathers discarded to promote their Biblical distortions. The Book of Wisdom and other similar Jewish scriptures contain some spiritual truths sometimes bound with the Roman Catholic but not in the Protestants' Bible.

The truth is that the personalization of the spiritual concept 'Christ' which the Greeks call 'Christo' is largely responsible for the inappropriateness of the Bible for individual spiritual growth and fulfillment. Initial emphasis on 'The Way,' attracted many members of the Mystery schools to Christianity because they saw a parallel with their belief that everyman carries a seed of the Supreme Deity inside him. That man's material and bodily desires inhibit his divinity because “the kingdom of Heaven” and “hope of glory” are within his competence. This emphasis soon changed to alienate intelligent people from the religion. The Bible was designed to appeal to the simple-minded because of its attempt to present allegories and myths as historical facts, thus enthroning grave follies. With the expansion of the Roman Empire, masses of ignorant people in Europe came to dominate the religion, which placed premium on faith at the cost of knowledge and intellect.

St. Thomas Aquinas (1227-1274 CE). He was one of the leading saints of the Roman Catholic Church and an outstanding advocate of scholasticism. He had a profound influence on Christianity. He believed that the existence of movement provides evidence of a Prime Mover, the Unmoved Mover or God. That everything in creation seems to be organized on the scale of the lowest to the highest perfection, so an impeccable Being must be at the summit.

That God is the beginning and the last cause, the totally perfect Creator of everything through each of which He reveals Self and governs the universe. Aquinas insisted that the highest good is spiritual self-fulfillment as decreed by God. He believed intention is very important because a good act without good intention is bad. That although intention will not make a bad act good, it is the only sure way of making a good act genuinely good. While admitting that man had inherited Adam's sins, he insisted that divine grace is possible through man's free will and co-operation. That those unwilling to accept the offer of grace are the ones condemned to eternal punishment.

To cover up the origins of Christianity, Church fathers invented Adam and Eve.

When my book, God is Black, first came out in 1993, there were protests from around the religious world over the audacity and affront by an African writer for that matter. God is White was acceptable but Black, isn't that shit or worse? Who was the Black turkey challenging the world of White ideas? But the 'God is Black' book was not about God. The few paragraphs about God in the book played on a twist in language. All scientists and historians (Black and White), agree that human ancestors originated in Africa. The Christian Bible says God created man in his image and likeness and if human origin is Black, the Old Man must be Black too. When this logic was used on a Canadian radio programme in 1993, Whites phoned in to say QED. It was a three-hour phone in programme in Toronto. Listeners were asked to phone in to re-act to the title of the book: God is Black, written by Naiwu Osahon. They had not read the book. Most Blacks that phoned in, abused Naiwu, the radio guest, rather than offer any counter argument. This demonstrates the level to which most Blacks have been messed up in the head by foreign religions and ideas.

The Catholic Church in Toronto, however, put on a two hours programme to disparage the radio guest after the phone in programme. The Church thought that the radio guest was a student in Canada, taking advantage of their country's scholarship scheme to study there. They could not match the radio guest, logic for logic, so they said he was an aberration to be avoided like a plague by other Africans. A few years back, the radio guest would have been declared a heretic and roasted at the stake or may be they still do it quietly in Rome these days?

The Christian Church cloaks their lies and abuses in religious garbage and other hegemonistic instruments. To prove that 'God is Black' book is irrelevant about human origins, some Jews, in an unholy alliance with the Roman Catholic Church, and some blockhead French 'Scholars,' led by a certain Dr. Gustave Courbet, produced a monumental fabrication almost rivaling the Bible in bovine crassness. The story was first published in the Sun newspaper of London and culled by many Christian oriented African newspapers in April 1993, less than two months after God is Black book was launched. Of course, the visionless article was targeted at the gullible world, and particularly the unquestioning Africans, who take everything the Bible says as the gospel truth. No serious media house outside Africa published the lie, as far as one could tell at the time, but the highest circulating newspaper in Nigeria at the time, the Daily Times of May 1, 1993, used it under the headline: Adam and Eve's tomb found. Excepts:

“Experts in the field of science and religion are agog over the astonishing find of the skeletal remains of Adam and Eve lying side by side in a shallow tomb-like cave in Israel…archaeologists uncovered the well-preserved bones while digging near Jerusalem…the couple were laid to rest some 300,000 years ago…Identification was made from detailed scrolls found alongside the skeletons. In addition to naming the tomb occupants as Adam and Eve, the scrolls described their lives as farmers and gatherers in the lush Garden of Eden…. The male skeleton is missing a rib, while the female includes an extra one…..it appears Adam and Eve died in their early 40s …..no obvious cause of death…..They must have been placed in the cave by their offspring, who then put together their written history and sealed it up with the deceased. Adam and Eve learned how to tend the bountiful bushes and trees that provided them with more fruits and vegetables than they could possibly eat. The scrolls indicate Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden by drought. It is unclear whether the fateful drought was brought about by God because the couple disobeyed his orders. But it did doom paradise on Earth and force Adam and Eve and their children to struggle to survive in their cruel New World…..”

The following was Naiwu Osahon's response at the time and it was published in some newspapers and in his book entitled: THE CRADLE: the ultimate cosmology, now turning the world of ideas on its head to enthrone truth: It is not difficult to imagine the fortunes Israel has been making from gullible Christian tourists, particularly from Africa, since the announcement about Adam and Eve's find.. Since the Vatican has not denied their alleged involvement in the disgraceful hoax, it deserves response from serious minded people. Obviously some Jewish dupes, after burying some scrolls and skeletons in a shallow (not even a deep) grave for a while, invited their equally demented European friends to come to Jerusalem to dig for archaeology. The diggers did not need to work too hard before unearthing their hare-brained booty of scrolls and skeletons, which they promptly sold to their Pope and their already carefully nurtured naïve world, as dating back 300,000 years.

Adam lost a rib to the bargain and Eve had an extra one they said, not bothering to explain how modern Eves lost the extra ribs gained from the men. The Bible says Adam and Eve had two children, Cain and Abel, and the maudlin team of European grave diggers (for instant fame and fortune regardless how), implied that Adam and Eve had a University where Adam was the Vice Chancellor, Eve the professor, and the two children the only students, since no other human was on earth at the time of White Adam and Eve. The family manufactured scroll materials in their factory obviously, and the children learnt to write on the scrolls to preserve the history of their parents. I wonder what ancient European language was used to write the scrolls 300,000 years ago, English, German or Italian, none of which existed at the time? Then Cain killed Abel and drifted out of the Garden of Eden's vicinity in search of a wife that the Bible at first claimed did not exist. He did not have a car because for some strange reasons, he had not produced one at the time, but he did not have to walk for long either, because just down the road paved in gold, as if by magic, materialized his wife from another clan. Yes, another clan, according to the Bible's warped logic, because Adam, who died at the age of 40 or so, (the Bible says he lived for 940 years, which obviously must have been as a brainless Chimpanzee, since it happened 300,000 years ago, 200,000 years before Homo sapiens man emerged on earth), had obviously treacherously produced other clans when he was a teenager before he, at the ripe old age of 15 years, married Eve.

Eve was actually a few minutes old when Adam married her, and by the age of twelve months, she had given birth to Cain. There was no other human life before Adam and definitely no female before Eve manifested from Adam's ribs, but Adam still managed to leave clans all over the place mating with gorillas and chimpanzees, no doubt. The Bible's fathers did not want Cain to follow in his father's footsteps of mating with monkeys. Cain could not be trusted also to produce the human race by himself or through masturbation so they conjured up a phantom wife. We do not know who this hapless woman was, how many children she had for her husband and what happened to her and the children. What is clear is that Cain could not be bothered to educate his own off-springs, thereby allowing his parent's university to lie dormant for nearly 300,000 years, when a form of writing was first introduced 40,000 years ago, and formal education invented in the Nile Valley, some seven thousand years ago by Africans.

Of course, we should ignore Gustave Courbet and his religious collaborators, after all, the Pope just recently signed a protocol of understanding to exchange Ambassadors with Israel and sweep under the carpet, after two thousand years of mutual hostility, the Vatican's lie that the Jews killed Jesus Christ. But that is how we ignored for two thousand years, their insane distortions of the history of humankind. The Bible assumes that humans are fools, (we are not the sons of God like Jesus is anyway), so Gustave Courbet was only capitalizing on this to add a modern testament to the Bible for his ethnic group. It is like the story of the supposed blood stained shroud of Jesus Christ, which the Vatican kept under lock and key for years until public pressure forced the Pope to allow sane experts examine the shroud in modern times. The shroud was found to be a fake. It did not belong to the period claimed for it by the Vatican. In fact, like the new Adam and Eve scrolls, it was less than 300,000 minutes old.

In response to the above statement and other profound revelations in the book: The Cradle, the ultimate cosmology, written by Naiwu Osahon, and mentioned earlier in this book, the Vatican mounted an exhibition of the Shroud of Turin at the Cathedral of Turin for two months from April 18, 1998. The fakeness of the Shroud of Turin is palpable from its distortions of the Africanness of Horus (the original African Son of God myth), who was given European nose, hair, and other strange features, and called Jesus. Historically, Horus or Heru was the mythical African Jesus in the early Church. Auset was the Virgin mother and Horus, the Virgin son, until the Nicaea Council removed the African leadership image of the early Christian religion in 325 CE. Even then, Horus continued to be depicted symbolically as the only son of God until 500 years ago. It was the European artist, Michelangelo, who used family and friends as models to paint his image of Jesus in the Gisen Temple in 1509 CE. He was commissioned to do the painting by Pope Julius II, and he became famous with his blue-eyed, blonde man, flowing hair and bearded image of Jesus. The image was replicated by European Christian organizations all over the world. The box office musical hit, Jesus Christ Superstar, continued the Europeanization of Christian images by featuring not only a White Jesus but tendentiously a Black Judas Iscariot, the supposed betrayer of Jesus.

Until the 15th century CE, the Madonna and child were also depicted as Africans or symbolically, as can still be observed in the mosaics in the baptistery of Florence. Earliest set of paintings and carvings still dotting several European and Latin American Cathedrals, portrayed Madonna and her child as Auset and Heru. The Grande Heures de Rohan, painted about 1415 CE, depicted for the first time, White Mary, White Joseph, and White baby Jesus, fleeing home to (Black) Egypt, thus opening the flood gate to the depiction of Madonna and child as White. Van Eyck, in 1435 CE, consolidated this with his painting of the White Madonna of the Chancellor Rolin, now in the Louvre in Paris. In 1450 CE, Fouquet (c.1416–1480) in France, painted the king's current mistress, Agnes Sorel as Mary, with one breast exposed. The image that now dominates Christendom was painted in 1465 CE by Filippo Lippi. He used his mistress as model to depict Mary as a beautiful White girl holding a White baby in her arm.

Jesus Christ (c 6 BCE – 29 ? CE). The Church fathers, by paraphrasing the Greek 'monogenes,' as only begotten instead of born of one parent only, and conferring the begotten with the uniqueness of being the only Son of God, removed the need for individual spiritual growth from the potential deity within everyman. The doctored interpretation implied, as was intended by the Church fathers, that the source of redemption is from the outside. By so doing, they shifted the responsibility for the payment of debts for our sins to someone else. The interpretation is the greatest undoing of the Christian religion because apart from stopping individual spiritual development, it installs the lie that one can go on sinning forever because someone else has cleansed our sins with his blood. The truth is that each man accounts for his deeds. There is no question of the shedding of blood by anyone for someone else's sins.

His three years religious mission, we are told, began at about the age of 30, taking him away from home in Nazareth in Galilee, and ending in his crucifixion at which he died and rose to heaven the third day. His principal religious teaching, as claimed by the Bible, is contained in the Sermon on the Mount of the New Testament. It emphasizes love for the poor and the downtrodden. It also emphasizes the oneness of light, and insists on people loving their enemies and doing good if they want to see God. “Only the pure could see purity.” “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”

The statement about the “Grace of God,” confirms that there is no automatic forgiveness of sins or personal favours from God because favours must be earned. An immutable law of justice governs the universe. “Go and sell that thou hast,” is the law of karma, recognized by the early church emphasis that man reaps as he sows. Church fathers later de-emphasized this to the detriment of their followers' spiritual growth. Jesus we are told asked followers “to repent,” and “to come unto me.” The Los Angeles Times of December 12, 1984, quoted Pope John Paul II as saying: “Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins, come to me.” Even Olumba Olumba and Jesus of Oyingbo, both in Nigeria, have been known to make similar claims, does that make them Gods or special sons of God? Jesus, according to the Church Fathers, healed the sick. Many Nigerian pastors, prophets, priests, also claim similar feats daily on the Nigerian television. Jesus performed magic by multiplying loaves of bread and turning water into wine. The Nigerian non-priest Professor Peller, was adept too at performing similar magic because it could be learnt. In fact, that was a significant plank of the mystery school education.

“Jesus walked on water” like the African God Bacchus did thousands of years earlier. Levitation is not strange to magic, “the more you look the less you see.” Jesus we are told cast out demons with the words of mouth just as modern day exorcists claim to do, to banish ghosts. The early Christian movement accepted reincarnation as revealed in Matthew 17: 10-12; 16:13; 11:14; John 9:2-3; Revelation 13:10 and so on. Church fathers condemned reincarnation as heresy, several centuries into the Christian movement and planted vicarious atonement in its place. The truth is that Christians have not stopped waiting for the return (or reincarnation) of their Jesus since the advent of Christianity.

It is not easy to die on the cross. Many religious faithful have subjected themselves to the agony of crucifixion, over the years, to atone for their sins. In the Nigerian Guardian newspaper of Sunday April 11, 1998, it was reported that a dozen men in the Philippines were nailed to crosses for almost 30 minutes on the Good Friday. They moaned and groaned in pain from their crosses but did not die. The tradition had been on around the world well before the Biblical story of Jesus. It was not peculiar to the Philippines.

Since Jesus' story was developed from the life image of Ausar who was brought back to life after death and crowned king to sit in judgment over the dead, Church fathers imagined that they could not find the body of Jesus in the sepulchre. Jesus too had risen to heaven like his mentor, Ausar, did in myth, 4,425 years earlier. The reports of people like Paul, which Church fathers deliberately distorted, were not about material but spiritual resurrection. “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” achievable through loving service to others. “I am the resurrection and the life,” were supposed to represent spiritual challenge because the spirit transcends life on earth. The over six thousand years old African mystery drama of crucifixion and resurrection, taught that man transcends the physical struggles through crucifixion to achieve a higher consciousness, which is resurrection.

In other words, you cannot develop the heart at the expense of the head; both the physical and spiritual must go hand in hand to find the kingdom of heaven. Church fathers interpreted this as personal historical life of Jesus and emphasized the material or physical issues of death, resurrection, and struggles, as against spiritual redemption, recognized by Paul, for instance. Jesus is the only Son of God, claims the Church fathers. Any such claim disregards the nature of man or that the claim is the right of every man. It was not supposed to be interpreted as a peculiarity applicable only to one man or a Jesus. The Jewish sources they wrongly interpreted, confirm that man has a vast range of capabilities, and that men and angels are all “Sons of God.”

Christ in truth is the divinity within everyman, the fullness of which “lightieth everyman that cometh into the world.” This has nothing to do with an intermediary, because every individual has 'Christ' within, yearning for personal growth. Man's growth is calibrated from the lower forms up according to capacities. There are no spiritual gifts or privileges not earned, and liberation into cosmic consciousness is gradual and spans many lives. The germ is the 'Christo' planted in man according to his individual capacity to receive higher wisdom. Paul said as much too: “Know ye not your own selves, now that Jesus Christ is within you.” This makes everyman the “Son of God” from birth.

African ancestors recognized the difference between the One Essence 'Tu-SoS,' and the minor sources of power, which are the Gods or attributes of Tu-SoS. The Church fathers' translation dropped the One Source or Tu-SoS for the attributes, ignoring the vital functional energy source for man's hierarchical spiritual growth, hidden in, for instance, the process of alchemy. The mysteries taught that life was spiritually conceived, materially born. The duality is portrayed by the two mothers of the Sun God or Horus, in “Isis conceived him; Nephthys gave him birth.”

Nicodemus was told: “Ye must be born again,” man “must be born of water and the spirit.” To the ancients, water and earth represented the physical world, while air and fire stood for the spiritual realm. The significance of this is that the cosmic fire (spirit) is buried in our material (body) water, waiting for activation because man is a microcosm of the four elements of the cosmic macrocosm. The Church fathers belittled this concept as being born again through acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and through individual baptism.

The ancient African myths about the essence of deities being multiplied and distributed to a multitude of creatures was exemplified by 'three days of fasting and deprivation of spiritual nutrient. After evolving through the three periods, fragments of bread representing material well-being and fishes symbolizing spiritual energy were distributed. The Church fathers interpreted this only in terms of material advancement, ignoring the spiritual dimension of growth. The banning of the mysteries by the Romans reinforced the Church fathers' strategy to promote the adoption of materialism and personal Messiah at the expense of the faithful gaining universal wisdom. A multitude of backward people joined because they saw their quick break for personal fortune without tasking their brains or energies. God they believed would provide.

The Church fathers claim that Jesus was born in Nazareth, a place that did not exist anywhere in the world until 300 years after the alleged birth of Jesus. There is no official or church record of his place and date of birth, date and place of death, or even what he looked like physically for over three hundred years. There is no evidence or record of anything directly written down by him until the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE.

The Gospel Story is a lie. The gospel story is absent in all Christian correspondence and in letters written by any one with such names as Peter, James and John, during the first half-century of Christendom. There was no mention of the Jesus of Nazareth as the take off point of salvation or the Christian movement let alone details of his life, ministry, teaching, miracles, predictions, appointment of apostles, or directives to them to carry his message to the nations of the world.

No record mentions that anyone saw Jesus preach or the circumstances of his death nearly a hundred years after his supposed death. None of the leading characters of the Jesus story, Mary, his mother, Joseph, his father, John his herald, Judas, his betrayer, Pilate his executioner, received a mention in any Christian document of the first century CE. No holy places where Jesus visited, preached or prayed, not even Calvary where he is supposed to have died for our sins, or the empty tomb from where he 'rose' to bestow the gift of resurrection on mankind, are mentioned in the first one hundred years of Christendom.

Even Paul was oblivious of an historical Jesus. According to Earl Doherty in the Journal of Higher Criticism, Fall 1997, Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, when early writers like Paul speak of their “ Christ Jesus, they do so in exclusively mythological terms. He is the divine Son in heaven, speaking through scripture, connected to the believer in mystical ways. Christ Jesus is the very substance of Godhead, pre-existent and the image of the Father. Through him God effected creation, and his sustaining power holds the universe together.

“Christ is also the cosmic redeemer who descended from heaven to undergo a sacrificial death (an earthly time and place is never stated) and was subsequently exalted and enthroned by God's side. Through this saving drama, Christ has subjugated the demon spirits of the air who harass humanity, he has brought the souls of the dead righteous out of shoel, he has been given kingship over all supernatural and earthly powers, and he has reconciled an estranged universe to God. He has also been given divine titles formerly reserved for God.”

Earl Doherty says: all these happened “within two decades or less of the presumed man's life, a life which has apparently disappeared from the minds of those early believers in the cosmic Son, since they provide no mention of it nor make any connection between the cosmic and the historical. For all that Paul and others have to say about faith, no one ever raises the need to have faith that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God and Messiah. The very equation: The divine, spiritual Son equals Jesus of Nazareth, recently on earth, is universally missing.”

The non-Christian record of the first century of Christianity mentions nothing about a Gospel Jesus and his story. Philo of Alezandria, the Jewish historian, Justus of Tiberias, Pliny of Elder as collector of reputed natural phenomena, early Roman satirists and philosophers, give no hints of an historical Jesus. Pliny the Younger, in his letter to Trajan from Bithynia (c, 112), does not speak of Christ in historical terms.

Josephus' famous passage in Antiquities 18 is very clear and the Christian arguments that an original reference to Jesus either stood there or can be inferred from the current version, confirms the conspiracy of silence until the 4th century which Christian commentators are being accused of. As to the references to Jesus in the Jewish Talmud, Earl Doherty says: “even though some remarks are attributed to rabbis who flourished around the end of the first century (none earlier), they were not written down before the third century, and thus are unreliable. In any case, they are so cryptic and off the mark, they can scarcely be identified with the Gospel figure.”

The first mention of an historical Jesus emerged in letters by Ignatius, written in about 107 CE on his way to becoming a martyr in Rome. He wrote the earliest non-Gospel reference to a man called Jesus, born of Mary during the reign of Herod and crucified by Pontus Pilate. Tacitus, the Roman historian, in (Annals 15:44), was the first non-Christian to describe Jesus as an historical man executed by Pilate. His information was definitely not based on any authentic record because Romans hardly kept records of the countless crucifixion around their empire. Besides, Suetonius in (Claudius, 25) reported that during the reign of Claudius, the Jews in Rome agitated briefly about Chrestus. The dominant issue at the time was not about an historical Jesus or Christianity. However, Tacitus may have been influenced by a strong Christian rumour making the rounds around (c. 115) about a human founder of the Christian movement. The Epistle of Barnaba (c.120?) re-echoed the impression of an historical Jesus and Polycarp (130?) reflected the outlook of Ignatius all over again with strong reliance on the scripture rather than facts. Eusebius says Papias witnessed some circulating collection of sayings and even anecdotes associated with an historical Jesus and that these influenced his belief.

Several significant Christian documents of the second century failed to recognize an historical Jesus. The Didache, dating back perhaps to the late first century and the revered Shepherd of Hermans, including the letters, do not mention an historical Jesus. The New Testament epistles, which date from the early second century, 2 Peter and the three Pastorals, make no reference to an historical Jesus. Pilate mention of it once in the New Testament epistles, I Timothy 6: 13, like in 1 Thessalonians 2: 15, appears to be imposed ideas. But for the exception of Justin (and to some extent Aristides the Syrian), no major apologists before 180 CE, mentioned an historical Jesus while defending Christianity to the Pagans. Diatessaron days by Tatian, for instance, didn't. Rather, the evangelists all stood in defence of the Christian movement in tune with the monotheistic Akhnaton's God Ausar, and the Mystery System's Logo-type Son, Heru, a spiritual force serving as revealer and intermediary between God and man.

Earl Doherty tells us that: “Theophilus of Antioch, Athenagoras of Athens, Tatian in his Apology, Minucius Felix in Rome (or North Africa), said nothing about an historical figure crucified as an atoning act, nor about resurrection. None mentioned the name Jesus or the incarnation of their Logos. Theophilus said the name “Christian” signified that “we are anointed with the oil of God.”

Minucius Felix gave the impression of awareness of Jesus as an historical man doctrine and scornfully derides the notion. Tatian links the Greeks and Christian stories as mythical tales not to be taken literally. Justin is the only one to embrace an historical Jesus but he claimed he was alluding to his conversion experience some decades earlier. His (Dialogue with Trypho 3-8), demonstrates lack of belief in an historical man in the faith movement he joined. He puts in Trypho's mouth (8:6), the accusation “you invent a Christ for yourself.”

The Gospels are dated generally from the middle of the second century. Before that time, there is no attestation in any of the Christian writing. No Gospel is available before Justin provided narrative documents of words and deeds of Jesus of Nazareth. Broadly, Justin's quotations are at variance with canonical texts suggesting that the document was still being worked upon and had not reached final process for use.

“The standard dating based on Mark 13,“ according to Earl Doherty “is not necessarily valid, since apocalyptic expectations continued until at least the end of the century, and Jesus' suggestion in 13:17, is that some time must pass after the Jewish War before the End-time arrives.” The later dating with Mark as the pivot is more realistic and cannot be earlier than the year 90 CE. In any case, dating the Gospels between 65 CE and 100 CE, as some Christian scholars have done, present a scenario of Jesus' life that failed to register on Christian consciousness for almost a hundred years of the introduction of Christianity. Any story about Jesus of Nazareth was towards the end of the first hundred years of Christianity and is only in the Gospels, which relied on “Mark” who first wrote about it. Matthew and Luke are re-writes of Mark with mostly teaching materials added.

Teachings and stories similar to those of the Gospels from earlier epoch seem to have been reflections of unwritten traditions later incorporated into the Gospels. Papias' reference (around 120 – 130? CE as reported by Eusebius), to documents attributed to “Matthew” and “Mark, “ cannot be reconciled with the narrative Gospels going by those names nor were the names known to Justin in his memoirs of the Apostles.” In fact, Papias himself had not seen the documents but had only learned about them, making the report less reliable.

The Jesus' life of the Fourth Gospel, even after being re-worked to suit John's theology, is really not different in narrative essence from that of the Synoptics and so must have taken its queue from the First Gospel about an historical Jesus. Scholars believe that the Discourses and distinctive Johannine Christology were the original sources of a Spiritual Revealer Son, from which an “historical Jesus” was manufactured.

The short story and teaching materials known as Q and taken from Matthew and Luke is often described as a “Gospel,” although it is just a collection of traditional sayings rather than organized narrative work. Of course, there are those who claim that, at least, the earliest version of the lost document is traceable to an historical Jesus and that that constitutes a strong witness to him. It had to be lost to support a lie.

Acts too, cannot be relied upon as an historical witness to Jesus or the beginnings of Christendom because it is a second century product, very likely Roman in origin and biased, to promote the idea of a unified body of an historical Jesus' disciples as the source of Christianity. There is no evidence of Acts before the 170s CE and most of it is fabricated and incompatible with the contents of Paul's letters.

Examination of the Gospels throws up two peculiar characteristics that undermines the historicity of 'Christ.' They are their incompatible nature and the irreconcilability of the story of baptism and nativity. The contradictions of the empty tomb, and post-resurrection appearances of Jesus are already well known, but there are disagreements too in the accounts of the deeds attributed to Jesus by eyewitnesses. Scholars now say that the non-agreement between evangelists and his/their sources were deliberately edited. In other words that the writers edited received materials according to personal whims and caprices.

Many Gospel elements are recognized as sheer fabrications of the evangelists and if this could be done to the supposed words of God, there obviously could have been no limit to what was possible to preserve the lie or concocted 'history.' The writers saw their stories as artificial products designed to serve the needs of their own communities.

This is why scholars now claim that the Gospels are not historical accounts but “faith documents.” The second characteristic is the strong dependence of the Jesus story on passages and motifs from ancient cultish myths and the Jewish scriptures. The Passion story is obviously made up from verses of the Psalms of Isaiah and several other prophets. It is in totality a re-write of a tale repeated several times in the Jewish bible called “The Suffering and Vindication of the Innocent Righteous One.”

According to Earl Doherty, a midrashic method was used to re-write the Hebrew biblical narrative for the Christian setting. “Midrash is a traditional Jewish practice in which the writer interprets and enlarges upon individual or combinations of biblical passages to draw out new meanings, relevance, and offer new truth for contemporary times.” Jesus was thus portrayed as new Ausar/Heru, with features which paralleled their stories.

John Shelby Spong (in liberating the Gospels, and quoted by Earl Doherty), says: “Synoptic Gospels is midrashic fiction in virtually every detail, though it was based on an historical man” (Ausar/Heru/Moses)? Spong, building on an earlier research by Michael D. Goulder has argued that the Gospel story was designed to provide suitable lectionary material for year-round Christian observances, based on the traditional cycle of Jewish Sabbath and festival themes, which took their bearing from the Mystery System ceremonies.

Antiquities 20 reference to James as “brother of Jesus, the one called (the) Christ,” is clearly Christian interference. Josephus' original phrase may have been of similar designation as Paul's about Jesus in (Galatians 1: 19): that is the “Brother of the Lord.” This implies not a sibling relationship with Jesus, but to James's position in the Jerusalem brotherhood, which was common knowledge then. The phrase could have been altered (under the influence of Matthew 1: 16) to render it more “historical” after Jesus of Nazareth was invented.

1 Thessalonians 2: 15-16, is the only clear statement in recent times, that Jews in Judea killed the Lord Jesus, but this has been rejected by most modern liberal scholars as a figment of the imagination. In fact, in January 2005, in the heat of my exposition of the fakeness of the image of Christ in the Sun newspapers in Nigeria, the Pope told Jews worldwide, (invited to the Vatican to receive the special message), that the Jews did not kill Jesus. After 2000 years of mutual hostilities on the matter, the bible finally confirms it lied all along.

Paul's allusion to Jesus' Gospel episode of words over bread and wine in “the Lord's Supper,” 1 Corinthians 11: 23f), is obviously a mythical scene. No non-Gospel writer of the first century makes any statement linking their divine spiritual Son and Christ of reverence and salvation, with a man who, according to Earl Doherty, “recently walked the streets of Palestine, taught, prophesied, performed miracles and was executed by Pontius Pilate on Good Friday outside Jerusalem, to rise from a nearby tomb on Easter Sunday morning and ascend to heaven.”

Even the death of Christ is presented in mythical terms. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13, “we believe Jesus died and rose again. Scripture, as Paul's source of the doctrine that Christ died for our sins, (1 Corinthians 15: 3), confirms Christ's death to be faith driven rather than as an historical event. As for the resurrection story, Paul never places Jesus' death in an historical setting. “He never even tells us that Christ was tried,” says Earl Doherty. “And in 1 Corinthians 2: 8, he assigns responsibility for the crucifixion to the rulers of this age who unwittingly crucified the Lord of glory and thereby ensured their own destined destruction.”

The phrase “rulers of this age” is considered by scholars to be the demon powers inhabiting the lower celestial spheres and responsible for the evils of the world and its separation from God. The interpretation is supported by references to the demon powers in relation to Christ's work in Colossians 2: 15 and Ephesians 3: 10, and by chapter 9 of the Ascension of Isaiah, which describes the descent of the Son through the heavenly spheres and declares that he shall be hung upon a tree “by the god of that world,” meaning Satan and his angels of the firmament. They too do not know who he is (9: 13, 15). Timothy 1: 9 is also about an upper-world, beyond time setting for the redeeming act: “God's grace was given to us in Christ Jesus pro chronon aionion – before the beginning of time…..knowledge of it has only now been brought to light by the revelation of the saviour Jesus Christ (verse 10). ”The meaning of the Greek phrase seems to convey that Christ's redeeming act took place outside the normal boundaries of time and space, in an upper Platonic realm of God,” says Doherty.

How did Paul and apostles like him learn about Christ? Paul says it is through revelation and scripture. “God chose to reveal his Son through me, “(Galatians 1: 16). Ephesians 3: 4-5 provides the main elements of the revelatory drama. “The mystery about Christ, which in former generations was not revealed to men, is now disclosed to dedicated apostles and prophets through the Spirit.” They didn't learn about the Redeemer through his words and deeds on earth. In Romans 1: 2, and 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4, Paul describes the source of his gospel as God, through the Spirit, who has supplied this gospel. God appointed apostles like himself (Paul) to carry the message. He laces his revelatory language with words like phaneroo, apokalupto, epiphaneia.

The existence and role of the divine Son has hitherto been unknown. He has been a secret, a “mystery” hidden for long ages with God in heaven, now revealed together with the benefits of his saving act. This is what Paul and the other epistle writers are constantly telling us: Romans 3: 21f, 16: 25-27, Colossian 1: 26 and 2: 2, 1 Peter 1: 20. They trace nothing back to a human Jesus and indeed, as in Titus 1: 2-3, often leave no room for such a figure in their picture of the beginning of the Christian movement. In fact, they speak of Christ as now present on earth (e.g. 1 John 5: 20), sent by God as he has also sent the Spirit. (The Spirit and the Son are sometimes linked, as in Romans 8: 9, Galatians 4: 6, Phil. 1: 19). As the Pauline letters convey through the use of their ubiquitous phrase, “in – or through – Christ,” e.g. (Romans 6:11, Ephesians 1: 4, Titus 3: 6). Christ is a spiritual medium through which God is revealing himself and doing his work in the world. He is a mystical force, part of and interacting with his believers, and he is God's agent of salvation. All these are revealed on the pages of the New Testament epistles while besides them we have total silence about Gospel Jesus.

Ancient man decided that a transcendent God required an intermediary in order to have contact with the base world of matter. This led to the invention of the secondary divine forces, Logos-like and agent of creation, and the divine power that pervades and sustains all things (Wisdom of Solomon 7: 22-30). She was God's throne-partner and his very image. Paul and his contemporaries say: Christ sits at the right hand of God, it was through him that “all things came to be and through him.”(1 Corinthians 8: 6); he too sustains the universe by his word of power (Hebrew 1:3, Colossians 1: 15f). Like the Logos and Sophia (Wisdom), only the Son “knows” the Father, and humanity can only know God through the Son. Paul preached about a cosmic Christ, the creator and redeemer of the world through death and resurrection. Individual communities, like those of the Q document and the Gospel of Thomas, switched Paul's cosmic Christ for a preacher and teacher of God's coming kingdom.

In what appears to be the earliest foundation of the Gospel of John, Jesus is seen as a “descending-ascending” redeemer from heaven who saves by being God's revealer as Son and representative. Later on as in the Epistle of the Hebrews, John equates Jesus with the Greek Logos when he calls Jesus the heavenly High priest who offers his sacrifice in a heavenly sanctuary. In the Didache, “Jesus is reduced to a non-suffering intermediary servant/child of God. He is presumed to lie behind the Wisdom-World-Son mysticism of the Odes of Solomon. In the diverse strands of Gnosticism, Jesus (or Christ) is a mythical part of the heavenly forces of Godhead, sometimes a revealer akin to John's, sometimes surfacing under other names like Derdekeas or the Third illuminator. ”It is impossible to tell how many other forms of Jesus did not survive in extant documents. Paul in his letters hint at divergent groups and apostles all over the place, who preach another Jesus “so different from his own that he can lay curses upon them and accuse them of being agents of Satan,” says Earl Doherty.

The Jesus of the Q community is only the most prominent of the various types. No document exists which embodies the multitudes of component parts of Jesus or why it happened, and each of the component parts appears to have been unaware of the others. Paul's letters are silent about communities centered on the life preaching of Jesus, which to him were irrelevant and of no interest. And yet, communities like that of Q ignored the cosmic dimensions cultic circles had bestowed on their Christ. Mark was the first of the evangelists to attempt to bring the two broad images of Christ together.

While the Orthodox Churches and sects accept the literary meaning of Immaculate Conception, some esoteric and occult groups maintain that Jesus was born like any other man but that the Christ Spirit or Logos ensouled him after baptism. Another group emphasized the African solar myths, Christ or Logos, who descends into matter (or birth of Sun God), during the winter solstice, aids man (cross of matter), and dies at the spring equinox, conquers death, and rises to the highest heavens. This is an old Egyptian sun myth personified by the life and death of Ausar.

The Bible is a bundle of contradictions.
As for the Christian Bible, the kindest most generous way to describe it is that it is a bundle of contradictions. Thomas Paine (in the Age of Reason) says: “…..the Bible is a gross libel against the justice and goodness of God, in almost every part of it.” “The evidence speaks for itself. If by definition God cannot lie, the Bible does and so can not be inspired by him.”

We are indebted to Biblical Errancy for background materials on these Biblical fallacies, which draw attention to less than ten percent of the contradictions in the book that some twenty-percent of humanity swears dropped from heaven at the beginning of time.

(A) On original sin
This is one of the most important concepts in Christianity. We are told that mankind inherited a sinful nature brought about by the acts of Adam and Eve. To support this position we have: Rom.5: 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Rom.5: 19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners…. 1 Cor.15: 22 For as in Adam all die…. In other words, we are all doomed because Adam ate some rotten apple.

Contradictions: Deut. 24: 16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers. 2 Chron.25: 54 Every man shall be put to death for his own sin. (Also 2 Kings 14: 6). Ezek.18: 20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Ezek.33: 20 O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways. Jer. 31: 29-30 In those days they shall say no more. The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge. Rom. 2: 6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds. Ezek.18: 4 ….the soul that sinneth, it shall die. Rom.3: 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

1 Kgs.8: 46 For there is no man that sinneth not….. (2 Chr.6: 36) Pro. 20:9 Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? Eccl. 7: 23 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God. Rom. 3:10 As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one. There is no righteous man ever, we are all sinners. (Also 1 John 1:8 and 10; Rom. 3:12, 5:12; Gal.3: 22).

Contradictions: Gen. 6: 9 Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Job 1: 1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. Job 1: 8 My servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? (Job 2: 3). Gen.7: 1 And the Lord said unto Noah, come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. Luke 1: 5 - 6 In the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, there was a priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abia: and he had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.

(B) Does God repent?
Num. 23: 19 God is not a man, that he should lie: neither the son of man, that he should repent. 1 Sam.15: 29 And also the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.

Contradictions: Jonah 3: 10 and God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. 1 Sam.15: 11 It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king. Exod.32: 14 And the Lord repented of the evil, which he thought to do unto his people. Psalms 42: 10 For I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you. Whao! God admits to have done evil? Gen. 6: 6 and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 1Sam. 15: 35 and the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.

(C) Has anyone seen the face of God?
John 1: 18 No man hath seen God at anytime. John 6: 46 Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. 1 John 4: 12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

Contradictions: Gen. 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. Exod. 33:11 and the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend. Num. 14: 14 ….that thou Lord art seen face to face….Job 42: 5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee. Deut. 34: 10 and there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, who the Lord knew face to face. Deut. 5: 4 The Lord talked with you face to face…(also Psalm 63: 2, Isa. 6: 1 and 6: 5, Amos 7: 7- 8, Ezek.20: 35, Ex. 24: 9-10). God was not only seen, Jacob wrestled with God and nearly defeated God until God managed to wrench Jacob's hip. (Gen. 32:21). What a God?

(D) Resurrection
Paul says the very foundation of Christianity rests upon its occurrence. 1 Cor. 15: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain (also 1 Cor, 15:17) But it is not true that only Jesus will rise and nobody else. Others have risen before and after Jesus. Yet, Jesus falsely stated: John 3:13 And no man had ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven even the Son of man which is in heaven. If the son of man, Jesus is in heaven, how come he is down here on earth speaking at the same time? In any case, Jesus lied because according to 2 Kings 2; 11 …. Behold there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Elijah (2 Kgs. 2:11) and Enoch (Gen. 5:22 – 24) never died. Enoch went straight to heaven too. Hebr. 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him, for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. (Gen.5: 24). Other people went to God without dying. 1Ths. 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: And so shall we ever be with the Lord. And yet again, Hebr. 9:27 …it is appointed unto men to die. For the fate of the sons of men and fate of the beasts is the same: as one dies, so dies the other …..man has no advantage (pre-eminence) over beasts …..All go to one place; all are from the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down to the earth. (Also Job 7: 9-10; 1Tim. 6:15 –16; Isaiah 26:14). So, the Bible does not even know where the spirits of Jesus, Enoch, Elijah and the rest went. To compound its confusion, the bible makes another of its strange claims: Gen. 1:27, Adam was never born to begin with. He came into the world as a full-grown adult. The Bible must think all humans have monkey's brain.

Jesus was not the only one to rise from the dead. A dead man being lowered into a grave revived when he touched the bones of Elisha (2 Kgs. 13: 21). Elijah raised a child from the dead (1 Kings 17: 17, 21-22); Samuel said to Saul, why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me (1Sam.28: 7, 11, 15); Elisha raised the dead son of a Shunammite (2 Kings 4: 32, 34-35); Moses and Elijah revived at the time of the Transfiguration (Luke 9: 28,3). The saints arose at the time of Jesus' death (Matt. 27: 52-53). The widow of Nain's son rose from the dead (Luke 7: 11-15). Lazarus rose from the dead (John 11: 43-44). All these people rose from the dead before Jesus. Peter raised Tabitha and Paul raised Eutychus after Jesus. (Eccle. 3: 19-21) So what is so special about Jesus rising from the dead?

Other contradictions on Resurrection.
At what time in the morning did the women visit the tomb?

At the rising of the sun (Mark 16: 2). When it was yet dark (John 20:1)

Who came?
Mary Magdalene alone (John 20: 1). Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matt.28: 1). Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome (Mark 16:1). Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women (Luke 24: 10)

Was the tomb opened or closed when they arrived?
Open (Luke 24: 2). Closed (Matt. 8:1-2)
Who did they see at the tomb?
The angel (Matt. 28:2). A young man (Mark 16: 5). Two men (Luke 24: 4). Two angels (John 20: 11-12).

Were there men or angels inside or outside the tomb?

Outside (Matt. 28: 2). Inside (Mark 16: 5, Luke 24: 3- 4, John 20: 11-12).

Were they standing or sitting?
Standing (Luke 24: 4). Sitting (Matt. 28: 2, Mark 16: 5, John 20: 12).

Did Mary Magdalene know Jesus when he first appeared to her?

Yes she did (Matt. 28: 9). No she did not (John 20: 14).

(E) Is Jesus a perfect beacon for mankind?
Jesus of Nazareth is supposed to be God incarnate, the sinless being, the embodiment of perfection. 1 Pet. 2:22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. Isa. 53: 9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

But that is a lie; Jesus is not a perfect beacon. Jesus like Paul regularly made false statements and wrong prophesies. John 7: 8-10 Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto the feast: for my time is not yet full come. When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee. But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. In John 13: 38 Jesus said: Verily verily, I say unto thee. The cock shall not crow, till thou (Peter) hast denied me thrice. What was supposed to have happened was: Mark 14: 66-68 And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the high priest; And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him, and said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth. But he denied, saying I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch; and the cock crew. According to Jesus' prophecy the cock was not to speak until after the third denial, not after the first.

Jesus told the thief on the cross: Luke 23: 43 Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. This prophecy could not have been kept unless Jesus went to heaven that day, in which case he would not have been buried for three days and three nights. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Mark 15: 37 and 15:42 show Jesus died on the day before the Sabbath, which would be Friday. Mark 16: 9 and Matthew 28: 1 show he allegedly rose sometime during Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Friday afternoon to Sunday morning does not add up to three days and three nights even at the nursery school level arithmetic anywhere in the world. Jesus told a man: Mark 8: 34 Whatsoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. This statement was made early in his ministry. Yet the cross could not have become a Christian symbol until after the Crucifixion. There would be nothing to pick up. This utterance would have made no sense whatever to the man being addressed.

Prophesies fulfilled in manners different from that promised:

(Those, which have never occurred): New Testament references to Old Testament prophesies that don't exist. Also apart from inaccurate predictions with respect to the cock crowing, the attainment of paradise by the thief on the cross and the similarity in time between his internment and Jonah's period in the whale, read Genesis 2: 17, God told Adam: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest these of thou shalt surely die. Yet, Adam ate the fruit and did not die that day. In fact, he lived to be 930 years old Gen. 5: 5. 2 Samuel 12: 14.

David had sinned against God and Nathan said: Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. Verse 18 clearly shows that the child died physically, not spiritually, shortly thereafter (which also goes against Deut. 24: 16). Genesis 28: 13 …..I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.

Jacob never received the Promised Land, and it is questionable whether the spot on which he lay ever came into the possession of his descendants. Genesis 35: 10 And God said unto him Thy name is Jacob; thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. Then 11 chapters later: Gen. 4: 2 and God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night, and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, Here am I.

Deuteronomy 23: 3 An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever. Ruth, a Moabitess, not only entered the congregation of the Lord as Ruth 1: 4, 1: 22, 1: 13, 4: 17 show, but gave birth to the ancestors of David and Jesus.

Jesus lied several times: John 23: 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. Jesus allegedly lifted up, but failed to lift all mankind up with him. Seven out of ten people in the world are not Christians nor have all Christians been lifted. Matt. 8: 20: And Jesus saith unto him, Thy foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests: but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. Mark 2: 15 …Jesus sat at meat in his house. Jesus had no place to lay his head, yet he owned a house. Psalm 24: 1 he (Jesus) owned everything. Matt 19: 19 Jesus said: Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. While he said to his own mother, John 2: 4, Woman, what have I to do with thee? That is some honour for a mother. Jesus not only believed the devil existed but had conversations with him, Matt. 4: 3-10, Luke 4: 3-8. Could this devil be God Yahweh?

(F) Did Jesus curse?
Matt. 5: 22 But whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Jesus repeatedly called people fools: Matt. 23: 17, 19 Ye fools and blind….. Luke 11: 4 Ye fools…..Matt. 5: 44 Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you. Yet repeatedly, Jesus called his opponents names and hurled epithets in Matt.23: 15, 23: 17, 19, 27, 33, John 10: 8, Luke 11: 40, Matt 12: 34.

(G) Is Jesus saviour of mankind?
Matt. 27: 46 Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli. Eli lama sabachthani. Meaning, My God my God, why hast thou forsaken me? That cannot be the language of a saviour? The man did not want to die, let alone for our sins. They certainly were not the words of someone in control of the situation.

(H) Who was Joseph's father?
Jacob, Matt. 1: 16, Heli, Luke 3:23.
(I) How many men etc., did David slew?
…..the men of 700 chariots of the Syrians and 40,000 horsemen, 2 Sam.10: 18. It was the men of 7000 chariots and 40,000 footmen, 1 Chron. 19: 18. Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his Chariots in 1 Kings 4: 26, no it was 4,000 stalls, 2 Chron. 9: 25.

(J) And now to believers
Bible says: Prove all things….1 Thess.5: 12. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then….open to reason….James 3: 17. Always be prepared to make a defence to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you 1 Peter 3: 15. The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. This is probably the most important verse in the Bible.

(K) Salvation is one of the most important planks of Christendom and yet no one is sure if it is by faith, destiny or God's whim, to be saved?

Matt 19: 16 – 21 Where a man asked Jesus what he must do to have eternal life. Matt. 19: 16 – 18, And behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, why callest thou me good? There is none good but one that is God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Honour thy father and thy mother: and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The young man saith unto him. All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, if thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. Good works, good deeds, following the commandments, are all that is necessary. Jesus said nothing about believing in anything. Faith or belief isn't even mentioned.

Jesus did not say you must believe in me – that I am the only begotten son of God. He did not say: You must be born again. He did not say: You must believe in the Bible. He did not say: You must remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy. But these conditions are being preached today. Only five of the Ten Commandments were listed as required for salvation and love thy neighbour is one of them. That one is to be found too in Leviticus 19: 18. Mark 10: 17 – 19 repeats the essential message of Matt. 19: 16 – 18 and also lists a commandment – defraud not – that doesn't exist. Again, five of the Ten Commandments were omitted in Luke 18: 18 – 22, 10: 25 –28, Romans 2: 13, 1 Cor. 7: 19, Luke 19: 8 – 9, John 5: 28 – 29, Deut. 10: 12, Ecclesiastes 12: 13. All the above verses resemble Micah 6: 8 which says what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. None mentions belief or faith, good deeds alone are sufficient. Today, Christians quote: saved by faith: Acts 16: 30. And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou halt be saved, and thy house. Also: John 14:6, 3: 15 – 16, 18, 36, 6: 28 – 29, 47, 11: 25 – 26, Acts 4: 12, 13: 39, Romans 1: 16 – 17, Hebrews 11: 6, Ephesians 2: 8 – 9. Although Paul often says saved by faith, Jesus clearly states you are saved by works and Jesus assertions take precedence. Saved by faith means you can keep on sinning. Repent and sin again Christ pays all and on goes the sinner.

(L) Destiny is fixed.
Acts 13: 48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. Ephesians 1: 4-5 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his Eph.13: 8, 2Thess 2: 13, Eph.1: 11, Matt. 24: 24, 31, Proverbs 16: 9, 20: 24, 2Tim. 2: 10, 1 Peter 1: 2, 2: 8. Then confusion, the Bible alleges that God selects people as he sees fit. Psalm 65: 4 Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts. (See also: John 6: 44, 65, 17: 9, Acts 22: 14, Romans 9: 16, 18, Psalm 86: 13).

(M) Morality.
The Bible dwells on immorality, fosters profanity and honours corruption. If children were not diverted from various parts of scripture, they could easily be influenced by such negative language as: Gen. 38: 9 ….and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground. Lev. 21: 20 … a man that is brokenfooted or ….hath his stones broken. 2Sam. 16: 21 ….and Absalom went in unto his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel. Ezek. 23: 20 …yet she increased her harlotry, and doted upon her paramours there, whose members were like those of asses, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handed your bosom and pressed your young breasts. Song 5: 4 My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him. The following verses aren't going to elevate the morality of society either. If anything they are worse: Deut. 23: 1 – 2 He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord. A bastard shall not enter….2Kings 18: 27….that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you. Prov. 5: 19…let her breasts satisfy thee at all times….

(N) Offensive language
Song 1: 13 A bundle of myrrh is my well beloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts. Song 4: 5 Thy two breasts are like two young roses that are twins, which feed among the lilies. Song 8: 10 I am a wall, and my breasts like towers…..The Bible indicts itself: Prov. 15: 26 ….the words of the pure are pleasant words.

(O) Forbidden Fruit.
Living is sheer hell and mankind has endless suffering and disasters to show for it. Famine, earthquakes, floods, plane crashes, civil wars are the daily menu of existence. Men constantly kill and maim each other to gain turfs and advantages. Big powers march into weaker countries to sack governments and usurp their resources even in the name of religions. The harder we pray the more pains we seem to suffer. We cannot walk the streets without minding our backs. Survival pangs are daily chores riddled with fear of sudden death. Obviously, a diabolical force is in control of the world.

Organized religions claim that God is good. That He created everything but that Satan brought evil to mankind. Man's dilemma since creation has been to unravel where Satan came from if God created everything good. Adam and Eve couldn't have created evil since they were part and parcel of the perfect creation of God. If Satan brought evil, and God created everything and God's original creation was perfect, then no aspect of it could have created evil. Isaiah 44: 24, Eccle. 11: 5, John 1: 3, Eph. 3: 9, Rev. 4: 11 say God must have created everything.

The Bible insists, God created everything and if He did, then He created evil or evil does not exist. But we all know that evil exists so if God did not create it, He did not create everything and what He did not create seems to control our world. Satan overwhelms God in our world but religionists insist that God cannot be overwhelmed and that He created everything. What they are saying without admitting it is that God is Satan. Actually the Holy books are not ambiguous about who God is. It is the preachers and Imams that paint confusing pictures of Him to look pious. Men of God create the differentiation between God and Satan to whip man into submission for exploitation.

(P) The Holy books describe God as Satan.
God the perfect being, did all of the following: He created evil (Lam. 3: 38, Jer. 26: 3, Ezek. 20: 25 – 26, Judges 9: 3, 1, Sam. 16: 23, 18: 10); He deceived (Jer. 4: 10, 15: 18, 20: 7, 2, Chron 18: 22, Ezek. 14: 9, 2Thess. 2: 9 – 12); He told people to lie (Ex. 3: 18, 1Sam. 16: 2); He lied (Gen. 2: 17, 2Sam. 7: 13); He rewarded liars (Ex. 1: 15 – 20); He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25: 27); He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov. 26: 10); He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19: 14); He spread dung on people's faces (Mal.2: 3); He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39: 10, Ex 3: 22); He made false prophesies (Jonah 3: 4, Gen. 5: 10); He changed his mind (Jonah 3: 10); He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12: 11 – 12); He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1: 2, 3:1 – 2); He killed (Num. 16: 35, 21: 6, Deut. 32: 39, 1Sam. 2: 26, Psalm 135: 10); He ordered killing (Lev. 26: 7 – 8, Num. 25: 4 – 5); He had a temper (Deut. 13: 17, Judges 3: 8); He was often jealous (Deut. 5: 9,6: 15); He wasn't omnipresent (Gen. 4: 16, 11: 5, 1Kings 19: 11 – 12); He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8: 2, 13: 3, 2Chron. 32: 31); He often repented ( Ex. 4: 22 – 23, Joshua 22: 20, Rom. 5: 12); He played favourites ( Deut. 7: 6, 14: 2, 1Sam. 12: 22); He sanctioned slavery ( Ex. 21: 20 – 21, Deut. 15: 17); He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21: 16 – 23).

He punished a bastard for being illegitimate (Deut. 23: 2); He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3: 16, 20: 18); He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12: 29, 20: 5, Deut. 5: 9); He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6: 10, John 12: 39 – 40). He supported human sacrifice (Ex. 22: 29 – 30, Ezek. 20: 26); He ordered cannibalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19: 9); He demanded virgins as a part of war plunders (Num. 31: 31 – 36); He ordered gambling (Joshua 14: 2, Num. 26: 52, 55 – 56); He ordered horses to be hamstrung (Joshua 11: 6). He sanctioned violation of the enemy's women (Deut 21: 10 – 14); He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21: 20 – 21); He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22: 28: 29); He taught war (Psalm 144: 1); He ordered the burning of human faeces to cook food (Ezek. 21: 3 – 5); He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20: 25); He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulterers (Hosea 4: 14); He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4: 8 – 15); He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38: 9 – 10); and He is indecisive ( Gen. 18: 17).

That is the perfect God of the Holy Bible. What criminal, what villian, in all history had a record to match?

Ingersoll's Works in (Some Mistakes of Moses) says: “a false friend, an unjust judge, a braggart, a hypocrite, and tyrant, sincere in hatred, jealous, vain and revengeful, false in promise, honest in curse, suspicious, ignorant, infamous and hideous – such is the God of the Pentateuch.

Thomas Paine in (The Age of Reason) says: “All our ideas of the justice and goodness of God revolt at the impious cruelty of the Bible. It is not God, just and good, but a devil, under the name of God, that the Bible describes. Thomas Paine in (The life and Works of): “A book so full of contradictions and wickedness could not be the Word of God and …we dishonour God by ascribing it to him.”

History of humankind is over 13 million years old but the first Bible was published in 1514 CE, and the first English version was in 1535 CE. That is barely 500 years ago and yet the Church fathers pretend that the Bible dropped from heaven at the beginning of history. The Bible has been revised so many times with every new edition significantly different in ideas from the previous one. The Bible was reviewed as the Geneva Bible in 1560 CE. The King James I version was written in 1611 and revised in 1885 and none is quite the same as the original one it is replacing or the recent revisions in 1970 and 1995, all in an attempt to continue to advance Christian hegemony in the world. And now that gay and homosexual priests are being ordained, the next Bible revision may take account of the new trend by justifying it with claims of approval from 'God.'

The Bible apart from being deceitful and mostly devoid of logic and commonsense, is also grossly racially skewed and its White Son of God for all of mankind, without emphasizing that it is mythical, is the anti-Christ. There is so much evil and suffering in the world because the religion of the dominant civilization is built on monumental falsehood. We are praying to no avail because the spirit world abhors deceit.

The next edition of the Bible would, of course, claim God's approval of homosexuality. In an interview with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, conducted by David Van Biema and Catherine Mayer, and published in the US 'Time' weekly magazine of June 18, 2007, entitled 'Holy War,' it was reported that global Anglicanism may be veering toward a schism. That “a clash over homosexuality threatens to tear apart the worldwide Anglican community. At the 1998 edition of the Communion's once-a-decade Lambeth Conference, the concluding language called homosexual practice 'incompatible with scripture. In 2003, the Episcopal Church, the Anglican body in the US, made Gene Robinson, an openly gay man, Bishop of New Hampshire.”

The ordination of Gene Robinson as Bishop has gravely fractioned the worldwide Anglican communion, with African Bishops leading the opposition. The Nigerian Most Rev. Peter Akinola, Archbishop, in response to the threat possed by the US action, said that, “God regards homosexuality as the equivalent of humans having sex with various animals.” And in response to Canterbury that appeared to be sitting on the fence on the matter, Archbishop Akinola said, “we don't have to go through Canterbury to get to Jesus.”

Archbishop Akinola then went ahead to break up the Anglican body in the US, that has 111 dioceses, by setting up – the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) – flouting Communion rules about stealing other Bishops' sheep. Right now, there are two US Anglican bodies, one known unofficially as Akinola's church and responding to African authority and leadership and the other, which supports homosexuality, responding to Canterbury.

The ten yearly Conference, which held between June 22 and Sunday June 29, 2008, in Jerusalem, was threatened with boycotts and hostilities by African Bishops. Archbishop Rowan Williams was not optimistic but hopeful that he could still hold his flock together. He said in the Time magazine interview, “I don't particularly want to be – I wouldn't say blackmailed but pressured by either extreme on this. I think they'd lose by not coming. I think they need to talk to each other and listen to each other without prejudice.” 300 Bishops attended the meeting, with Archbishops Peter Akinola of Nigeria and Henri Orombi of Uganda criticising Dr. Rowan's handling of the gay Bishop's issue. The Conference expressed concern over the future of the church, which Akinola described as being in a state of brokenness.

The Daily Sun newspaper of Nigeria, on March 18, 2008, published an interview that revealed the real reason for the schism between the Church in the West and Africa. It totally destroyed the foundation of the Church by exposing the lies that have sustained it until now. The interview slipped quietly through the media without raising as much as an eyebrow. It was a devastating silent bomb never-the-less. In the Daily Sun interview, Mr. Oliver-Ross Udeafor asked Rt. Rev. Dr. Samuel Chukwudi Ezeofor, the Bishop of the Missionary Diocese of Ogbaru, with headquarters at Utani in Anambra State, Nigeria, a series of questions leading to the following last one.

Question. “The Lambeth Conference is coming up this year but the African Bishops, particularly the Nigerian ones, are saying they would not attend due to problems of same sex marriages and gay priests' ordination in America. Do you think that not attending is the best thing to do.?”

Answer by Bishop Ezeofor. “Well, let me say first of all, that it is really not the same sex marriage that is the only problem. It is just one of the problems. We are talking about the revisionist agenda of the West where people are now talking about doubting the virgin birth of Christ.

In fact, all the things we know to be the foundation of Christianity, some people are questioning them and to the point that somebody is saying, well, we wrote the Bible and we can rewrite it. So, you find that it is not just the issue of the same sex but it is the whole issue of the revisionist agenda and if you like, modernism. That is what we are fighting. Well, not attending Lambeth Conference is the decision of the Church of Nigeria and some other national Churches, not only Nigeria for now. It is not that we are saying we will not attend but we want the matters on ground to be settled biblically because if we throw away the Bible then there is no basis for us attending the conference. So, that is what we are saying. We will attend when the atmosphere, the climate is conducive, based on the fact that we are saying these things that are on ground, let us resolve them. That is the matter there.”

Now, does this not show how dumb African leaders of alien religions are? Their master says: “I want to change some rules that I made. I wrote the Bible and I lied. I want to modernize it.” The African servant says, what do you want to do such a dumb thing for? Leave things as they are, we are happy living a lie. When I wrote in the same Daily Sun newspaper about three years ago that Jesus Christ was the figment of the White man's fertile imagination, under the title 'The White man's 419,' (419 is the statute book reference code for economic fraud in Nigeria), the Church movement in Nigeria went up in arms. Archbishop Rowan Williams had to rush to Nigeria at the time to help calm frayed nerves and strategize on what to do. Series of vigils were held in Churches around the country and around the world to exorcize the devil responsible for the newspaper article. I was convinced at the time that the men of God honestly and genuinely believed that the Bible was written and dropped from heaven by God.

After Bishop Ezeofor's interview in the Daily Sun in March, 2008, I did what I should have done earlier. I sat some members of a famous elite Seminary down and asked them about the 'Virgin Birth' and other lies their religion thrives on. After a rambling session in which efforts were made to persuade or divert me or change the topic, the truth began to emerge. They confessed, one after the other, that they know and talk about the kind of issues I have raised, among themselves. That they are warned by their superiors not to let the truth go beyond the walls of the Seminaries. Then why do you stay in it? Why do you work against your own conviction, against the truth, against your conscience? I asked. They tried to convince me that when one grows up believing in something, it is difficult to suddenly change direction as an adult. Besides, it is a way of life for many, a popular one too, a gigantic industry that sustains millions of people. If you destroy it, where are the alternative jobs for the millions that would be thrown into the labour market?

I was ok in a way, when I believed that the leaders of the Church did not know the truth about their religion. Now that I know that they knew all along, and are deliberately benefiting from fraudulently misleading millions of followers around the world, I feel very sad indeed. I feel even more so for Black and African people who kneel or bow before Caucasian, Asian and Arab Gods, ancestors, spiritual images, messiahs and intermediaries, because by doing so, they are admitting chronic inferiority complex, and encouraging their perpetual mental slavery.

Six thousand years ago, our primitive ancestors believed that the Moon and the Sun were gods; that Semiramis was hatched from an egg that fell from the Moon; that Auser's ghost pregnated Auset for the first human Virgin Birth and that Auser resurrected and ascended to heaven to seat in judgment over the dead. These rather infantile ideas now, were sustained by our confused Church fathers who declared surgical operations, devils work in 1302 CE; burnt Nicholas Copernicus at the stake in 1543 CE, for claiming that the Earth is round; burnt Giordano Bruno at the stake in 1600 CE, for claiming that humans would fly one day in machines. The Church said if God wanted humans to fly, He would have given us wings. The Church fathers put Galileo under house arrest until he died in 1642 CE, for saying that the Earth is round and that it is revolving around the sun. The Church said, the Earth does not move, it is like a cock on water carried by four mighty horses. In 1758 CE, the Church described inoculation and vaccination as Satan's jobs.

These are the narrow-minded people we are allowing to think for us in the year 2009 CE? They recruit the likes of senile in old age, retiring, former Chief Justice of England, Lord Denning; Jurist, Sir Edward Clark; Royal Professor of Law at Harvard University, Dr. Greenleaf, and former Chair of history at Oxford, Prof. Thomas Arnold, to support their senseless notion of resurrection. Does not finding a body in a grave automatically equate with resurrection? No witness has come forward yet to say they saw a body rise. Is it not possible that there was no body in the grave in the first place or that it could have been stolen as happens often these days? It could have even taken a walk because it is not easy to die nailed to a cross. Moses' body has not been found until now, but the Jews are not claiming that not finding it means it rose.

Judeo-Christianity mystified the religious world by elevating their ancestor Gods with the capital letter 'G' and down-grading other people's Gods with the small letter 'g.' All Gods, whether spelt with the capital letter 'G' or the small letter 'g' are ancestors who at one time or the other lived here on earth. Therefore, if intermediary Gods are necessary for anyone, they would not be alien ancestors. Whites and Arabs gave Africans, White ancestors to worship. The ultimate or universal source of spirituality or spiritual energy (Tu-SoS) is a higher spiritual energy source than the Judeo-Christian, Islamic God. Traditional Africans, the ancestors of mankind, instinctively know this. That is why African traditional religion is so powerful. No one in the world worships the ultimate spiritual energy source. That is because, like light, it does not ask to be worshipped. It is not a spirit; it is not transient; it is not a God. All Gods are ancestral spirits that humans create from deities of the spirit world.

Any race that forgets her ancestors is doomed to perpetual slavery and cannot make progress. We can begin right now to reclaim our essence and take back our leadership of the world from where our illustrious ancestors were pushed off inelegantly some 2000 years ago. The place to start is in our hearts and our spirit selves. We must reconcile with our ancestors. We must stop living a lie and individually vigorously, embark on efforts to recover our lost essence and grounds.

HRM NAIWU OSAHON, the Agosu (king of kings) of Africa, conferred by the authority of all the traditional rulers of the Rep. of Benin; Hon. Khu Mkuu (Leader) World Pan-African Movement); Ameer Spiritual (Spiritual Prince) of the African race; MSc. (Salford); Dip.M.S; G.I.P.M; Dip.I.A (Liv.); D. Inst. M; G. Inst. M; G.I.W.M; A.M.N.I.M. Poet, Author of the magnum opus: 'The end of knowledge'. One of the world's leading authors of children's books; Awarded; key to the city of Memphis, Tennessee, USA; Honourary Councilmanship, Memphis City Council; Honourary Citizenship, County of Shelby; Honourary Commissionership, County of Shelby, Tennessee; and a silver shield trophy by Morehouse College, USA, for activities to unite and uplift the African race.

HRM Naiwu Osahon, the Agosu of Africa, renowned author, philosopher of science, mystique, leader of the world Pan-African Movement

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