Opinion › Feature Article     ›   07 Sep 2009


I read with impunity,an article that appeared on the various web-sites and ghana's newspapers,ex-president Kuffour's contributions to his party's defeat.As a perceived NPP member,the writer does well to contain his temper with respect that run through the write-up,few people know how to do just that.If miniturization trends were to continue,very soon,ghana's token democracy might gain deeper roots,much more than it's coming from.Those of you that find this phrase very techy,have fun with what brought the ex-president to fame.

From days when he joined the PNDC rule,he's been credited with the district assembly concept that brought down"decentralisation"into our body politics.Strangely,this catch-phrase just ended when the ex-president left the military junta to fond with the NPP,through the danquah-busia club,as it was called,to evade military detection.There is very little doubt that President Kuffour is the most successful UP ADHERENT right now,but i find it dangerous whiles he's daily kept fighting against this accolade to erode himself.One thing i would never forgive Dr.Mensah Otabil,founder of ICGC Churches,was a sermon he once preached on radio.On the occasion of his 50th birthday,i reminisce with an article,not to eulogise him but analyse a very topic of the day.

Pastor Otabil might have said it right when these syllogisms came from him,"in life you need friends on your level,some friends below yours,and some above you"."Those below,you inspire,at your level,you share;above you,you learn".Most will disregard these thoughts as a modern day fortune-cooking-philosophy,but believe me,the antithesis is not.On this level he had this to say,"if all you friends are at your level,"said the Pastor,"you will not go up,when all of them are below,they will pull you down;WHEN ALL OF THEM ARE ABOVE YOU,YOU WILL FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM"Some will call it arrogance but i think in turns of what Ato Kwamena Dadzie(joy fm reporter) will say,"out of touch with his own people",to what majority of party menbers will say,was the former president's tacit support to the NDC in the run-up to election 2008.

The NPP has sent the ex-president(some members even lost their lives) to power,with all those wild party's and champagne that,he might forgetton how he got there.Who will think small when you have Obasanjo and all others as friends?So it's longer"hwe wo asetna mo na to aba",but authourity and how to use it dispproportionately.It got so bad that even three member meetings that the party together with the flag-bearer put up,as him,the national chairman and the flag-bearer were relegated,with his part being taken over by his deputy(kwadwo mpianim),whether he's home or outside.Whoever thinks i have just pressed the self-destruct button should think again.First,i am not an NPP regular,neither do i think Kuffour is, or Mr.Alan Kyeremanteng.

These days things are so complex,you either tend to mix the two or write both names together.The NPP might have received a considerable share of my voice within the last decade,nonetheless,i stll think it's less to make me a member.Whatever i say or done should be view within the context of my seemingly distrust for the NDC,which is fast eroding.If there's any NPP member,living or dead,who needs the magnifying glass,to read between the lines,it's those three founders:Danquah,Busia and Dombo.For someone schooled within the contents of Mr Kuffour's continued struggle for democracy from military rule,it stares rather odd,that Kofi Diawo will stand in the way of his party,in every neccessary changes,sometimes,acting authocratic and despondent(combine)in the process.First it was the NPP's delegates confab,and he refused to stay neutral.

You think am acting fallacy;check this out:how on earth could Prof Mike Ocquah,a contestant for the national championship position were pravailed upon to step aside for Mr Haruna Esseko,with both a position for a board membership of a state institution,and an ambassadorial position as well.Unless you're a goodwill ambassador for the UN or any of the charitably organisation,i see less reason why this will work.Yet, faceless,but active"party founder",acting contrary to everything the NPP has believe in.Even Kwesi Pratt talked about it,but the journalist's voice has been lost,and already discounted himself with an allegiance he had fought so hard to ride of:an alliance with the opposition NDC at the time.A lot has passed under during the times,with the former president's passionate opposition to bids from Mac Manu,Lord Commey,the late Hawa Yakubu etc,all in the name of an ascension to the party's throne,of his protege:Mr Alan Kyeremanteng.

Most people has accused him of not doing enough to ensure an Akuffo Addo victory.A view that demanded in his view a whole interview with kwaku-one-on one to rebut.Without any success consequently,i think the time has come for the ex-president to be resisted with every sweat.Kuffour could not campaign vigorously for the party in the elections because he had demurred himself with so much disquiets that,rigidity was sunk out him.DCEs were sack for being uncoperative,whiles Paul Afoko,Amin Anta kept on terrorizing the rest to rise up to just one thing:the hatred for the party's own choice.

Alan Kyeremanteng can resign now or be made to comply with the party's ethics code.Hiding behind friends and surrogates to forment fractions within and out,the party is not honourable,an appellation he so desperately covets.Kuffour's class of rule might have contributed to an NDC reign again.Think about it,who in normal sense will even think about the"robbery"piece together as Hesse Chinery report.Or better still,which normal modern or past institution will survive with so much giveaways to his past leaders?I know this came to fore after the elections but it portrays a past of shady and ostentatious character.

By Richard Anane's appointment and disappointment,and appointment again,it add up to this fact.So the tide of polls,with it's body odour few weeks to an election were not congenial.Just a way to say"down with conservetism and morality",a bloc so vital to party base,and independents.The ex-president can act statesman,or head on to defeats upon defeats with everyone he backs.The last time i checked,the constitution was dynamic,not static.Say no to this,espectially,at this time,and you drum up allegations of vote-buying and bribery during the party's confabs to elect leaders,no matter how hard you try to face it or hide it with much body-words made-up,exactly the way the former president did,and lost face,dishonourably.That's the spirit of the UP tradition;you just can't impose,you propose!.no be so?

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