Health › Health     ›   27 Aug 2009

NGO donate items to Apam Hospital

Apam (C/R) Aug. 27 GNA- The Berian Ministerial Alliance, a local faith-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) has donated surgical disposables and walking aids, worth GH¢ 2,000 to Apam Catholic Hospital.

The items also include drainage bags, bed pans, surgical gloves, head covers, surgical drapes, surgical packs and bead sheets.

The Reverend John Mensah-Acquaye, President of the NGO said the donation was in response to the low life expectancy rate in Africa, due to the lack of access to medical care by a vast majority of the people.

He said the donation was facilitated by partners at the University Bible Church of Los Angeles, in the US.

Rev. Mensah-Acquaye urged Ghanaians to make medical check-ups a habit to ensure early detection and treatment of diseases and be mindful of what they eat or drink in order to prolong their lives.

The President of the NGO said the organisation settled on Apam Hospital due to its strategic location, which made it possible for accident victims on the Accra- Cape Coast Highway to be treated.

He said the coverage area of the hospital and the co-operation of the Management and Staff was also taken into consideration.

Mr Francis Yawson, Hospital Administrator, who received the items thanked the organisation for the kind gesture and gave the assurance that the items would be used judiciously to promote health delivery in the area.


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