Opinion › Feature Article       31.07.2009


One of Albert Einstein's publications, which gave him a breakthrough in the world, was published in a less-well-known Academic Journal in Germany. Though Einstein gained footing in the Academic world through this famous publication he made, many academicians and for that matter a few distinguished scholars confessed later that if he had sent this essay to them, they would have refused to recommend it for publication. This is due to the fact that the paper was devoid of footnotes and certain things that made it looked like not well ready for publication. Though many people would not agree with me, yet popular scientific articles can also contribute to knowledge just as its counterparts do, that is, the Academic Journals.

Theory and Research
The manner researches are conducted in various fields of sciences to enable knowledge to increase has also helped the world to move forward in its progress and sundry developments. Knowledge augmentation here means that what scientists have already came up with, are continuously given attention by other scholars in order to verify the validity of these findings that they have earlier on accepted as authentic. These constant visits by scientists on earlier results of different researches already made to solidify their findings make it that no stones are left unturned in connection with false information or results that careless scientists have procured due to the use of inappropriate methods or designs. But when the investigation is about how a theory was developed, then there are always several attempts by other scientists to test whether the theory fits well to observation or not. Usually, it is very difficult to disprove a theory that had been developed by someone, as by testing of the theory, modifications could be made that could help the theory to be well prepared for acceptance in the future. Seldom do scientists discard an already propounded theory as not important and, therefore, must be totally rejected. Experience has shown that even if a theory is not veritable due to the earlier testing made, it is still capable of leading to some essential truths about nature or that particular thing being theorised about. In short, it could be argued that there is no theory that is totally bad or good, for every theory propounded could be criticised and through these criticisms emerge as a strong theory to be reckoned with. That is all the more reason why it is always asserted that a theory is not developed by one person, but instead by many scholars that each contributes to it, one way or the other through their criticisms such as questioning its substance and usefulness.

Corollary Hypothesis
The aim of this essay is to present a corollary to my earlier hypothesis that was discussed in the previous article, namely “Eureka, Eureka.” It is to strengthen the original hypothesis propounded by Charles Darwin, the self-taught British scientist in connection with evolutionary theory that I have resolved to state the present hypothesis:

The present day Europeans, including those scattered abroad in North America and Australia, are the descendants of the African Albinos

Revolutionary Ideas and Scientific Truths
People should not be worried about this hypothesis which to me has already been investigated and answered in my work that was published earlier before. It is seen as a corollary to the general one that questioned the principle that a distinct species that emerged in Africa moved beyond Africa and since then, there had not been any repetition of the evolution of species occurring in the continent. To be frank, this did not only make Darwin's theory magical but it also showed that he was basing his work on pure speculation which earlier scientists had pursued from the beginning. Revolutionary ideas have been common in the history of science. And when they appeared scholars both less well known and some famous ones gave attention to them. The work of Copernicus and Galileo, for example, challenged the medieval idea and long time conception that the Earth was the centre of the solar system, and that the Sun revolves around the former. Sir Isaac Newton with his famous publication challenged the beliefs of the Church and some major medieval conception of the world. René Descartes with his new philosophical approach made it uncomfortable for the philosophical world by insisting that he would care knowing only the scientific truth by his dictum “Cogito ergo sum.” (I think, therefore I am). Einstein was also bold when he challenged the theory of Newton and later offered some suggestions leading to his development of his new theory of relativity. Therefore, judging by the nature of science, this is not the first time essential theory is being challenged in order to offer some fresh ideas that may lead to better comprehension of the phenomenon of nature.

Validated Scientific Research Methods
This hypothesis was answered by the use of empirical methods that concern meticulous observation and analysis of historical materials that had been accumulated in the area of one of the most popular sciences of the 19th century, Geology. Observation is one of the authentic manners of gaining empirical data for scientific research analysis and it has been employed since the time of Francis Bacon, René Descartes, Christian Huygens, John Locke, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, and also Charles Darwin. Darwin himself conducted his extensive researches with the observation method when travelled with the HMS Beagle around the world through South America, South Africa, Australia and the neighbouring Islands. His famous work on the Island Galapagos was accomplished through observation and the recording of specimen materials, which he carried some with him to England. It was the most popular method of gaining empirical data for most of the Astronomers of his day that spent hours looking into the sky to detect the moons and other new planets and their satellites that had not been detected. Later telescope would become very popular as an aid to conduct research regarding minute specimen.

Apart from the method of observation, considerable number of hours was spent in discussions with people that had specialised in this area. Though these disputations were not conclusive, still I obtained rich materials and comprehensive understanding that yielded authentic data for my analysis. It must be emphasised that though I had not used any laboratory experiments to augment these important scientific data, I still considered the methods and the approach as satisfactory that made me to appreciate and have confidence in the overall analysis that was accomplished. Moreover, those that I interacted with had utilised the laboratory experiments to conduct their own researches.

Darwin's Theory and Others are Enriched by my Postulate

Theory is never made useless or less important by criticisms and modifications received from other competent scholars who make the theory their object of concentration. In Darwin's case, his book, Origin of Species, and its theory of natural selection were well written. But it is the general theory of man that leaves us in a quandary as to what really took place and how did the European race emerged from the original Africans who happen to be the human beings that all others pop up their heads from. My postulate, therefore, provides us the opportunity to go back to the environment and visit the original race involved to look for a clue concerning how these began. We may not go back in time, for this is impossible, but we can secure some more information base on empirical evidence to help us to answer the question we wanted to find out. It appears that with the gaining of this information to satisfy our curiosity the theory of Darwin and other ones concerning the origin of man shall be free from the mythical and magical elements that speculation of earlier scientists had prepared Darwin himself to inherit. These had been enshrined in his theory such that they have made all people to take things for granted that we comprehend the intricacies involved in the process of evolution. My theory, however, compels us scientists not to take things at face value and assume that we comprehend and agree with everything speculated as taking place prior to the origin of the so-called distinct species that is given the designation of Homo sapiens.

Criticisms Against the Distinct Species
As I have already mentioned above, research is usually conducted to contribute to knowledge in order to make society better. But research can also be initiated in order to find truth about a particular thing that took place in nature or ordinary life that further adequate knowledge is needed. It is not done with the intention of punishing someone or trying to belittle some other persons in real life. When research is conducted whether in the laboratory or in the field, it is carried out without bias to find out exactly what actually has taken place and then to report to the general public to know or become aware of it. Therefore, the general behaviour is to become precise and make accurate report devoid of error for what the results provide in the end.

The manner the last species emerged has always remained a mystery to many people including young researchers. One wonders whether it was the intention by these pioneer scholars to keep it enshrouded and to pretend that everything just happened without adequate knowledge and explanation. Instead, it has been presented as a species that had been superior, distinct and has no connection with the people in Africa. The use of science had not been championed to provide adequate explanation for this connection. By keeping the gap between this species and other people as a whole made us wonder for a better manner of understanding the problem.

My theory explains it that there is continuity to this evolution and that it should be seen in the environment that all these took place before. Though there are many centuries in between, still this process can be repeated in the environment or have been always repeated in the environment. The prevalence of the same conditions persisting regarding the climate and nature around provide us the confidence that this should be possible to take place continuously and randomly. Moreover, there were human beings, the same original people that have not changed their habitat much as compared with other parts of the modern world. The general population continues to behave and adore their practices of the culture and traditions, which give them distinctive characteristics in surviving in the same milieu.

What we find out was the random origination of species of African Albino, who have similar appearances, both blue eyes and clear brown eyes of most people. Some of these people have eye problems that being other characteristics of the people we want to trace their roots to African continent. The hairs, even in the context of Africa not yet in the temperate climates, match what we see in Europe. Moreover, the experiences of being mobbed and maltreated continue which could explain well why they left either in large groups or individually into the Northern Hemisphere to escape persecution. But why it did occur that they ran away to the Southern Hemisphere but instead to the Northern Hemisphere could be understood because of the danger of the climate, which protected them from cancer and eye problems. As my meticulous observation provided me, I see similar colour of the eyes among the African Albinos' descendants in Europe. Therefore, there are many things that made me to respect that my hypothesis has been answered or supported in this instance.

The reasons why this connection has not been traced for all these centuries is because of the nature of research which is dominated by these groups of people. Any article to be accepted for publication has to go through different hands in order for them to recognise it as satisfactory. A study like this could not have passed the marks so as to be published in a very important journal because of its sensitivity. But we wait for further studies to either oppose this or kindly tell us why something that has to do species cannot evolve all the time. But it also has to do with the general status of these people in present-day Africa, which made it impossible to identify with them though their problems are trivial and had been adapted to by the present descendants in the Diaspora.

This paper has furnished us with the essential knowledge and truth about the existence of continuity between the African Albinos in the Diaspora of Europe (and also the elsewhere in the world) and those that presently continue evolving in the continent, especially, in the East and Central Africa today. This knowledge calls for scholars in certain disciplines to reconsider a new development of the theory of man so that it can fit well to observation. There is no way the species that is considered Homo sapiens by some scholars just evolved once and left Africa for good without this happening again in the same place with the same conditions persisting. The Europeans and other people in the world, that is, those who referred to themselves as “white race” originally descended from the Albinos of African descent. The consequences of this are that the African Albinos' descendants in Diaspora and the original African descendants in Diaspora have hundred percent bloods of Africans. The latter should discard the myths regarding the former.

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