News › General News     ›   11 Mar 2009

Drivers asked to carry fire extinguishers on their vehicles

The Divisional Fire officer of the Effutu-Awutu-Senya District, Mr Bartholomew Nketiah, has urged drivers who do not carry fire extinguishers to do so immediately.

He said drivers who refuse to carry out the directive should be charged by the police and prosecuted.

Mr Nketiah was speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Winneba.

He said his outfit has been educating drivers on the need to own extinguishers but some of them had not heeded to the advice.

Mr Nketiah stated that most of the drivers did not know the essence of fire extinguishers so they refuse to buy them.

He said records at the fire station indicate that 22 accident cases were reported between January 2008 and 2009.

Mr Nketiah said five people died and 35 people were injured during the period.

He advised drivers plying the Accra-Winneba road to observe road signs and avoid over-speeding so that their vehicles do not catch fire.

The Fire Officer also condemned the increasing rate of lorry accidents on the Winneba-Accra road and appealed to drivers to be cautious so as to prevent loss of lives.


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