Politics › NPP     ›   17 Feb 2009

NPP activist descends on P.C Appiah-Ofori…For attacking Alan Kyerematen

AN NPP activist and a leading member of the party in the Asante Akim South Constituency, Nana Yaw Adutwum, has taken the Member of Parliament for Essikuma Odoben Brakwa constituency, Hon.P.C Appiah-Ofori to task for what he describes as the MP's unwarranted attack on the personality of Mr. John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen.

The NPP activist is, therefore, calling on the National Executive Committee of the party to bring a disciplinary action against Hon. Appiah Ofori, in accordance with Article 4 clause 5 Sub-section (a) and clause 7 of the party's constitution, which spells out necessary punitive action against any member of the party for misconduct.

The firebrand NPP Member of Parliament was reported to have granted an interview to an Accra-based radio station, Asempa Fm, in which he accused Mr. Alan Kyerematen of having campaigned against Nana Akufo Addo and even rejoiced at the party's defeat in the December 2008 general elections.

In the interview aired on February 5, 2009, Hon. Appiah Ofori reportedly accused the former candidate of the NPP flagbearership race of creating factions in the party and also alluded to the fact that some polling station executives and other members of the party, who he claimed belong to the Alan Kyerematen faction, collected some money for campaign activities during the general elections, but refused to work with it and thus resulted in the defeat of the party in the elections.

However, in a petition filed to the General Secretary of the party and copied to The Chronicle, Nana Yaw Adutwum prayed the National Executives of the party to compel Hon. Appiah Ofori to publicly retract his unfortunate comments and also render public apology to Mr. Alan Kyerematen and other members of the party for defaming their character and hard won reputation.

While acknowledging that members of the party have the right and privilege to express their views, he asserted that comments of such nature, which emanate from a high ranking member of the party, have the tendency to set the party apart by inciting members and supporters against the above mentioned names, and also to bring the party into public ridicule and disrepute.

The NPP activist alluded to the fact that Hon. Appiah Ofori had made several infamous comments against some personalities of the party and had escaped unpunished. “It is important to remind your honorable committee of Hon. P. C. Appiah Ofori's unguarded comments on several occasions in the past and to remind you of his ill-famed comments against his wife and the party when we were in power, he stressed.

He emphasized that the idea of unity in the party was very paramount and must be protected, adding that “how the party guides the unity and prevents self-seeking members from tearing the party apart was for the National Executives of the party to bring people like Hon.Appiah Ofori to book to serve as a deterrent to others.

Meanwhile, Hon. Appiah Ofori has denied making any disparaging comments against Mr. Alan Kyerematen or any member of the party, describing Nana Adutwum's allegations as complete fabrications.

Giving his side of the story in a telephone interview with the paper, Hon Appiah Ofori stated that what he said on the Accra-based radio station was that he had observed that some supporters of Mr. Kyerematen had started campaigning in his constituency and that it was too early for them to do that.

He said, he only made a personal suggestion that Nana Akufo-Addo be allowed to contest for the second time to enhance the party's chances in the 2012 elections, citing the case of the then candidate Kufuor in the 1996 elections when he was retained in the 2000 elections after having lost to Ex-President Rawlings.

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