Politics › Politics     ›   30 Jan 2009

JJ Tours Offices

JJ Rawlings, Former President FORMER PRESIDENT JERRY John Rawlings has embarked on a tour of the offices of utility and essential service providers in the country.

Jerry Rawlings, in apparent reminiscence of his populist revolutionary days, last week walked into the offices of the Ghana Water Company and the Electricity Company of Ghana, all in Accra, claiming he was on a fact-finding mission.

He had also visited the Kotoka International Airport in what his aide Kofi Adams described as a fact-finding mission of the security arrangements at the airport. Just after that, he enplaned to some locations in Western Europe.

Rawlings was reported to have gone to the companies at separate times to ascertain what setbacks they were encountering and discussed the best solutions applicable to the problems.

He reportedly engaged the management and staff members of the Ghana Water Company in a discussion on why parts of Accra, including Ridge where he resides, have irregular supply of water.

According to company sources who spoke to DAILY GUIDE, the ex-President said he wanted to know the details of whatever challenge was confronting the company so he could advise government on what steps to take to rectify the situation.

The ex-President was also reported to have given an assurance that the new government would ensure that the country, especially Accra, enjoys an uninterrupted water supply.

At the ECG offices, the presence of the former President was said to have startled the company's customers who had gone there to transact business.

Reports available to DAILY GUIDE indicate that many of the heads of both companies expressed panic reactions after the visit and were not sure how long they would be maintained at post.

It is also not clear whether the ex-President only realised that some parts of Accra were not having regular supply of water only after the National Democratic Congress (NDC) came to power or he had been aware all the eight years the party was in opposition.

Kofi Adams explained that Mr Rawlings' visit to the facilities was to get first-hand information and that he could not rely on second-hand information.

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