Politics › Elections     ›   06 Nov 2008

NDC flies Mills/Obama flags

The National Democratic Congress, NDC, is dreaming big - that a new banner and other campaign paraphernalia depicting images of its presidential candidate and the president-elect of the United States of America, will flap some good wind into its campaign sails.

Hours after the phenomenal election of Senator Barack Obama as the next President of the USA, the NDC hanged a large banner on top of its Kokomlemle Headquarters in Accra, showcasing a collage of smiling portraits each of Obama and Professor John Evans Atta Mills.

The banner titled “Better Leadership”, also carries messages like “A Change We Need”, “Obama nie, Atta Mills nie” and “Yeresesam”, themes that have dominated the NDC's campaign for the 2008 general elections, and which were also central to the Obama cause in far away USA.

And the hanged banner soon turned out to be only a tip of many more 'Change We Need' NDC-branded paraphernalia, as a couple of party leaders emerged from the office clutching T-shirts bearing the same image and seemingly ready for a widespread distribution.

The NDC, known to bear traits with the USA's Democratic Party, had harboured high hopes of and actually predicted, like many Ghanaians, an Obama victory, and seeing that historic feat come to pass on Thursday, November 4, 2008, are hoping that Sunday, December 7, 2008, when Ghanaians go to the polls will blow the same good wind their way.

The ruling New Patriotic Party, NPP, are also known to share so many features in common with the Republican Party of the USA that will be ceding power to Obama's Democrats on January 20, 2009.

Such common traits include strongly rooted capitalist philosophies, party symbol of the elephant and colours.

Meanwhile the NPP, NDC and the People's National Convention, have all sent congratulatory messages to Obama and the Democrats for the historic victory, while several individuals are planning celebration parties for the weekend.

Reggae musician and DJ, Blakk Rasta of Multimedia Broadcasting Group's HITZ FM, who released an early hit in support of Obama's campaign, says he plans a big feast of 'vegetables and herbs' for his celebration of a 'monumental victory'.

Story by Isaac Yeboah

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