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The latest newspaper endorsements in prez race

Excerpts from recent newspaper endorsements of presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.

In endorsing Obama, the Detroit Free Press says "at a time when America clearly needs some changes, Obama is not only proposing better ones but is also better suited to the job of getting them done." In endorsing McCain, the Las Vegas Review-Journal says the candidate "vows to veto any bill that includes earmarks and says he will freeze spending in many areas of the budget. That would represent real change."

The Palm Beach (Fla.) Post endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

John McCain likes to say that he has been tested. In this campaign, he has been. And he has come up short. He has sounded like a bitter, jealous old man who considers himself entitled to the presidency. Washington can break optimism the way dry farmland can break plows, but Barack Obama still sounds like the candidate who talked about change when he began his campaign. He was right then. He's right now. That's why he's the right choice for America.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal endorsed McCain on Oct. 19:

Sen. McCain has a proven record of battling the drunken sailor culture so pervasive in our nation's capital. He has been an outspoken advocate for fiscal restraint, angering many of his colleagues by embarrassing them over their penchant for pork. Sen. McCain vows to veto any bill that includes earmarks and says he will freeze spending in many areas of the budget.That would represent real change.

The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

As the primary season began, the candidate who seemed best qualified to be that leader was Republican John McCain. But Mr. McCain then was a different candidate from the one before us now. He has abandoned positions we admired. He has reacted inconsistently, even haphazardly, to events. In making the most important decision of his campaign, he showed shockingly poor judgment.

In contrast to Mr. McCain, Democrat Barack Obama has exceeded our expectations during this campaign. He has demonstrated sound judgment and grace under pressure. Because we are now more confident in his ability to steer America through the rough waters ahead, the Orlando Sentinel is endorsing Barack Obama for president.

The (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

There is a crisis of spirit, and Barack Obama knows it. He has spoken to it with a call for change. His vision is not obscure, and not out of reach. And there is meaning in his words, from his pledge to realize universal health care to his promise to get the United States out of the mire of Iraq honorably, to his plan to restore economic stability and opportunity. His would be a government of thought before deed and of strength given by the people, not just exercised from above.

The New Haven (Conn.) Register endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

There is too much truth to be ignored in the Democrats' charge that electing McCain would mean, in effect, a third term for the failed policies of the Bush administration.

McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate is confirmation of that fear. The governor of Alaska is utterly unqualified to be next in line as president of the United States. Her selection was a purely political choice, without regard to the national interest.

The Record-Journal of Meriden (Conn.) endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

Obama's express train for the advancement of needed change left the station long ago, even as McCain waited at the station of Bush's one-track route to nowhere. Examples of the disparity between Obama's calm, secure and well-reasoned approach to answering questions while treating his opponent in a non-condescending, respectful manner and McCain's eye-twitching, angst-driven, superficial "my friends"-pandering rhetoric and delivery class have been painfully obvious during all three debates.

The Houston Chronicle endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

Obama appears to possess the tools to confront our myriad and daunting problems. He's thoughtful and analytical. He has met his opponents' attacks with calm and reasoned responses. Viewers of the debates saw a poised, well-prepared, plausible president with well-articulated positions on the bread-and-butter issues that poll after poll indicate are the true concerns of voters. While Arizona Sen. John McCain and his running mate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin have struck an increasingly personal and negative tone in their speeches, Obama has continued to talk about issues of substance.

The San Antonio Express-News endorsed McCain on Oct. 19:

McCain brings a proven track record of fighting the bipartisan fiscal irresponsibility that prevails in Washington. ... McCain's understanding of the world and the nation's security needs is a crucial asset in these tumultuous times. ... The question comes down to this: Which candidate is best able to chart a new and secure course for a nation in perilous waters? John McCain is not a perfect candidate. In this tumultuous season, however, he is the best choice for commander in chief.


The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch endorsed McCain on Oct. 19:

At a time when the nation faces serious problems, including international economic turmoil, immigration, health care, war in Afghanistan, nation-building in Iraq and foreign-policy challenges from the Middle East, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela, the president should have an extensive resume and long experience in grappling with tough decisions. ... McCain has demonstrated the grit, energy and determination that the present challenges demand.


The Detroit Free Press endorsed Obama on Oct. 18:

At a time when America clearly needs some changes, Obama is not only proposing better ones but is also better suited to the job of getting them done. The Free Press endorses Democrat Barack Obama for president.

Despite his relatively short time in public office, Obama, 47, has over the course of the general election campaign steadily articulated a progressive, pragmatic vision for this country, keyed to opportunities for the middle class, and demonstrated time and again that his approach to things is grounded in deliberation and reflection. He's a man clearly open to ideas and willing to search for the right answer to a problem rather than pursuing the expedient one.


The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer endorsed Obama on Oct. 18:

Trust is essential to the presidency. Americans want to believe that the chief executive understands their lives, will protect their interests and will not compromise their safety. They want a president who represents what America can be, not what it has been.

Electing any president involves a leap of faith — a risk. Such is the power of the office.

For a country in need of a new direction and a new tone, Barack Obama is a risk worth taking.


The Austin (Texas) American-Statesman endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

Each of the two major presidential candidates fill the air with different words that all say "change," but only Sen. Barack Obama defines change clearly and positively.

It is a time of peril, both at home and abroad, and the nation needs the focused, energetic leadership Obama has projected and delivered since he announced his presidential candidacy in early 2007.


The Herald-Dispatch of Huntington, W.Va., endorsed Barack Obama on Oct. 18:

Obama has been offering concrete programs and ideas. Most of McCain's efforts lately have focused on offering reasons why Obama is not a good choice. In other words, Obama has been looking forward while McCain has gone negative. ... Yes, Obama is untested when compared with McCain. But given the choice between John McCain or Barack Obama, the question is who would be best for America. Most of the editorial board members felt the best choice is Barack Obama.


The Las Vegas Sun endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

As Americans consider who should be the next president, it is clear that we are at a crossroads. Americans are looking for someone who not only has a steady hand and is a consensus builder, but who also is a strong leader and who has faith in the greatness of what our nation has to offer even in these most trying of times. We believe that man is Barack Obama.


The Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader endorsed Obama on Oct. 19:

Even if this country were not in dire need of a new direction, Sen. Barack Obama would make a better president than Sen. John McCain.

McCain's one advantage, experience, is of little use without judgment and temperament. On both counts, Obama has shown himself to be better qualified.

Obama has been composed, consistent and honorable through a long and tricky campaign, which he has led almost flawlessly.

On the Net:

The Palm Beach Post:

Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Orlando Sentinel:

The Raleigh News & Observer:

The New Haven Register:

The Record-Journal:

The Houston Chronicle:

The San Antonio Express-News:

The Columbus Dispatch:

Detroit Free Press:

The Plain Dealer:

Austin American-Statesman:

The Herald-Dispatch:

Las Vegas Sun:

Lexington Herald-Leader:

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