News › General News     ›   25 Apr 2007

Dobile staff want to buy residents quarters

The Dobile Staff Quarters Residents Associastion has appealed to the Upper West Regional Minister, Mr Ambrose Dery, to assist in the implementation of the government’s decision on the sale of rented low-cost houses to sitting tenants.

According to the association, since the government came out with her intention about four years ago, nothing has been heard about it again.

At a press conference held in Wa, the Chairman of the association, Mr John Miniyah, said 'since that time, the members have waited patiently to hear from the government to fufill its objective of selling the quarters to the sitting tenants'.

He said the silence had worsened their plight because while they continued to live with the problems of poor and dilapidated roofs and ceilings, weak and cracked walls, non-functioning water closets and completely broken down septic tanks they continued to suffer very high rent deductions.

'It is in view of this that we the residents and members of the association deem it necessary to appeal through you (regional minister) to use your good offices to come to our aid,' he stressed.

Mr Miniyah requested that the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing, which was handling the accomodation issue, either implement its decision on the sale of the quarters or make the efforts to renovate them to make the building more habitable.

He was convinced that the high rents being paid by tenants could effectively cater for the renomation of the quarters.

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