Release › Announcements     ›   06 Sep 2023

Highway Authority appeals for cooperation as repair works begin on Tema Community 18 underpass bridge

The Ghana Highway Authority (GHA) has urged motorists and the general public to cooperate and observe traffic management protocols as emergency repair works commence on the Community 18 Borteyman underpass bridge tunnel along the Tema Motorway.

In a public announcement issued on Wednesday, September 6, the GHA indicated that major repair works will be carried out on the bridge starting midnight on Sunday, September 10.

It appealed to motorists and the general public to adhere to traffic regulations during the work period.

“The Ministry of Roads and Highways (MRH), acting through the Ghana Highway Authority (GHA), wishes to announce to the general public and all Road users that the Community 18 Borteyman Underpass on the Tema Motorway will undergo major repair works on Sunday, 10th September, 2023 starting from Midnight.

“The Ghana Highway Authority is therefore appealing to the motoring public to cooperate with the engineers of the Bridge Maintenance Unit by adhering to the traffic management systems to be put in place while the repair works are ongoing,” the statement said.

Joseph Adomako, Regional Director of GHA who signed the statement added, “We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.”

The multi-lane Community 18 Bridge Tunnel is a major thoroughfare handling heavy traffic from Tema into Accra daily.

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