News › General News     ›   21 Feb 2007

Regard flag as symbol of national unity - Pupils told

The Gomoa District Coordinating Director, Mr. Fred Addae, has called on Ghanaians to regard the National Flag as a symbol of unity.

Ethnic, religious and political relationship should not becloud our minds, he said adding that, we should see our neighbours and regard them as people with whom we share a common destiny.

He was addressing school children from both public and private basic and second cycle schools after marching through the streets of Apam with miniature national flags in a programme known as "Rally behind the Flag" planned by the Assembly as part of activities marking Golden Jubilee Independence celebration.

Mr. Addae noted that the flag must be dear to the hearts of the people who must be prepared to defend it at all times, adding that, the perception that its defence was the responsibility of the security forces must be erased.

Mr. Samuel Sersah, Assistant Director at the Gomoa District Directorate of the Ghana Education Service gave a brief history about the struggle for independence and urged the children to learn hard to become responsible future leaders.

He cautioned them against things that could destroy their future.

Mr. Fred Oscar Abban, Presiding Member of the Assembly expressed concern about indiscipline in educational institution and reminded the children that an undisciplined child could not be a successful student.

Ghana needs disciplined scholars to take on the mantle of leaderships after our leaders are gone, Mr. Abban stressed.


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