News › General News     ›   07 Feb 2007

Judge on trial for assaulting policeman

Osei Kwame Gyamfi, presiding judge of the Magistrate's court at Tarkwa in the Wassa West District has appeared before a Circuit court in Sunyani, for allegedly attacking police officers with his friend in Sunyani during Christmas last year.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges of offensive conduct and resisting arrest and was granted two million cedis self recognizance bail to reappear on February 19, this year.

The court, presided by Kofi Debrah, issued a bench warrant for the arrest of the second accused, Paa Kwasi, to appear before the court on the adjourned date to face similar charges.

Prosecuting, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Martin Defeamekpor, told the court that on December 29, last year, four junior police personnel were on their normal check point duties on the Sunyani-Berekum road to check against criminal activities during the X-mas festivities.

He said the officers spotted a Suzuki Vitara with registration number BA15S, being driven by Gyamfi in the night at top speed towards Sunyani.

ASP Defeamekpor said the policemen signalled the driver with a torch light to stop but the latter ignored them but stopped at a distance and in a furious mood approached the policemen in a confrontational manner and the policemen sensing danger fled into the bush.

The accused then rained insults on the policemen but two senior police officers who were also on patrol in the area intervened.

The prosecutor said Gyamfi who could not control his anger slapped one of the senior officers who then ordered their arrest.

After a fierce struggle with the police they were over-powered and sent to the Sunyani police station.

ASP Defeamekpor said the accused were placed in police custody and released the following morning to report everyday to the police but they were not seen again till they were served with criminal summons to appear before the court.

Source: GNA

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