Opinion › Feature Article       30.04.2023

We Are All One

After queuing for a few minutes my honours student is finally ushered into my office.

I offer him a seat. His eyes are lit.

Honours Student: Prof, this other day you said that we are all ONE. To be precise, you said that I am ONE in the many and many in the ONE. But I am still struggling to grasp this. If I am One with everything, what about swatting a mosquito that is trying to attack me and feed on my blood?

Edward Mitole: What kind of change do you choose to create in that part of your Self that you call the mosquito? That is the question you are asking, and that is the implication of the We Are All One wisdom.

You are “changing” the part of The All that you call the mosquito. You cannot “kill” the mosquito, do you see? Life is eternal, you cannot end it. You do have the power to change your form. As in your popular science fiction entertainments, you might call yourself a shape shifter. Yet know this: all of consciousness acts together. In the high­est sense, it is impossible for one of you to have dominion or control over another. Every aspect of divinity has co-creative control over its destiny. Therefore, you cannot kill a mosquito against its will. At some level, the mosquito has chosen that. All of the change in the universe occurs with the consent of the universe itself, in its various forms. The universe cannot disagree with itself. That is impossible.

Honours Student: (Shakes his head). This is dangerous talk. This is a dangerous teaching. People could use this to say, “Well, then I can do anything to anyone I want, since they’ve given me their permission! After all, they’re ‘co-creating’ it with me!” It would be behavioral anarchy.

Edward Mitole: You already have that. Life is what you call “behavioral anarchy,” do you not see? You are all doing what you want, when you want, how you want, and God is not stopping you. Are you not seeing that? The human race has done what it has called hideous things, and it has done them over and over again, and God is not stopping it from doing so. Have you not ever wondered why?

Honours Student: Of course I have. We all have. We have cried out in our hearts, “God, why are you allowing this?” Of course we have asked.

Edward Mitole: Well, do you not want the answer?

Honours Student: Of course I want the answer.

Edward Mitole: Good, because I have just given it to you.

Honours Student: If that’s true, I’m going to have to think about this. If that’s true, it feels as though there is now nothing in place to stop us from doing incredible damage to each other, all under the guise of simply believing that everything in the Universe agrees with what we are doing. I am just deeply troubled by that. I don’t know how to deal with it. The doctrine of right and wrong, of crime and punishment, good and evil, everlasting reward and everlasting damnation—all those things which control us, all those things which give hope to the oppressed, all of them are wiped out by this message. If we don’t have a new message to replace it, I’m afraid for the human race, and the new depths of depravity to which it could go.

Edward Mitole: But you do have a new message. It is, at last, The Truth. And this message is the only message that can save the world. The old message has not done that. Do you not see this? Is this not clear to you? The old message, which you say has given humanity hope, has brought you none of the results we’ve hoped for.

That old message of right and wrong, crime and pun­ishment, good and evil, everlasting rewarding and ever­lasting damnation, has done nothing to end the suffering on our planet, to end the killing on our planet, to end the torture that we are inflicting upon ourselves. And that is because it is a message of separation.

There is only one message that can change the course of human history forever, end the torture, and bring us back to God. That message is The New Gospel: WE ARE ALL ONE.

From this New Gospel emerges a new message of total responsibility, telling us that we are totally responsible for what we are choosing, that we are choosing it all to­gether, and that the only way to change our choices is to change them all together.

We will not end the torture of ourselves so long as we imagine ourselves to be merely torturing another. We will only end the torture when we are clear that we are, in fact, torturing ourselves.

This we can only see when we understand, com­pletely, that it is impossible to do anything against the will of another. Only in that moment of clarity can we glimpse what we would have thought to be an impossible truth. We are doing all of this to ourselves.

And this truth we cannot see unless we understand, embrace, and live The New Gospel.


Therefore, of course we cannot do anything to another that has not at some level been co-created with us. That would be possible only if we are not All One. Yet, WE ARE ALL ONE. There is only one of Us. We are creating this re­ality together.

Do you understand the implications of this? Do you see its awesome impact?

Go now, therefore, and teach ye all nations. Teach that what you do for another, you do for your Self, and what you fail to do for another, you fail to do for your Self. Do unto others as you would have it done unto you, because it is being done unto you!

That is the Golden Rule. And now you understand it, completely.

Honours Student: Doc, why are these wonderful truths not taught to us in this way from the beginning? As beautiful as the Golden Rule was before, now it makes even more sense. It is perfectly symmetrical. The circle of logic is complete. We see the reason for it. We see why it is in our own best interest to apply this wisdom. It is no longer an act of al­truism, but of practicality. It is simply what works—for Us. Why is the Golden Rule not taught this way from the very beginning, to little children?

Edward Mitole: The question is not, Why hasn’t this been done in the past? The question is, What do you intend to do in the future? Go, therefore, and teach ye all nations, spreading far and wide The New Gospel:



Speak it not only from your pulpits, but from the halls of your governments as well; not only in your churches, but in your schools; not only through your collective con­science, but through your collective economies.

Make your spirituality real, right here, right now, on the ground.

Honours Student: Wow Prof, this sounds like you’re talking about politicizing our spirituality. Yet there are those who say that spirituality and politics should not mix.

Edward Mitole: You cannot avoid politicizing your spirituality. Your po­litical viewpoint is your spirituality, demonstrated.

Yet perhaps it is not a matter of politicizing your spiri­tuality, but of spiritualizing your politics.

Honours Student: But I thought that there was to be a separation of Church and State. Don’t we get into trouble when we try to marry religion and politics?

Edward Mitole: Indeed, you do, and I am not talking about that. You may decide that Church and State are best left separate. Based on your results, you may decide that religion and politics do not mix. Spirituality, on the other hand, may be another matter.

The reason you may decide that Church and State should be separate is that Church means a particular point of view, a particular religious belief. You may have ob­served that when such beliefs inform your politics, you create great controversy and political strife. This is because all people do not hold the same religious beliefs. And, in fact, not all people even participate in religion or church, in any form.

Spirituality, on the other hand, is universal. All people participate in it. All people agree with it.

Honours Student: They do? You could have fooled me.

Edward Mitole: They do, even if they do not know it, even if they do not call it that. This is because spirituality” is nothing more than life itself, as it is.

Spirituality says that all things are part of life, and that is a statement with which no one can disagree. You can argue all you want about whether there is a God, and whether all things are part of God, but you cannot argue about whether there is Life, or whether all things are part of Life.

The only discussion left then is whether life and God are the same things. And I tell you, they are.

Even an agnostic—even an atheist—would agree that there is some force in the Universe that is holding it all to­gether. There is also something that started it all. And if there is something that started it all, there has to have been something existing before the universe as you now know it existed.

The universe didn’t just burst into being out of thin air. And even if it did, “thin air” is something. And even if you say that the universe burst into being out of nothing at all, still you must deal with the question of first cause. What caused something to arise out of nothing at all?

This first cause is life itself, expressing in physical form.

It is life, in formation. No one can disagree with this, be­cause this is obviously “what’s so.” You can, however, argue forever (and you have!) over how to describe this process, what to call it, what to infer from it, what to con­clude.

Yet I have told you, this is God. This is what you mean, what you have always meant, by the word God. God is first cause. Unmoved Mover. That Which Was before That Which Is, was. That Which Will Be after That Which Now Is, is no longer. The Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End.

Again I tell you, the words life and God are inter­changeable. If the process you are observing is the process of life in formation, then it is as I have said to you before:

We are all Gods in formation. That is, We are God’s In­formation.

Honours Student: Okay, I suppose.., but what does this have to do with any­thing—least of all, politics?

Edward Mitole: If spirituality is really another word for life, then that which is spiritual is life affirming. To inject spirituality into your politics, therefore, would be to make all political ac­tivities and all political decisions life affirming.

Indeed, this is what you are trying to do with your pol­itics. That is why I have said that your political viewpoint is your spirituality, demonstrated. The only reason you have created politics is to produce a system by which life may be lived harmoniously, happily, peacefully. That is, a system by which life itself may be affirmed.

Honours Student: I have never thought of it quite that way.

Edward Mitole: Those who founded your country have. The Rainbow Nation has a Bill of Rights which says that all of you are created equal, with certain unalienable rights, among them, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Hap­piness. Your post-apartheid government was based on the notion that human beings could construct a system of self-governance that guaranteed these rights. All governments everywhere were created for basically the same reason. You may differ on the form, but never the purpose, of government. Differ­ent cultures and societies may spell out differently their ideas, and how to achieve them, but their desires are basi­cally the same.

You see, then, that governments and politics were cre­ated in order to guarantee the experience of what spiritu­ality is—which is life itself.

Honours Student: Still, most people don’t want to hear God talking about poli­tics, or political issues. Whenever I write in our African Renaissance newsletter about political issues as they are affected by the word of God, I begin receiving negative letters. “Can­cel my subscription!” they say. “This is not God’s work! These are political views, and I did not subscribe to this newsletter to hear political views!”

When the African Renaissance Project and I sponsored a Peace Prayer Vigil in Pretoria, a few years ago, every­one thought it was marvelous. We were calling upon all people everywhere to use the power of prayer to bring peace to the world, and we received wide support. Yet as soon as any of us start talking about how to produce peace—the spiritual principles which underlie it—the mail starts pouring in. People are infuri­ated.

Edward Mitole: Yes. People want you to pray for peace, but not to do anything about it. They want God to find a solution—but they eliminate the possibility that God’s solution might just be You Doing Something About It.

In fact, that is the only solution there will ever be, be­cause God works in the world through the people who are in it.

Honours Student: Oh, I don’t think people mind other people doing something about it. What they do mind is God telling them what must be done.

Edward Mitole: Yet God has never told us what we must do about it, and She never will. God has never given orders, barked com­mands, or issued ultimatums. God has merely listened to us tell Her where we want to go, and offered us suggestions on how to get there.

We say we want a world where we can live in peace and harmony and joy, and God tells us this: joy is freedom. Those words, too, are interchangeable. Any curtailing of freedom is a curtailing of joy. Any curtailing of joy is a curtailing of harmony. Any curtailing of harmony is a curtailing of peace.

You tell Me that you wish to live in a world without conflict, without violence, without bloodshed, without ha­tred. And I tell you this: a way to have such a world, a way to create it virtually overnight, is to preach and live The New Gospel.



Speak it not only from your pulpits, but from the halls of your governments as well; not only in your churches, but in your schools; not only through your collective con­science, but through your collective economies.

And so, to your question. Is it okay to swat a mosquito? Trap a mouse? Pull a weed? Slaughter a lamb and eat it? That is for you to decide. All is for you to decide. And there are larger questions, of course.

Is it okay to kill a person as punishment for killing? Abort a birth? Beat a homosexual? Be a homosexual? Have sex before marriage? Have sex at all, if you want to be “enlightened”? And on and on and on . . .

Each day you must make your decisions. Know only that, in deciding, you are announcing and demonstrating Who You Are.

Every act is an act of self-definition.

You are getting it. You are understanding.

Honours Student: Because You are repeating it so much.

Edward Mitole: Repetition is good. It allows integration. So now I will repeat something else I have said before. In your daily ac­tions and choices, you are not only announcing Who You Are, you are also deciding Who God Is, because you and God are One.

Thus, in the largest sense, God is answering the question. She is doing it through you. And that is the only way the question can be answered.

Out of your answer will come your truth. This is the truth of your being. It is what you are being, in truth.

Remember that you are a human being. What you are being is up to you. Although I have told this to you now many times, this is something you may not have previously seriously considered.

Honours Student: Okay, okay, but “Oneness” does not mean “equality,” right? Can I at least get that out of you?

Edward Mitole: Oneness does not mean sameness, that is correct.

Honours Student: Then what does Oneness mean?

Edward Mitole: The question is not, What does Oneness mean? The question is, What does Oneness mean to you?

This is a decision that must be made within each human heart. And out of your decision will you create your future—or end it.

Yet even as you ponder this, there is guidance, there is insight, there is wisdom that has been given to you to help you—not to do what is right, because “right” is a relative term, but to get to where you say you want to go; to do what you say you want to do.

As I have noted before, as a human race, as a species, we say that we want to live together in peace and har­mony; we want to create a better life for our children; we want to be happy. If on nothing else, on this all of us can agree.

And so, this guidance has been given you, and it comes in the form of The Three Points. These are, again:

(1) We are all One; (2) There’s enough; and (3) There’s nothing we have to do.

The First Point, which we have been discussing at length here, may be more readily and easily applied when the Second and Third are understood.

And I want to keep looking at the application of this wisdom, at how to make it practical in everyday life, so let’s get to those other points.

Honours Student: oh wooow Prof !!!! This is mind blowing. Can I see you again soon?

Edward Mitole: Yes, why not? My door is always open to true seekers.

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