Opinion › Feature Article       06.04.2023

We Are The Kemetyu: We Were Kemetyu Before Whites Invented Us

A Discussion about the talking points for people who refuse to claim their Afrikan Ancestry and Heritage and those who don’t know that the term Black predates the Caucasian Bastardized version of that term.

First of all, before we get started some parameters must be set. Here is what one must bring to any discussion as the one we are about to have.

You should be able to provide the following to support and substantiate your assertions:

  1. Evidence. This includes quotes, video footage, articles, books, periodicals, scientifically researched studies, scientific data (numbers and percentages) i.e. Archaeology, Anthropology, Linguistics, Etymology, etc.
  2. Know the Correct definitions of the terms you are using, as well as the correct definitions of the terms being used by others.
  3. The correct timeline
  4. Sources
  5. Statistical Data where necessary
  6. Have a working knowledge of the particular Geographical area being discussed; both in the current time, as well as in ancient time, if necessary.
  7. Do not allow nor accept deflections from the actual topic of discussion.

Be prepared to be challenged. If you cannot provide this type of evidence to support and substantiate your assertions, the only thing you are doing is presenting your belief. Belief is not good enough any longer. We need the facts, not emotional tirades. Facts will trump belief and faith every time. If you come to any discussion without the following above, you are completely unprepared to even be in such a discussion. So, be prepared. Do your homework first.

Finally, be honest enough to acknowledge when you are wrong. Be honest enough to admit you don’t know something if you don’t know it. It doesn’t make you any less of a person for doing so. In fact, it makes you more of an honest person for doing so. It proves you are willing to continue to learn and to grow, as a human being. As I like to say, “We must strive for perfection in ourselves knowing full well we shall never attain it. However, it is in that striving that we become better human beings.” None of us is correct 100% all of the time or knows everything-none of us.

“Be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Take Counsel with the ignorant, as well as with the wise. For the limits of knowledge in any field have never been set, and no one has ever reached them. Wisdom is rarer than emeralds, and yet, it is found among the women at the grindstones.—”The Teachings of Ptah-Hotep”

So, let us discuss these ideas and influences and where these ideas and influences were derived. The first talking point claimed is that we couldn’t be Afrikan because all of the lands were connected; what is referred to as The Pangea. The problem with such a theory is their misuse of the correct timeline of the separation of the various continents. Generally, most scientists have concluded that the Pangea split apart about 250-300 million years ago. There were no human beings on this planet at this time. The earliest evidence of human existence found on this planet was found about 4.5 million years ago, in the Great Lakes region of Central-East Afrika, around the Olduvai Gorge. The earliest evidence of the existence of Homo Sapien Sapiens was also found in the Great Lakes region of Central-East Afrika about 300,000 years ago.It is from this general area that Afrikans then spread throughout Afrika, and then left Afrika, to people the rest of the planet.

The next talking point is the claim that all Blacks in the Western hemisphere, as well as elsewhere throughout the world are Moors. So, who were/are the Moors? Well, the Moors in History were a group of several different ethnic groups in Northern and Northwestern Afrika, in areas now known as Libya, Chad, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania, and who had been conquered and colonized by the Arabs in the 7th century A.D. and had come to be known as such by others throughout medieval history. Included among these different ethnic groups of Northern and Northwestern Afrika who became known as ‘Moors’, were the Numidians, the Afra (Afer), the Tuareg, and others of that general geographical area. Before the 7th century A.D., there was no such people who referred to themselves as ‘Moors’ or who was known as ‘Moors’. As early as the 3rd century B.C.these same ethnic groups had united and fought alongside Hamilcar Barca and his son, Hannibal Barca (who in ancient texts was known as Hannibal ‘the Afer’) against the Roman empire. The term Afrika etymologically derives from the term Afra and Afer. And the use of the term Afrika was in use long before Scipio the Younger defeated Hannibal. After these various groups were conquered and colonized by the Arabs in the 7th century A.D., those various groups united with the Arabs and then invade Spain in 711 A.D. They successfully ruled Spain for 781 years. Now, where does the term Moor derive? It etymologically derives from the Greek term Mauros. The term Afrika etymologically derives from the term Afra and Afer. And the use of the term Afrika was in use long before Scipio the Younger defeated Hannibal. After these various groups were conquered and colonized by the Arabs in the 7th century A.D., those various groups united with the Arabs and then invade Spain in 711 A.D. They successfully ruled Spain for 781 years. Now, where does the term Moor derive? It etymologically derives from the Greek term Mauros. The term Afrika etymologically derives from the term Afra and Afer. And the use of the term Afrika was in use long before Scipio the Younger defeated Hannibal. After these various groups were conquered and colonized by the Arabs in the 7th century A.D., those various groups united with the Arabs and then invade Spain in 711 A.D. They successfully ruled Spain for 781 years. Now, where does the term Moor derive? It etymologically derives from the Greek term Mauros.where does the term Moor derive? It etymologically derives from the Greek term Mauros.where does the term Moor derive? It etymologically derives from the Greek term Mauros.

Etymological origin of the term Moor
Moor (n.)
“North African, Berber,” late 14c., from Old French More, from Medieval Latin Morus, from Latin Maurus “inhabitant of Mauretania” (northwest Africa, a region now corresponding to northern Algeria and Morocco), from Greek Mauros, perhaps a native name, or else cognate with mauros “black” (but this adjective only appears in late Greek and may as well be from the people’s name as the reverse). Being a dark people in relation to Europeans, their name in the Middle Ages was a synonym for “Negro;” later (16c.-17c.) used indiscriminately of Muslims (Persians, Arabs, etc.) but especially those in India.

Now, for those who want to claim that the original Greeks were Black as a way of deflecting away from the fact that ‘Mauros’ is etymologically, a Greek term, that assertion is completely false. The first people to inhabit that geographical area now known as Greece was indeed Black. But they were known as the Grimaldi. They weren't known as Greeks at all. By the time this area was known as Greece, and its people known as Greeks, it was primarily inhabited by Caucasians. The Greeks, therefore, were and are Caucasians.

Herodotus was born in 484 B.C.E.
An eye-witness to what the ancient Kemetu (Egyptians) looked like.

If you read "The Book of Histories" you'd know that Herodotus said, "The Egyptians did, however, say that they thought the original Colchians were men from Sesotris' army. My own idea on the subject was based first on the fact that they have Black skins and woolly hair (not that that amounts to much, as other nations have the same), and secondly, and more especially, on the fact that the Colchians, The Egyptians, and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision. The Phoenicians, and Syrians of Palestine, themselves who lived near the rivers Thermodon, and Parthenius, as well as their neighbors the Macronians, say they all learnt it only a short time ago, from the Colchians. No other nations use circumcision, and all these are without doubt are following the Egyptian lead..."

So, why would Herodotus describe the Egyptians (Kemetu) so differently than himself, in phenotype, hair, skin color, and Culture, etc., from himself, if he looked like them? The reason he did so was that as an eye-witness, he had eyes and could clearly see what they looked like. And he could clearly see the Kemetu didn’t look like him. Nor did the ancient Egyptians (Kemetu/Anu) look like the Arabs either; who are invaders of Kemet (Egypt) themselves, and who inhabit most of that Country and rule it today.

Here's another quote from "The Book of Histories", Book #Two:

"It was the Egyptians who first made it an offense against piety to have intercourse with women in the Temples, or to enter Temples after having intercourse, without having previously washed..."The Egyptians are meticulous in their observance of this point, as indeed they are in everything else which concerns religion".

Again, the question that should be asked is this: why would he describe the Kemetic Culture as being so vastly different from that of Greece, if the Greeks were already practicing the exact same Culture and were the same people?

What should be particularly of note is this: The indigenous people of North and Northwest Afrika didn’t refer to themselves as Moors. Others did. We know that after 711 A.D. (C.E.), once ‘the Moors’ invaded and conquered Spain that name seemed to stick. The Moors ruled Spain for 781 years, from 711 A.D – 1492 A.D. Initially, racially the overwhelming majority of those who were referred to as ‘Moors’ were Black Afrikans. However, after miscegenation between these ‘Moors’, Arabs, and Caucasians for 781 years they no longer looked like they did when they first conquered and colonized Spain. Not only did their racial makeup change but so too, did they mentality change, as well. They no longer saw themselves as Blacks and Afrikans.

After being expelled from Spain in 1492 A.D. within 100 years, in 1591, these same ‘Moors’ invaded, sacked, and destroyed the last great empire of Afrika: the Songhay empire. The people of the Songhay empire were essentially Muslims, just as the ‘Moors’ were. The difference was that those within the Songhay empire were Black and Afrikan and knew and accepted that they were Black and Afrikan, while the ‘Moors’ by the time, no longer saw themselves as such. After the ‘Moors’ invaded, sacked, and destroyed the Songhay Empire, they carried off all of their greatest Afrikan scholars back to Morocco, including Ahmedou Baba, where he was held as a prisoner for several years. The Songhay empire, whose empire was well known for their structure of Governance, the Benevolence of their Kings, their morality,their scholarship in the various known sciences of the time; including Mathematics, Medicine, Architecture, Engineering, Philosophy, etc. all being taught at the University Of Jene’, and at the University of Timbuktu. They maintained and held onto many of the age-old indigenous Afrikan-Centered principles, practices, etc. All of this was destroyed by the Moors. Why would they do this? I’ll tell you why. The ‘Moors’ wanted to take control of the Gold and the Salt mines that were owned and controlled by the Songhay empire. That’s why. And why would any Black person or Black people in general, want to claim to be a part of a Nation of people who invaded and destroyed one of our crown jewels of Civilization. and at the University of Timbuktu. They maintained and held onto many of the age-old indigenous Afrikan-Centered principles, practices, etc. All of this was destroyed by the Moors. Why would they do this? I’ll tell you why. The ‘Moors’ wanted to take control of the Gold and the Salt mines that were owned and controlled by the Songhay empire. That’s why. And why would any Black person or Black people in general, want to claim to be a part of a Nation of people who invaded and destroyed one of our crown jewels of Civilization. and at the University of Timbuktu. They maintained and held onto many of the age-old indigenous Afrikan-Centered principles, practices, etc. All of this was destroyed by the Moors. Why would they do this? I’ll tell you why. The ‘Moors’ wanted to take control of the Gold and the Salt mines that were owned and controlled by the Songhay empire. That’s why. And why would any Black person or Black people in general, want to claim to be a part of a Nation of people who invaded and destroyed one of our crown jewels of Civilization. The ‘Moors’ wanted to take control of the Gold and the Salt mines that were owned and controlled by the Songhay empire. That’s why. And why would any Black person or Black people in general, want to claim to be a part of a Nation of people who invaded and destroyed one of our crown jewels of Civilization. The ‘Moors’ wanted to take control of the Gold and the Salt mines that were owned and controlled by the Songhay empire. That’s why. And why would any Black person or Black people in general, want to claim to be a part of a Nation of people who invaded and destroyed one of our crown jewels of Civilization.

Here’s another question. What was/is the primary Religion, Culture, and Language of the ‘Moors’? What was the spiritual system of those various ethnic groups before the Arabs invaded, conquered, and colonized them in the 7th century A.D.? These are important questions because a people generally are known by ‘land, history, and culture’. The ‘Moors’ primary language was/is Arabic. Their Religion was/is Islam. Their Culture is primary a mixture of Arab, Afrikan and Euro-Asian Culture. So, what is the correct definition of Culture?

A set of ideas, concepts, beliefs, behavior, language, and practices agreed on and adhered to by a large group of people, usually along racial and ethnic lines. It is collective in scope and practice. It is ideology, philosophy, spirituality, language, the arts, architecture, and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively, etc.

synonyms: the arts, the humanities, intellectual achievement, literature, music, painting, philosophy, the performing arts, etc. It usually manifests itself in all areas of people activity.

There are those who claim that “The Treaty of Peace and Friendship” in 1786, as well as the letter George Washington sent to the King of Morocco in 1789, proves we are Sovereign. It doesn’t prove that at all. Neither the ‘Treaty of Friendship’, nor the letter George Washington sent to the King of Morocco even mentions us at all. There is nothing contained within that Treaty’ or the ‘letter’ that says that at all. With your claiming identity with Morocco and its government you are giving tacit approval of a Government and its people, who destroyed the Songhay empire and In effect, instrumental in weakening the Afrikan coastline for our enslavement, as well as the eventual colonization of the entire Afrikan continent. You are by extension, celebrating the enslavement of Black people and subjugation of us as a race of people without even knowing it.And you are celebrating white Supremacy.

All Cultures and races on this planet acknowledge and accepts the scientific DNA genetic evidence that all people evolved from the first Homo Sapien Sapiens to ever walk the face of this Earth—the Afrikan. All people accept this scientific fact except the ‘Moors’ and the so-called ‘Hebrew-Israelites’. The ‘Hebrew-Israelites’ claim of not being Afrikans is rooted in the same self-hatred that the ‘Moors’ have. However, their ideology is also incorrectly based on the Bible; a book that is not a History book and is severely flawed beyond measure. It contradicts itself, has books mention within its pages but those very books mentioned are not contained anywhere within its pages. It has plagiarized much of its content from much earlier indigenous Nile Valley Afrikan sources, etc.

Another talking point is their claim of Sovereignty. What is Sovereignty? Is it collective or individual? And how can the claim of Sovereignty help us collectively? How does a person become Sovereign unto himself? Why do I need to file papers/notification within Caucasian Courts of Law and Admiralty? How does such filing make one Sovereign? Organizations that want to declare themselves Sovereign and Separate from the United States of America do so collectively, not individually. In addition, true Sovereignty can only come at the ‘end of the barrel of a gun’. You claim you are natural and indigenous to this land, but you must file a paper of notification in the Court of Law and Admiralty with foreign immigrants/invaders, asking them to recognize your status as a free and Sovereign individual.How did the Caucasian declare himself Sovereignty in this Nation? The answer is thru Warfare. So, I reiterate, true Sovereignty can only come at the ‘end of the barrel of a gun’.

Then there is the claim of Universal Law. We must first know what the term Universal actually means. Universal derives from the term Universe. And Universe derives from the term Uni, which means one. There is no one Universal law that Governs this planet. There are different laws in each Country. What you are describing is not Universal Law at all. What you are describing is International Law. And International Law comes directly out of the Euro-Centric paradigm. The Only Universal law that governs the Universe is Ma’at (“Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Balance Reciprocity, Harmony, and Order”). Ma’at predates I Self Am Law and Master (acronym Islam) by thousands upon thousands of years. And that acronym isn’t what Islam actually means at all. Islam simply means ‘Peaceful submission to the will of Allah’, and Allah does not mean ARM, LEG, LEG, ARM, HEAD. Allah simply means The (Al) God (Lah)=Allah.

And your claim of not being Black and Afrikan is clearly based out of a Euro-centric paradigm and Black’s Law Dictionary, which was only copy written in 1891. We were referring to ourselves as Black and Afrikan thousands of years ago before Black’s Law Dictionary was copywritten, let alone, even thought of. You refuse to acknowledge and accept being Black and Afrikan, but you readily accept calling yourselves ‘Moorish American’. Isn’t America named after Amerigo Vespucci?

Instead of challenging the Caucasian disrespectful, unlawful and illegal ‘Caste system’ of Racism white-Supremacy and castigating us as being ‘dead’ and ‘void of humanity’, as the term Black is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, you have acquiesced to it. What you should be doing is lawfully and legally fighting to have such a derogatory term of castigating Black people as being ‘dead’ and void of humanity’ removed from Black’s Law Dictionary. Your response should not be that you’re not Black and or Afrikan, but that you are not the definition of Black as they have defined it in their ‘Caste system’. And you should be educating our people that the Caucasian definition of Black is not the correct definition of what Black means, according to our ancient, indigenous Afrikan Ancestors. Why haven’t the ‘Moors’ convened a Conference where we come together and discuss and come up with a name for ourselves based on our original land and indigenous Afrikan languages?

Here is the breakdown of the term Black, as our ancient Nile Valley Afrikan Ancestors defined it.

Our ancient indigenous Afrikan Nile Valley ancestors told us we were Black thousands upon thousands of years ago. The term Black itself is in the English language yes. However, the term Kemet is correctly defined as the Black Metropolis/Town/City/Country and Kemetu mean the Black people of the Black Country. And we were referring to ourselves as Kemetu for thousands of years before the Neanderthal, Troglodyte, Mutant-Leucoderm came out of the Caucasus Mountains of Northwestern Asia. The term, for land and the term for Metropolis, uses entirely different symbols. So, we cannot equate the term land and Metropolis as being the same. The term Black is a term, that when transposed into any of our far more ancient, indigenous Afrikan languages,particularly those from the Nile Valley reveals to us that the meaning of the term Black derives from the indigenous Nile Valley Afrikan terms, Kemet and Kemetu/Kemmiu. The term Kemet was symbolized by the symbols of (1) a charred piece of wood, which symbolized the strongest term for Black in MDW NTR (Hieroglyphs), representing the letter K. (2) an Owl, representing the letter M. (3) a loaf of bread, representing the letter T. (4) And finally, the symbol of a City, to represent the Nation–KMT (Kemet). When using the term Kemetu/Kemmiu, you add the symbol of a seated man and woman with 3 determinative strikes, underneath, representing a plurality, representing the Black people of the Black Nation. And we were referring to ourselves as Kemetu (The Black people of the Black Nation) for thousands of years before the Neanderthal, Troglodyte,Mutant-Leucoderm came up with his ‘Johnny come lately’, disrespectful version of the term Black.

And here is a Black man, since some say we aren’t Black.

Here is the symbol for land. It is Ta, as in Ta-Merri (Land of the beloved), Ta-Wii (The United Two Lands), Ta-Seti (Land of the Bow), and Ta-Nehisi (Land of the Blacks). As you can see, the symbol for land is not contained or written anywhere within the term Kemet at all.

Another issue that must be discussed is the fact that there were ‘Sex Farms’ that they created on those Plantations, where these sick evil beings forced the breeding of Black people amongst each other; Mothers with their sons, Sisters with their Brothers, etc. They also forced Homosexuality and Pedophilia on us, as well. Stop comparing what happened to us with anyone one else. There is no comparison. The reason we can’t claim any particular ‘Ethnic’ group is because of the breeding farms where we were all mixing up together, and because they ‘beat’ our Ancestral memory out of us. The atrocities that they perpetrated against us are so horrendous and evil many don’t even want to know what occurred. This is the reason for our claim of being Afrikan, and claiming the entire continent, as opposed to claiming a particular ethnic group.Because everything they did to us was to disconnect us from our Ancestral past; our Ideology, Philosophy, Culture, Language, Spirituality, etc.

This is what Garvey was trying to do when he came up with the Philosophy of “Afrika for the Afrikan, at home and abroad”. Garvey addressed this issue because we were from different parts of Afrika. So, we claimed the whole of it. This was designed to address the notion of ‘I don’t know what tribe I am from’ and to tie you back to your land of origin. How is it that you have Black people mentioning that they are not Black and that they are indigenous to America? Where did those Natives get such dark skin from? Why do you want to be other than what you actually are?

Those who make the claim that we are not Black and that we are not Afrikan have adopted a purely Euro-Centric paradigm without even realizing it. Their very stance comes from a purely Euro-Centric definition—Black’s Law Dictionary. We must adopt an Afrikan-Centered view of ourselves and the world in which we live, no matter where we live. One that is based on documented Afrikan History, Culture, Ideology, Philosophy, Spirituality, and is completely Afrikan-Centered in its definitions, etc.

We must define ourselves, not let others define us. When I see the stance of the Moorish Science Temple and others who adopt, advocate and adhere to similar Philosophical ideas, as those I’ve alluded to above, I am reminded of a something written by Poet and writer Haki Madhubuti, who said in part, “…Self-definition is the first step towards self-control. If we let others define us, our existence will be dependent upon the eyes, ears, and minds of others. Other people’s definitions of us cannot be accurate for us because their hurt is not our hurt. Their laughter is not our laughter. Their view of the world is not our view of the world. And for us to adopt their view of the world is a necessary towards their continued control over us…”

Finally, to deny the Trans-Atlantic Slave Kidnappings never actually occurred, means you agree with it. Because that History is well documented and has been more than proven to have happened. It also means you have not come to terms with your own self–hatred that was put in you, while you and your Ancestors were enslaved on those Plantations. This is where Caucasians perfected our self-hate of ourselves and each other. And it further solidifies your using a Euro-centric paradigm to explain your very existence. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Kidnappings were the most horrendous event to ever occur in human History. The aftermath is still very much affecting us to this very day.

The Moorish Science Philosophy is nothing more than an ideology that seeks to explain who we are, by creating and adopting a false narrative of History and the use of incorrect definitions that justifies Caucasian categorization of us as ‘dead’ and void of humanity’. It is a Philosophy self-hate disguised and manifested as a pseudo-science.

Our being descendants of Afrikan people is not a curse. It is not something any of us should be ashamed of. In fact, we should be quite proud of this fact of Divine blessing bestowed on us by our Mother/Father Creator, as we are the first people to walk the face of this Earth. We are also the very people who not only people the entire planet, but we created Civilization and brought that Civilization to the entire planet, as well. There would be no Civilization anywhere on this planet had we not brought it to all 4 corners of the planet. Our enslavement is not our whole History as a people. In fact, our enslavement is nothing more than an interruption in our History. We will rise again. We just have to work for it again, the way we brought it forth in the beginning. I’ll part with these wise words. “Up you mighty race.You can accomplish what you will”.—Marcus Mosiah Garvey

(1) “The Golden Age of the Moors” by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

(2) "The African Presence In Early America" by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

(3) “The Moors of Spain” by Stanley Lane-Poole

(4) “Black’s Law Dictionary”

(5) “The Destruction Of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C.-2000 A.D.” by Dr. Chancellor Williams

(6) “African Time: Universe To 1896”, volume #1 by Tdka Kilimanjaro Ph.D., Ife Kilimanjaro Ph.D., Yahra Aaneb, Seba

(7) “The African Origin Civilization: Myth Or Reality” by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop

(8) “Civilization or Barbarism”, by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop

(9) “Race First” by Dr. Tony Martin

(10) "Kebuka" by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti
(11) “Centered” by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti

(12) “The Egyptian Book of the Dead”, as translated by Raymond Faulkner

(13) “100 Years of Lynchings” by Ralph Ginzburg

(14) “Enemies: The Clash Of Races” by Haki Madhubuti

(15) "The Book of Histories" by Herodotus

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