Opinion › Feature Article     ›   10 Jan 2023

Politicians, Chiefs, And Opinion Leaders Must Take The Fight Against Illegal Mining Seriously

Recently, I read about a young man who was fined GHC 1. 2 billion or go to jail for 20 years. After reading the story, I developed goosebumps as my blood pressure suddenly went high with the shock of the sad news. This is the nonsense I hate to read or hear in this country that's governed by a highly corrupt political class, ineffective security agencies, and a failed judiciary system. Don't we all know those who engage in this act of destruction of our lands, water bodies and even the air? If you don't know; then you don't know the politicians and the most influential people in society. Most chiefs and some opinion leaders are also part and parcel of this act.

In Ghana, justice truly belongs to the rich. If you have cash, you can commit any crime and walk about with impunity. So, mostly, the crime of the youth or for that matter, this young and poor man isn't just illegal mining or the destruction caused to someone's farm, but because they have no political affiliation. If he belonged to the NDC or the NPP, the story would certainly be different. Therefore, the ability of one to fit into the camp of either the NDC or NPP allows one to gain favours and that's why they will continue to destroy our land and water bodies with impunity. Apart from the destruction they cause to land, they will never respect the laws of this land too. If you haven't seen it, you may have heard it. There are many instances of this unhealthy political affiliation and it's about time we checked it before it destroys the country.

These two political parties are the bane to our national development and they will also cause political insecurity in this country very soon. Where are those big fishes in these two political parties, who are engaged in illegal mining? How much money does this poor boy have to buy the heavy machinery that can cause major destruction to our land and water bodies in this country? Yet they were quick to arrest him and he was suddenly heavily fined. But when we heard earth-moving machines were seized and just a few were publicly burnt to pretentiously make people believe there was a real fight against galamsey nothing happened to those who were behind it. Haven't we heard that escalators got missing and bribes were collected by some high-ranking members of this country within the NPP?

Unfortunately, they failed to punish those who were involved in the horrible destruction of the land and water bodies, simply because they have that connection with a particular party. Figures were again pointed to some Ministers, MPs, and party executives, who are all part of this business of destruction but since then, we heard nothing. Why are we doing this to ourselves? The fight against illegal mining shouldn't be targeted at the unemployed youth of this country who have no option but to engage in it for their survival.

The least talk about our judiciary system and our security agencies the better. One may say these institutions aren't well-resourced to effectively execute their mandate, but it's also a fact that the little they have hasn't been put into any meaningful way to do the right thing. Who arrested the people of Akonta mines and what have we heard about them again? The last time I checked, it was said that the President of this country, who has been pretending to be fighting against the issue of illegal mining, was the one saying in public that the Akonta mining has done nothing wrong. But you and I heard they were caught mining in a forest reserve in this country. What a shameful political cover-up! And this hasn't been the first time as it will never be the last time too. Both the NDC and NPP people are guilty of these illegal mining activities that's why it's becoming impossible to curb this menace though we all know the consequences of allowing it to continue.

What a country we have, which is blessed with so many educated fools! Everyone claims to be wise here in Ghana, but we aren't being able to stand up against things that destroy our country. Everybody wants to become a politician just to milk the nation. This phenomenon is pulling several technocrats and other professionals into politics because; they believe that is where they can make the money without anyone questioning them.

Young men and women, who we live with, in our communities and know too well before they become politicians are usually seen riding in big cars, living in big houses, and spending lavishly while the very poor people who voted for them continue to live in abject poverty. We knew people who couldn't even own a common car tire, today, they count a fleet of cars. Some were renting a single room in compound houses, but today they build and live in mansions. All these are at the expense of the state and the poor ordinary citizens continue to be poorer.

I don't and will never pray for any political upheaval in this country. But the attitude of our extravagant politicians will upset the citizens and something terrible might happen here in the country one day. Coups and any form of uprising destabilise the economic prosperity of any government in the world and the aftermath of many of these coups and uprisings is nothing but disastrous. However, it is the display of selective injustice, political nepotism, and corruption, among others that usually lead to these negative political activities.

Finally, if we want to fight against illegal mining, the fight must begin with our leaders in society and not be targeted at the teeming unemployed youth who need to survive the current economic hardship in the country. Therefore, politicians, security agencies, the judiciary service, chiefs and opinion leaders must all sit up to help in the fight against illegal mining. However, politicians shouldn't interfere in the fight against illegal mining if only we want to win the fight and stop the current destruction that is caused by the activities of galamsey in the country.

Ghanaians are watching.

Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect ModernGhana official position. ModernGhana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements in the contributions or columns here."

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