Opinion › Feature Article     ›   10 Jun 2022

A Billboard In Ghana That Reads LGBTQ+ Denotes That The Country Has Already Been Sold To Foreign Demons

Ghana is not the only country in Africa, West Africa, or the world where foreign powers may believe it is the greatest and easiest place to begin homosexuality promotion. I don't dislike gays, but I respect my country's traditional values, thus homosexuality promotion in Ghana is something I will not support, and any sensible Ghanaian who is aware of Western Europe's and the US government's devious intentions on Africa should not allow it.

The US government wants you and me to understand that Putin is a bad man who wants to occupy Ukraine, which is why the war broke out in the first place. However, I do not believe such a drivel; Putin is well aware of the West's and the US government's fake propaganda, and as a result, he did not wait for NATO to strike first. He went to war to defend his homeland and people.

The governments of the United States and Western Europe are doing everything they can to use money as a lure to decriminalize homosexuality in Ghana. Their behaviors do not imply that they love or care about Ghanaians. Because Africa's resources have become the continent's curse, the US administration will do whatever it takes, good or evil, to keep Ghana's population and resources under control.

Enough is enough; the white people can keep their culture, and we can keep ours. I will not defy Jehovah for the sake of money, allowing homosexuality to be legalized in Ghana. What Ghanaians have observed under this horrible political party's reign has been horrific, and only God knows what will happen to our country before this dreadful political party's reign ends.

When it comes to population control, an astute Ghanaian leader is required to intervene by devising more effective methods. Homosexuality will not be tolerated in Ghana as a strategy of controlling our population and resources. Africa is already fighting a variety of diseases, including HIV/AIDS, TB, monkeypox, COVID-19, and who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Those who feed you tell you what to do, and because most African leaders are lethargic, they leave all their wealth in Africa to beg for money and food in the white man's country, giving them the opportunity to tell you what they want. Why would the US government not travel to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, or some other Islamic countries in Africa to legalize homosexuality?

After cynically using the bible to divide Africans and undermine our values via slavery, colonialism, and apartheid, they now want to use the same bible to allow homosexuality in Ghana because Ghanaians love God and Allah, according to them. Yes, we do, but we will not shame ourselves as Christians and Muslims by interfering with the worship of the Great One.

There are numerous reasons why individuals have lost trust in God, and I believe it is worthwhile to be an atheist in Ghana today since, despite the thousands of religious organizations in the country, religion plays no significant part in the country. Despite the presence of good men of God in the country, the bulk of people exploit God's name to steal, hence religion in Ghana today is a mixed bag.

Why does the white man control Africa before independence, and after independence, why does the white man continue to tell an African what to do decades after liberation? That is where we must acknowledge that many African leaders are suffering from a serious illnesses.

If Ghana's anti-gay lobby is serious about investigating how the billboard encouraging LGBTQ+ activities came to be, it will almost certainly reveal that certain politicians in power in Ghana have surreptitiously received funds from foreign governments. How much longer will Africans be used as a stepping stone for foreign powers because they are wealthy?

I have no silver or gold, but I will not disrespect Jehovah because of money in order to allow homosexuality to be legalized in Ghana. What Ghanaians have witnessed under this NPP regime is horrific, and only God knows what will happen to our country before the end of this dreadful political party's reign, which hopes of breaking the eighth-year cycle with homosexuality's powers but not God's.

"True freedom" is defined as "when all Ghanaians are treated equally, regardless of who they are or who they love," according to the billboard. Why would the Ghanaian government not address the impact of tribalism, which has split and ruined the country, before addressing LGBTQ+ issues?

Many Ghanaians are treated with contempt by the Ghanaian authorities, who have killed innocent people with no repercussions. Those from the north, as well as the Ewes, continue to struggle to be regarded as regular beings in their own country, so how can they preach to us? The Ghanaian government can't fight for any favors for homosexuals, while there are people struggling to be accepted as human beings in their own country.

Hypocrisy, lies, corruption, and criminality have taken over our country, and now is the time for Ghana to elect a serious leader who would straighten out the crookedness in our country, by not forcing the majority to accept what they are not interested in.

The truth is that Akufo Addo needs money for the Cathedral project, and because desperate people do desperate things, that selfish man would be willing to legalize homosexuality in Ghana just to earn enough money to finish it. Ghanaians will agree that once the Cathedral makes the news, LGBT news follows.

The United States and Western European governments have targeted African countries with abundant natural resources, attempting to use money as a lure to decriminalize homosexuality in such countries. What I see in Ghana today is that the country is broke, and because the country's coffers are empty, the NPP government, including some opposition politicians who favor this "weird love," is eager to make money to order to legalize homosexuality.

In today's Ghana, what is the essence of religion? Where are the religious leaders in Ghana who are unable to speak out against the evils that are destroying our country but are frantically texting to solve our problems? Where are Bishop Duncan Williams, Mensa Otabil, the heads of churches, the Christian Council, and everyone else who holds the Bible every day and thus knows good and evil?

I'm not sure how far Ghana needs to sink as a country without a future before the wise people try to salvage it. Because money is the root of all evil, the leaders refuse to listen when the majority says no to something. We will see who has the power to say no to the legalization of homosexuality in Ghana after Ghanaians said no to E-Levy and it was passed.

Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect ModernGhana official position. ModernGhana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements in the contributions or columns here."

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