Business › Maritime, Port & Aviation     ›   22 Apr 2022

ISMI holds regional cooperation training on maritime safety, security in the Gulf of Guinea on April 25

The Interregional Maritime Security Institute (ISMI) will on Monday, April 25, 2022, commence its regional cooperation programme on maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea.

The Yaoundé Declaration of June 25, 2013, laid the foundation for the Yaoundé Architecture concept, designed to improve maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea.

This construction, formalized by the creation of regional organizations at the strategic and operational levels, was intended to provide an integrated and structured response to the various threats identified in the subregion over the last two decades: piracy and brigandage, drug trafficking, illegal and unregulated exploitation of maritime resources and the seabed, maritime pollution, human trafficking, etc.

Nearly ten years after this founding act, ISMI says it is only useful to take stock of the evolution of maritime threats in the region and to review the activity of the Yaoundé architecture structures.

The Institute believes the feedback from the experience could be shared as well as the perspectives for the development of the collaboration between the countries concerned.

It is within this framework that the Interregional Maritime Security Institute is organizing a training action on the organization of structures resulting from the "Yaoundé architecture" next week from April 25 to April 28, 2022.

The training is being financed by the French cooperation via the Directorate of Security and Defense Cooperation (DCSD), with support from the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.

Some fifteen auditors, officers, and civil servants from the operational teams within the various structures of the Yaoundé architecture are expected to take part in the training.

The training will be provided by a French expert, specialists in the action of the state at sea as well as African experts from different centers.

The course will take place at the Regional Academy of Sciences and Techniques of the Sea (ARSTM) in Yopougon, Abidjan.

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