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You're a fool if you refuse to watch my TV program because people say I'm an occultist — Rev. Obofuor

The Anointed Palace Chapel Founder and Leader, Rev. Obofuor Antwi has admonished his followers to brush off every negative perception about him.

He told his church members that anyone who refuses to watch his TV programme over claims that he is an occultist man is a fool.

"If you are a church member and refuse to watch my TV programme just because someone said I'm an occultist, then, you're a fool".

He added, "The Bible says answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou become like him. How can people be expecting me to be responding to anything anyone says about me?

"It is said in Akan that, if you're bathing and a mad man comes to pick your cloth and runs away with it, and you also leave the bathroom with foam all around you to chase the mad man, what do you think people would say about you," he quizzes.

According to him, he is not a mad man to be responding to everything that people say about him on social media.

He cautioned his members to be very wary of the things they choose to believe in what other people say about him.

Rev. Obofuor narrated, "initially people said I had used my children for money rituals. Also when he and his wife hadn't given birth, people said he had used his wife's womb for rituals. Now my wife has given birth and people are saying what.

"If you believe what someone has said about me and decide to do as you please, no problem. But, the day God would bless you and you would have gotten a good man to marry, someone spews some obvious untruths about, your husband decides to divorce you, that is where you shall come to the realization that mudslinging another person for no reason hurts.

"That day I shall also be sitting on my couch and be laughing because you are also having the same experience."

Rev. Obofuor was speaking on his Kiss Television programme dubbed "Good Evening Anointed Palace Chapel" on Monday, 22nd February, 2021.

He took the opportunity to warn especially the youth to desist from using their data on social media platforms just to tarnish the image of others. "Just get data and go on social and destroy others with unfounded claims. I bet you, God would deal with you".

In concluding, Rev. Obofuor urges the youth to desist from tarnishing the reputation of others for no reason. "When I see President Akufo-Addo passes by in his convoy, I watch and admire. And I ask myself what womb gave birth to this man whom people can vote for him to become a president."

He urges Ghanaians to desist from falsely accusing people unnecessarily just because they are doing better than them in life.

"You have a church and for several years you have few members, such a person speaks against me and people want me to respond, I shall not respond to such accusers," he emphasised.

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