News › Headlines     ›   06 Dec 2020

Election 2020: Remember Rwanda, Liberia, Sierra Leone and let peace reign, not war – Agyinasare

Bishop Charles Agyinasare of Perez Chapel International has warned that “should war break out in Ghana, we have nowhere to go” in reference to the polls taking place on Monday, December 7.

The Presiding Bishop of Perez Chapel has, thus, urged Ghanaians to opt for peace rather than war in the upcoming polls.

“We are surrounded by countries that are firstly Francophone (how many of us speak French?) and secondly are not known to be peaceful”, he warned on the eve of the polls in his sermon at the Perez Dome, adding: “Let us remember Rwanda, Liberia, Sierra Leone, etc.”

“Therefore, while we are praying for peace, we need to also do everything in our power to pursue it so that we can live in it”.

As we go to the polls, Bishop Agyinasare urged leaders of the various political parties to be like Jesus and “rebuke or sanction anyone in your party who foments violence, refrain from all forms of election fraud and dishonesty, accept the outcome of a free and fair election, even if it is not in your favour”, noting: “The nation is more important than your victory”.

Bishop Agyinasare also urged political parties not to “incite members or supporters” “to violence by your remarks during or after the elections”.

Additionally, he said they “should avoid inflammatory and insulting statements” and “no politician should announce the overall results before the Electoral Commission”.

Furthermore, he urged the parties not to “sacrifice the nation’s stability for their personal political ambitions”.

Apart from the politicians, Bishop Agyinasare advised the citizens, EC, security agencies, journalists and judges to all play their respective roles without fear or favour and with utmost caution, so as to safeguard the peace and unity of the country.

Read Bishop Agyinasare’s full peace message below:

A striking scene from the movie Hotel Rwanda was when a news reporter asked the leader of the UN Peacekeeping force, “Will the UN intervene to stop the bloodshed?” His reply was unforgettable: “We are here as peacekeepers, not peacemakers”.

Needless to say, in the film, the most terrifying tragedy in the history of Rwanda took place: according to the BBC, “In just 100 days in 1994, about 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda”!

In spite of all the peace-oriented NGOs, international interventions, and national agreements, the best that the world can ever do is to keep existing peace.


But Jesus says in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines peace to be “a state of tranquility or quiet; freedom from disturbance; a state of order and security; harmony in personal relations.”

Therefore, a peacemaker is one who brings tranquility and quiet, prevents disturbance, promotes order and security, and ensures harmony in personal relations.

There are three types of people: peacemakers, peacekeepers, and troublemakers. Which of them are you?


3 Things About Peacemakers from the passage

1.They are blessed

2.They are called children of God

3. Are intentional about peace

I. Peacemakers are blessed.

Peacemakers are blessed. There is no blessing in simply loving peace, talking about peace, wearing shirts about peace, singing about peace, or only praying for peace.

The blessing is for those who actually make peace.

They are blessed with the peace of the Lord. Luke 10:6 And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again.

PEACE IS ITS OWN REWARD. Those who litter their environment will live in the filth and suffer the consequences thereof. Those who make war, are the losers if they live in that same space. Similarly, when you make peace, you enjoy the atmosphere of peace that you have made.

Moreover, peace (“shalom”) also means wholeness, completeness, soundness. God blesses peacemakers with shalom.


II. Peacemakers are called children of God.

Children because they are born of God, and are also imitators of God.

Peace is characteristic of the Christian:

• Our Father is a God of peace. Romans 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

• Our Lord is the Prince of Peace. Isa.9:6

• Our gospel is a gospel of peace. Rom.10:15 is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace

• The kingdom we belong to is all about peace. Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

The way of the Christian is the way of peace. That is why Jesus rebuked His people anytime they were not walking in the way of peace.

• When James and John wanted to call down fire on some people because they were not in their religious/political party, Jesus “turned and rebuked them, and said, ‘You do not know what manner of spirit you are of’” (Luke 9:55). BROTHER, SISTER, ARE YOU OF THE RIGHT SPIRIT? IF YOU DO OR WISH EVIL TO OTHERS SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY DON’T AGREE WITH YOU, THEN CHECK WHAT SPIRIT YOU ARE OF.

• When His associate pastor used his sword to return violence for violence, He told him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). THE ANSWER TO DARKNESS IS LIGHT, NOT DARKNESS. SIMILARLY, THE ANSWER TO VIOLENCE IS NOT MORE VIOLENCE, BUT PEACE.

One sign that you are a true follower of Christ is that you make peace.

III. Peacemakers are intentional about peace

Peace does not just happen. Even though peace comes from God, we are supposed to actively pursue it.

Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

2 Corinthians 13:11

Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

Should war break out in Ghana, we have nowhere to go. We are surrounded by countries that are firstly Francophone (how many of us speak French?) and secondly are not known to be peaceful.


Therefore, while we are praying for peace, we need to also do everything in our power to pursue it, so that we can live in it.

As we go to the polls,


• Like Jesus did, rebuke or sanction anyone in your party who foments violence

• Refrain from all forms of election fraud and dishonesty

• Accept the outcome of a free and fair election, even if it is not in your favour. The nation is more important than your victory.

• Do not incite members or supporters of your party to violence by your remarks during or after the elections.

• should avoid inflammatory and insulting statements.

• No politician should announce the overall results before the Electoral Commission.

• Do not sacrifice the nation's stability for their personal political ambitions

7 Things to Remember as We Go to the Polls Come December 7

1. Everyone has a reason why they support their candidate and your reason isn't more important than theirs, respect everyone's opinion.

2. Look at the big picture. Four years is a short time, don't get so emotional.

3. Be careful about social media. Treat news on social media with care before, during and after the elections and be careful what you share.

4. Learn to be political not partisan. Vote your conscience even if your candidate doesn't win. Stand for a principle, don't vote for or against personalities. Put Ghana first.

5. Face the truth. The party in power can never replace hard work and determination; you can be poor with your party in power if you have the wrong mindset.

6. Prepare yourself for the results. Condition your mind, it could go either way.

7. Ghana is bigger than any political party or a 4 year government. I would rather live for 4 years under a government I hate, than struggle in a civil war for decades.


1. Observe all other COVID-19 protocols put in place ie. Social distancing, temperature checks and washing of hands

2. Do not seek to show anyone who to vote for at the polling station

3. No party colours are allowed to be worn at the polling station

4. Even if you do not have your voter's ID card with you, once your name is in the register, you would be allowed to vote.

5. Even if the biometric verification device does not recognise your finger, you can still be verified manually.

6. You cannot take pictures in the voting booth.

7. When you finish voting you can stand 30 metres from booth to observe.

8. During counting be close and you can video the results and take pictures of the results. We should be effective polling agents and party agents so there can be transparency.


• Do not make inflammatory/provocative comments

• Disagree without engaging in conflict

• Do not answer violence with violence.

• Report the littlest sign of violence

• Do not pass on information that is not verified

• Remember to put Ghana first. The nation is greater than your party.

Journalists should be circumspect in reporting the truth and should not sell their conscience for money. A Ghanaian proverb says “We send a wise person not one who can go faster “ In trying to report breaking news they should not incite the public.

Security officers should do their work in truth and without harassment

The Electoral Commission should be Free and Fair.

If we all play according to the rules, we will win an excellent prize that will be worthy of emulation by all nations.


If we may have to go to the Supreme our judges should be impartial.

May the Almighty God who has given us successful and peaceful elections in the past do so for. May anyone who would want to plunge this nation into unrest so there would be loss of lives never know peace in their family. May the one who seeks the peace and prosperity of this nation enjoy prosperity for him and his family

There is more to life than an election.


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