Opinion › Feature Article     ›   27 Nov 2020

Reasons Why Ghanaians Need To Vote For Mahama

When JM talks about improving the haphazardly implemented FSHS policy by Akufo Addo, he meant business and he has great records in delivery.

Successive NDC governments have track records of improving national policies and programmes for the betterment of Ghanaians. I will just highlight few examples to illustrate my argument.

For example, the NPP implemented mutual health insurance after it was piloted by Jerry Rawlings led NDC government, Prof Mills-Mahama led NDC came and made it national health insurance where it became possible to access health care anywhere in Ghana with a valid NHIS card regardless where you registered your NHIS, once your card is valid. Between 2003 to 2008, NHIS subscribers could not access NHIS services outside the DISTRICT one had registered his or her card. It was just district-based Mutual Health Insurance.

It was under Mills-Mahama government it was improved by way of health facilities and increased coverage. It became truly national health insurance where you can access NHIS services in any accredited health facility anywhere in Ghana.

Again in 2009 precisely January 6, a day to handing over to a new NDC government, President Kuffuor announced single spine salary pay policy of 16.5 to 34% increments in worker’s salaries in the public sector without any financial and implementation arrangements whatsoever in place.

It took courageous Mills-Mahama government to find the necessary resources to successfully implement single spine salaries which Ghanaians public sector workers enjoy today.

When NYEP/GYEEDA and YEA was launched, it had no legislative backing from 2006 to 2008. Again it took the previous NDC govt under Mahama-Amissah to fine-tune the policy with appropriate legislation. Today YEA runs smoothly without the problems NPP left it within 2008.

So when Mahama and NDC say they will IMPROVE FREE SHS EDUCATION in Ghana, you have concrete evidence in the past to believe Mahama and NDC and vote massively for John&Jane.

The reasons include 1). Mahama introduced PROGRESSIVE FREE SHS EDUCATION IN GHANA, 2), To ensure every student had access to quality free SHS, he launched 200 community Day SHS construction across the country. This would have helped prevent double track under Akufo Addo if NDC had won 2016 elections continued in 2017.

So dear voter, don’t be deceived by Akufo Addo.

Vote for John Mahama


Baba Musah

A Citizen of Ghana

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