Opinion › Feature Article     ›   02 Nov 2020

Capturing Power from a Beast

I was talking to a long time friend. We both graduated from Owusu Asare Primary and L/A Middle Schools, both in Atebubu in the then Brong/Ahafo Region. I asked him how the political campaign in Ghana is going. He said it is like NDC capturing power from a beast. He equated the NPP to a beast, described as a large or a dangerous animal.

I immediately agreed with this my long-time friend, judging from what I hear on the ground and what I see on social media, TV and Radio. The NPP is behaving like an animal and capturing power from them is like capturing power from a beast.

The NPP is taking the December elections like it is a do or die thing. They are seeing the election as the last breathe left in them. In other words, they lose this elections and NPP is gone forever.

They are therefore doing everything possible, including vote-buying, intimidation and rigging to win the elections. That is how dangerous the party that sold itself to Ghanaians, as the party of rule of law has become.

They went and launched their manifesto and because there was nothing exciting about their manifesto, they instead launched an attack on the name John Mahama. They unleashed their attack dogs on Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang as if there are no women in their party. All in a desperate attempt to buy time for their failure to govern.

Now, they are asking why the husband of Prof. Naana Opoku-Agyemang and the wife of John Dramani Mahama are not on the campaign trail. It looks like they have exhausted all their dirty tricks to deceive Ghanaians why they should not vote for the NDC.

They want to throw every silly thing out there to see if it will catch something. They have recalled all their retired communicators including Kwabena Agyepong and Nana Akomea to join the campaign team but things are still falling apart. Their latest campaign strategy is to use sacked NDC members who have no choice but to declare their support for the NPP as their campaign tool.

Just look at the corruption scandals that have gone on under this Nana Addo. From cash for seats, PPA, BOSTS, Australia Visa fraud, collection of gate fees at the Presidency, Ameri fraud, Oslo Embassy fraud, Cathedria fraud, Parliamentary chamber fraud, PDS scandal, Agyapa Royalties, Kroll and Associates scandal, Ghana GPS fraud, Ghana card fraud to the Belgium Embassy money laundering.

HE John Mahama has vowed to investigate all these scandals when he wins on December 7, and this is why the NPP are behaving like beasts. If you agree that the December election is like capturing power from the beast, then vote wisely. Vote for number 2. Vote for John Mahama and the NDC. Aba no, Mahama afa.

Lawrence Appiah-Osei

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