Africa › Algeria     ›   28 Oct 2020

Algeria president transferred to German hospital: official

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, here photographed in January 21, 2020, was transferred from hospital in Algiers to Germany on Wednesday. By RYAD KRAMDI (AFP/File)

Algeria's president was transferred from hospital in Algiers to Germany on Wednesday, officials said, days after the 74-year-old went into self-isolation following reports of suspected coronavirus cases among his aides.

"The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune was transferred... to Germany for in-depth medical examinations on the recommendation of medical staff," a statement from the presidency said.

The transfer comes after officials said Saturday that Tebboune had "voluntarily" gone into self-isolation for five days amid reports several officials in the presidency and government had contracted the Covid-19 disease.

On Tuesday, Tebboune, a heavy smoker, was admitted into a "specialised care unit" in a military hospital in Algeria's capital.

The presidency said at the time that his "state of health does not raise any concern", but gave no further details.

On Wednesday, Tebboune had been expected to inaugurate the prayer hall of the new Grand Mosque in Algiers, the third largest in the world.

The president's hospitalisation also comes ahead of a referendum on November 1 on constitutional reforms that the government hopes will satisfy a protest movement. The vote is a flagship initiative of Tebboune.

Algeria has seen a resurgence in novel coronavirus cases in recent weeks.

Over 57,000 cases have been recorded in the country of 44 million, including more than 1,940 deaths.

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