News › General News     ›   10 Jul 2020

President Rawlings Shuts Down Office Due To COVID-19

According to an official statement from the office of the former President JJ Rawlings, he has shut down his office due to the rising rate of the COVID-19 situation in Ghana.

The statement said “the decision is aimed at protecting staff and potential visitors." It also made it clear that this decision will be reviewed after two weeks.

The statement also urged Ghanaians to adhere to all safety protocols.

“The former President once again urges all Ghanaians to be mindful of their personal discipline and care as we work to combat the disease.”

“He calls on all to wear their masks, maintain appropriate social distancing, cough etiquette and general hygiene protocols,” the statement concluded.

Mr. Rawlings had recently warned of the threat of the virus given the recent surge which has seen Ghana’s case count rise to 23,463.

He said the recent number of infections and the accompanying deaths is a reminder to citizens to ensure strict adherence to the prescribed COVID-19 safety guidelines.

“It does not appear that we can afford the comfort of thinking the COVID-19 virus has gone weak or lessened its grip. It is there and very much around waiting to infect and claim the lives of those of us who will underestimate its danger”, the former president advised in a post. Find below the full statement


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