Opinion › Feature Article       17.05.2020

Why Yaoh Hates Your Marriage So Much!!

It has been said that in the beginning, the Most High One created the Heavens and the Earth. And then, He also made man and gave him the order to procreate to increase and multiply to fill and subdue the Earth with his seed and kind.

Of course, at the time man began to obey the order of the Creator to procreate and fill the Earth, there were very few people all of who lived in such a close fellowship that they could not harm or sin against each other, sexually, most especially.

However, this was to change with increases in the number of people who dwelt on Earth as a result of this order of the Most High One to procreate. Sin, in particular sexual sin, entered the life of mankind.

The first sexual sin we are told was, however, not caused by mankind among his fellow mankind, but was committed by malakym (angels) who broke their bounds of habitation in the Heavens to descend to Earth to have sexual intercourses with the daughters of men!

The Creator was enraged by this and thus caused the destruction of all mankind and the seed begotten through the unholy union between man and malakym through the well-known Flood of Nakh (Noah) mentioned in the Christian English Bible to restart afresh the procreation drive. For this, He saved only Nakh and his family from drowning in the flood while killing all other mankind.

The sexual sin that led to a corruption of the human seed which the Creator sought to uproot from the lives of men by this flood was not to be rid-off easily as one of the survivors of this flood committed the first rape and incest among mankind in having sexual contact with his biological mother. This caused the power of sexual sin to become ingrained and thereby forever entrenched in his blood and in his bloodline too.

This sin of rape and incest was committed by Cham (Ham), a son of Nakh, as is revealed as such in the Thorah of Bayakara (Leviticus) chapter 18. And, coming immediately after the flood as it happened, it must have angered Yaoh beyond measure!

This caused Him to place a perpetual and irrevocable curse on Cham and all his offspring; and thus upon any other mankind coming out of the loins of the other two sons of Nakh by names Sham (Shem) and Yapath (Japheth), too, who would ever associate with the bloodline of Cham in marriage or any sexual intercourse.

This was the state of affairs on Earth for a very long time—whereby all three sons of Nakh with their three wives procreated, as if in competition with each other, as some even mingled with the blood of cursed Cham toward filling the Earth with their seed.

But of course, the mingling of blood through marriage was contrary to the will of Yaoh, the Creator, since it brought holiness and sin into a tango; and the cursed swallowing up the blessed into its being!

This meant that the two houses of Sham and Yapath stood endangered in being swallowed up by and into the cursed house of Kanayan (Canaan), the descendants of Cham if left free to forever intermarry.

And so, Yaoh had to step into the affairs of mankind once again. This time, not by another destruction of the cursed seed as He did in the days of the flood of Nakh, but to take a select family of the holy and yet to be a polluted bloodline of one man called Ghabar of Barashayth 11:17 fame (aka Eber of Genesis 11:17), to Himself as His own to preserve a holy bloodline on Earth purposefully for holy procreation of the human seed.

This choice of a holy family out of the house of Ghabar eventually led to the establishment of the house of Ab-Ram and of Yaoh-Shar-Al, aka Israel, the only house to have monopolized the speaking of the Heavenly language of Ghabaray on Earth even after the tower of Babel confusion of tongues ever since the days of their father Ghabar until it (Ghabaray) later became extinct and was no longer to be spoken for .a long time as a punishment of Yaoh to the house of Yaoh-Shar-Al.

And to this house of Yaoh-Shar-Al the Most High One gave strict laws on marriage and procreation to constantly keep a holy family to Himself for His use in filling the Earth with humans of His choice, and for also His use in leading the affairs of mankind, and for His fellowship with mankind too!

These laws of the Creator on marriage and procreation are in the Thorah; primary among which is for all men of the house of Yaoh-Shar-Al to always marry only virgin women within this same house even if these men were polygamists with multiple wives and not just two. Note that the Thorah permits polygamy.

You see, the first non-virgin woman of the post-Flood era to ever conceive and bear a child was the wife of Nakh and mother of his three sons inclusive of Cham who Cham took to himself as a wife (and hence one who can thus be said to have been divorced spiritually, technically and by force from Nakh), and with whom he begat Kanayan!

And so one can see the reason why Yaoh hates for men to divorce legally married virgin women and why all men must avoid marrying divorced women of the world who have had their virginity lost in a previous marriage.

Now, since the divorced wife of Nakh had sexual intercourse with her son, whether it was by rape or even consensually under the influence of wine while in her state of known broken virginity, first broken by Nakh, she became symbolic of all women in history who have married or borne children when they were not virgins but of broken virginity even in a previous marriage or by whatever other means and kind that made them lose their virginity!

And thus, have all offspring through such women of broken virginity also become cursed similarly as the entire house of Kanayan is forever cursed!

Since the loosing of a woman’s virginity outside of marriage according to the ways of the Thorah can only come about through ways such as rape, incest, pedophilia, and acts of beastliness, and in modern days by dildo use, these same unholy traits are infused into and thus dispensable through the blood of any man who is ever begotten by a non-virgin mother.

Therefore, all children, particularly male, ever begotten by non-virgin mothers are simply pure trouble who enter the Earth since the same eternal curse of the house of Kanayan then follows them throughout their lives on Earth and all their subsequent offspring too!

So then, why Yaoh hates your marriage so much is because of you by your plan and will, in violation of His law and will on the procreation of a holy seed on Earth, instead, decided to bring forth an unholy and cursed seed to His beautifully created Earth to consume His resources and to disturb the equilibrium and peace of His creation.

And as one does so, one willingly makes one’s self an instrument of Satan to be used in thwarting the will of Yaoh on Earth. How more annoying can this be to the Creator of the Heavens of the Earth?

In so far as Yaoh cannot get a holy person as a product of your marriage to a non-virgin wife to have fellowship with and for him to render Him any holy service, He is under no obligation to support you in raising such offspring of yours who the world rightly describes and recognizes as kids [of goats and not of humans] begotten of you by your non-virgin wife!

And so, you could labor as best as you can to take care of these kids all by yourself without the involvement of Yaoh, simply because Yaoh cared not a hoot about your efforts since He was never to have any benefits in these kids of yours! And so, in the end, and after many years of toil, you would have no honor yourself from these kids of yours you toiled to raise!!

After over forty years of bringing forth your children and bringing them up, and now in your old age and about to leave Earth in the manner of your ancestors and all men, all the honor you get from these kids of yours for all your labors, was for them to kick you out of their home (possibly your own home which you handed to them) into an old peoples’ home simply because they want to have fun without you being in their way.

But of course, this was all what you taught them; that, they must be happy and have fun in all they do on Earth. And so, all roads in life must lead to sexual pleasure and ecstasy, for yourself and your kids too; just as you sought for yourself anyway, when you went into and down an unholy asshole, a slut without the holy seal of a hymen or covering placed by the Creator over it that was meant for your safety and protection toward begetting a holy offspring; all because you opted for a fun and not holy procreation of the humankind for the use or benefits of the Creator and His creation.

You see, all the evil ways of life are led by people who were begotten by non-virgin mothers none of who can ever be used by the Creator for any of His holy purposes! And for all such evil people who are the product of a marital union to a non-virgin wife, how may the Creator wish such families any good in all their days on Earth?

A cursory look at the family of Kanayan on Earth today will show this house leading in all the evil behaviors in this world; and not only in evils associated with sexual behavior, alone but in all other sins and wickedness too. Just look around!!

And all these evils started when a woman who was no longer a virgin after giving birth to three sons was raped and by this act conceived and brought forth an unholy son by the name Kanayan, who ever since has taken to the rapist lifeclass of his father (Cham) as a matter of course since an evil lifeclass had gotten trapped in his blood and bloodline, forever, and thus dispensable throughout all his generations.

So then, when eventually the Creator can find no holy seed of mankind on Earth who are begotten by virgin mothers, He will have no option but to rain down fire and brimstone from the Heavens downward, to destroy the unholy seed of mankind begotten by non-virgin mothers, in Sodom and Gomorrah class just as has been narrated in even the English Bible.

Whatever might be holding back the hand of the Creator from destroying evil mankind now, is the handful of the holy seed of mankind that is begotten of virgin mothers married to holy husbands living in our world today, who can be said to be playing a similar role that Ab-Ram had sought for Lot and his wife and his two daughters to play in standing in the gap toward halting the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by Yaoh.

I must say in all certainty that every offspring of mankind begotten by mothers who were not virgins of unbroken virginity when they married and conceived stand cursed, and the fruit of their wombs thus have become unusable by Yaoh for any good works and thus stand condemned for destruction in due time.

And this was so for even the seed of a holy and righteous man, by name Yoab aka Job, who is believed to have lived in the pre-Thorah era that was ushered into our world by Mashah (Moses), whose offspring of ten children suffered destruction without any one of them being able to beget their offspring after their righteous father simply because they were begotten by a non-virgin wife!!

Now, because Yoab lived throughout his days without the knowledge of the instructions of the Thorah being made known to him by Yaoh, he could neither be accused by anyone nor be judged guilty by Yaoh as a law-breaker especially in the area of the Thorah forbidding men from marrying non-virgin women.

And so, for Yoab, he was deemed a very righteous man by Yaoh based on the common sense he exhibited and lived in what he deemed as righteous and holy behavior, and what else was not which he abhorred!!

This is the reason why even though Yoab was in error for marrying a non-virgin woman and having children with her, while he was ignorant of this guilt, Satan could never accuse him of sin as of breaking the law of Yaoh to touch him without Yaoh permitting Satan to do so.

Of all the disasters that befell Yoab, I can say the death of his ten children seemed needless after he had lost all his property in livestock and servants. And yet it was Yaoh who masterminded and executed all that befell Yoab in the days of his trial including the deaths of all his ten children in a single disaster; and not that those disasters were caused by Satan just as we are told according to the words of Yaoh Himself in the last portion of the book of Yoab (Job) 2:3.

I say needless because when Yoab lost animals, his loss enriched the Sabean and Chaldean raiders; and when the fire of Yaoh fell from the Heavens to consume all his sheep too, it was to become as a sweet-smelling savor of burnt offerings rising up in smoke to Yaoh in the Heavens above!

But as for all of Yoab’s slaves who died at the edge of the sword of the Sabean and Chaldean raiders and his ten children, there could be no beneficiary except to say their occurrences fulfilled the will of Yaoh. And so, one can understand that these people all perished because Yaoh wanted them to simply because He had no use for them.

Since Yaoh had no use for this crop of children of Yoab is why He masterminded their death despite the commitment and dedication of their father in always trying to keep them pure and useful to Yaoh by the animal sacrifices he regularly offered on their behalf to Yaoh after every bout of feasting in the homes of his children; hoping for Yaoh to accept them.

But alas, Yaoh could never accept them in fellowship nor for use in His service as He accepted their father, because of the woman who begat them, and therefore had them destroyed and then later replaced in equal number and of same genders by more worthy and beautiful offspring for Yoab, and a wiser wife too and not a foolish wife who like many women on Earth today who break their virginity to fun-seekers before they marry.

Somehow, the world most especially of the house of Kanayan has come to know of this sure-coming destruction of all who are begotten by women who never married as virgins of unbroken virginity according to the teachings of the Thorah!!

And so have they (Canaanites) fabricated the born again doctrine of Christianity in attempt to teach a deception that people born of non-virgin mothers have a second (and third?) chance permitted them by the Most High One to become born again by not necessarily some virgin mothers this time around but by a certain heathen personality by name JESUS CHRIST to escape from the coming destruction of all mankind who were never born of virgin mothers as they entered Earth.

If the offspring of righteous Yoab could not escape this death meant for all children begotten by non-virgin women, how can anyone today born even to more sinful fathers than Yoab expect that Yaoh would deliver them from this death simply because they believe in the JESUS CHRIST of Christianity?

And, in any case, would the deliverance of believers in the JESUS CHRIST of Christians from destruction, if it could happen, be fair to all those who died natural deaths before the so-called coming of this JESUS CHRIST who is said to have died to as is supposed, save mankind from destruction by his death?

From all the foregoing, it must be obvious that a man is deemed married when the woman he marries is a virgin of unbroken virginity and thus deemed worthy of producing a holy offspring for him who would be acceptable in fellowship with the Creator and worthy in rendering services to Him.

It is when a man’s marriage meets this condition of Yaoh can he say he has received a wife from the Most High One that all other joys and pleasures of companionship and sexual bliss to follow as a matter of cause. For, this is the only kind of marriage that has the hand of the Most High One in it.

I must warn that marriage is not for sexual pleasure but for the propagation of the holy seed that the Creator has deposited in the loins of every man toward filling the Earth with humans through childbirth.

Sadly, mankind today has misunderstood marriage to be the means to sexual pleasure arising from the uncontrolled libido of both men and women, further made beastly with aphrodisiacs and alcohol, which has turned mankind into homosexuals, lesbians, and animals, having sexual intercourse with their same kind and beasts such as dogs and yet happy to have been saved from bringing forth the human seed.

So then, my advice is that if you cannot find a virgin of unbroken virginity for a wife, then know it was not the will of the Most High One to give you a wife! In that case, be advised to stay as a bachelor to please the Creator.

If you don’t do so but get to marry a slut just for sexual pleasure and in bringing into the Earth an unwanted seed, then be informed that the Most High One will come after you for flouting His wishes and will thus make life on Earth a perpetual Hell for you.

May you be warned in all the foregoing in this article so that whenever you decide that you must marry, you will marry a virgin of unbroken virginity and one who is of the same race as yours! Shalam.

The writer, NngmingBongle Bapuohyele aka Tabalyaoh Ban Abyaoh, is a Thorah-Based Life-Coach of HaBaYaTh Yaoh-Shar-Al (GH) and Author. His Email Contact Address is: nngmingbongle@gmail.com.

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