News › Regional News     ›   16 May 2020

Covid-19: Hon. Peter Nortsu Kotoe Increases Surveillance At Akatsi North

To maintain and tighten up security and surveillance against the influx of foreigners in the Akatsi North District of the Volta Region, the Member of Parliament for the area, Hon. Peter Nortsu Kotoe has donated some motorbikes to the Dzalele and Ave Dakpa posts of the Ghana Police Service.

This he believes will boost the effort of the security to monitor the borders and clamp down illegal immigrants that might enter the district through some unapproved routes and possibly import the novel COVID-19 in the District.

In a short ceremony, he said his gesture is his responsibility to maintain a COVID-19 free district since the region's hotspot, Ketu South is a neighbour and a potential spread threat to the district. He has also denoted veronica buckets, face masks, Sanitizers and other forms of PPEs throughout the district. He entreated all citizens to take all the protocols serious to curb the spread of the virus.

Later, the Hon. MP donated some bags of rice, boxes of oil and bags of sugar to the Muslim community in the district.

The chief Iman who received the items was full of praise for the Hon. MP and his benevolence to the Muslim community over the years and promised they will always make sure they observe the COVID-19 protocols during their worships.

He prayed for Allah’s protection, Wisdom and abundant mercy on the MP and the NDC executives in the constituency.

The Hon. MP continued to inspect the ongoing works on the One-Unit 6-classrom block of Ansar Nurudeen Islamic school also at Ave Afiadenyigba.

The DCE of the area upon the invitation of the Hon. MP was grateful for the support. He announced at the presentation that the DISEC had mapped out some strategic plans to prevent the novel pandemic from entering the district.

He continued that, DISEC had met and had agreed that all persons refusing to wear the face masks shall be made to face the law and that all vehicles carrying passengers either from Ho or Aflao shall be checked at Matrikasa and Dzalele barriers to ensure all passengers have their masks on.

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