LifeStyle › Love & Relationships       30.09.2013

10 Sexy Ways to Surprise Your Lover

Has your love life gone from 'Va Va Voom' to 'Zzzzz' with a little bit of Ho Hum' thrown in there? Join the crowd. As a nation, we're exhausted. Between long hours at the office, household chores, and screaming babies, many of us have put sex on the back burner.

And, while this is totally natural, it's necessary to make the time and effort to get it on the front burner and crank that baby up to high. Have you been looking for ways to surprise your lover and spice things up in the boudoir? We've got tips that we think you'll love below:

1. Special delivery! Send him a pair of your undies and, no, not those comfy grandma panties, either. I had a girlfriend who sent one of her sexy thongs to her husband at the office and, needless to say, it had the intended effect.

2. Boudoir photo shoot. I was a bit intimidated by the thought of this at first, but I have friends that say it's worth its weight in gold. Remember, ladies, you don't have to look like a magazine centerfold to rev your guy's engine either. Men, as a whole, are easy to please. And there's always Photoshop!

3. Show that you care. Below their tough exteriors, many men are sensitive and insecure. Recently, my husband and I were in a fight, so I went out with all of our friends without him. Once I got to the restaurant, I didn't feel right about it, so I texted him that he should drop the kids off at the babysitter's house and join us. He was so touched that I went the extra mile that I got a little treat in the bedroom later (details kept under lock and key).

4. Rent a sexy movie. I know, I know just the thought makes many of us women feel embarrassed. The thing is, this is foolproof. Men are visual beings. 'Nuff said.

5. Do a 180 in the bedroom. No, I'm not talking like some sort of contorted position from the Kama Sutra. I'm saying change things up. Things are probably pretty good just the way they are but throw that guy a curveball and you'll hit a home run.

6. Dress up your lady parts. Don't laugh! It's the new thing and, although many of us might shun the thought at this at first, your guy will go nuts if he pulls down those panties and you've vajazzled. You may have a giggle or two at first but I guarantee things will get down to business shortly thereafter.

7. Give sexting a try. Much like the underpants in the mail trick, this will allow the anticipation to build. He may blame you for lack of productivity at work but you'll reap the benefits in the bedroom.

8. Give him a hall pass. Don't wait until you're asked. Suggest that he take a night out with the guys and/or a day of golf. He'll think you're Mother Teresa (but won't treat you like her if you get my drift).

9. Set the mood. We see this in the movies but how often do we do this in real life? Flowers, champagne, strawberries, chocolate, mood lighting, and soft music come to mind!

10. Cook him a fancy dinner. You likely did this a lot while you were dating but many times, after we've been married or at least monogamous for a while, we tend to let it fall by the wayside. Go all out by preparing all his favorites, as we all know the way to a man's heart (and other body parts) is through his tummy.

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