LifeStyle › Love & Relationships       08.03.2012

BITTER TRUTH ON MARRIAGE (Part 19) Married Woman

Be the foundation and life member of your husband's supporters' club. You should be the one saying “Go my husband! I am with you”.

Many years ago, there was a man. His hometown near Lagos was a little village. He saw everybody coming back from Lagos and building nice houses in their villages. His wife said “When are you going to the big city to do some work, come back with some money and build our own home?”. He kept telling his wife that he would do it one day. Finally, he succumbed. They started the journey.

In those days, there were no cars. So, they had to walk many days to come to the city in order to make the money. To protect himself, there were no guns. So, he got himself some African juju (charm) tied around his arms; some around his neck, some around his waist. He swallowed some and licked some. Then, he started the journey with his wife. Not too long after they left home, they got to the thick of the bush and met twelve armed robbers. The robbers yelled “Consider yourselves dead! Drop everything you have!” The woman turned to her husband. Just as the the Bible says: “She shall look to her husband”.

The woman was relaxed. She felt “Well, these guys don't know who they are messing with. This is trouble for them. My man has all it takes” But surprisingly, behold her husband was shaking. The guy was shaking like crazy. The woman looked at the thieves and looked at her shaking husband. She was still not afraid. Instead, she took charge and boldly said to her husband “Keep on shaking my husband! Keep on shaking! This was how you shook last time and 20 people died. Go ahead! Shake for them!”

What happened next? The thieves looked at one another and fled out of fear.

So, be your husband's supporter's club if you are a woman.

Mobile: 234-8038117704
...TO BE CONTINUED (Questions Are Welcome)

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