LifeStyle › Love & Relationships       22.06.2018

Top 5 Signs Your Wife Is Fed Up With You

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1.She keeps avoiding having conversations with you

For example, you are trying to have a sit down with your wife but every time you try to reach out to her, there is always something that comes up, for example meeting up with her friends

You know that the reasons that she is giving you definitely does not hold water; this could be a sign that your wife is unhappy with you because she is not interested in having a word with you.

Plan on catching her when she is “not too busy” and have a conversation with her then. She will not have any other option but to listen to you then.

2.She is no longer interested in sex
Intimacy is a big issue in relationships and it is one of the top problems that couples usually have.

She doesn’t respond to you when you touch her or even seem remotely interested in any form of intimacy with you.

Visit a counselor to help figure out what the problem could be with the intimacy in your relationship because you cannot force intimacy when it does not feel right.

3.She does not respect you
Your wife could walk into the house in the wee hours of the night with no explanation of where she has been or what she has been up to.

There should be certain boundaries in your marriage that both you and your wife need to agree on such as letting the other one know if you will be coming late.

Put your foot down and make sure your wife knows that what she is doing is disrespectful and you will not stand for it.

Every woman likes a man that can take charge.
4.She is suddenly distant with you
Your wife never seems to want to have a conversation with you and whenever the two of you are together, she is always distracted or cold towards you.

She may be holding in a lot of frustration towards you and therefore may feel the need to keep quiet and not bother airing out what she is feeling.

5.She makes mean remarks towards you
When you care about someone, you try as hard as you can not to hurt their feelings especially with what you say.

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