LifeStyle › Social & Status       27.10.2017

4 Tips To Creating A Succesful Gofundme Campaign

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1. Make It Personal

Some of our most successful campaigns include the name of the campaign organizer or beneficiary in their campaign title. If you can include a keyword about what you’re raising funds for, that’s even better! Make it personalized and easy for your supporters to find.

2. Keep It Simple

If possible, try to summarize your campaign in 3 words or fewer.

3. Proofread

Double-check to make sure your title is grammatically correct. Also, be sure to avoid any emoticons. Emoticons can clutter your title and distract donors from your cause.

4. Entice Your Donors

Your campaign title should be a call to action. Use powerful language to create a sense of urgency for donors.

Check out these great campaign titles below for some inspiration:

With these tips, you can create an attention-grabbing title in 30 character or fewer!

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