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Angry Pastor Blasts Dada Hafco Over Expensive Cars Comment

The founder of London Prayer Centre, Pastor Brian Amoateng has added his voice to the issues of pastors buying luxurious cars.

Highlife singer Dada Hafco days back asked men of God to stop ‘wasting’ money on expensive cars and help the church singers but the last of the Amoateng brothers think others.

According to Pastor Brian, Ghanaian pastors are entitled to own luxurious cars if they desire such things in their lives.

Earlier this year, Bishop Daniel Obinim added a new luxurious vehicle to his fleet of cars with a Rolls Royce Ghost series. Bishop already has eight Range Rovers, five Infinity SUVs, three Chryslers and a customized Range Rover Vogue estimated at $168,900. As if that wasn’t enough from the pastors, recently, another man of God based in Kumasi, well known as Prophet Obofour also showed his Rolls Royce of $450,000 in a video which was circulated on social media .

In an interview with Zionfelix on Radio Universe, Pastor Brian made it known to the public that every man of God has his own individual preference when it comes to the purchase of items. Adding to that he mentioned the ball it’s in one’s court to decide whether they’re going to use the money made to spend on their families or the church.

The iYES organiser also refuted claims that pastors use church money to enrich their lives. He opined that no church member can boldly tell on grounds the proceeds from offertory and tithes were the sources of their pastor’s income for the acquisition of such luxurious cars.

Pastor Brian, however, noted that another form of demonstrating the gospel is for the pastors to aide in providing items for orphans, paying fees for brilliant but needy children in their churches.

“Most pastors fancy cars, others fancy house. Maybe it’s their priority to use the church offering or whatever money to buy them, everyone has his preference but for me personally if you’re going to use amount of money to do that then make sure you’re paying school fees, paying orphanage because that’s true ministry’’ he said.

Reacting to gospel star Akesse Brempong’s assertion that the church should set up a record label to help gospel artiste, the London-based preacher divulged that gospel singers should exhibit the act of seriousness when it comes to working in their various churches. He explained that when singers are fully committed to their works it would be appreciated by pastors.

He later stressed that pastors should also cultivate the habit of giving back to the singers when their service is rendered because Pastors cannot minister without musicians. Pastor Brian Amoateng further stressed that when the musicians are well catered for it will enable them to be faithful in their works.

When quizzed by Zionfelix on whether he also supports his singers at church, he replied that the tradition in his London is different from Ghana because according to him, the singers in London don’t demand money but rather the instrumentalists are the ones who are paid for their service for each church program.

“The system is a bit different from Ghana but the choristers in London do a voluntary work but we have musicians who’re instrumentalists that we pay them every service” he maintained.

He further indicated that some of the musicians rely solely on their music job so if a pastor does not pay such a person, it becomes difficult for the person to survive.

“I believe that the musician that’s the only job he’s doing, the bible says a man’s gift will make room for him so that’s the only job he is doing to put food on the table so I won’t pronounce God’s blessing unto that person but rather put something in an envelope for him” he said.

Pastor Brian Amoateng hosts this year’s International Youth Empowerment Program (iYes) at the National Theater from August 22 to August 24. Speakers for 2018 iYes include Archbishop Duncan Williams, Delay, Oheneyere Gifty Anti, Dr. Lawrence Tetth, Pastor Daniel Amoateng, Pastor Sampson Amoateng, Sammy Awuku, Kwame Sefa Kayi, Catherine Afeku and many others.

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