Showbiz › Comedy News     ›   25 Apr 2017

DKB still King of GH Comedy – KSM

Despite the recent scathing critiques of comedian DKB over his lacklustre performance at the Easter Comedy Show, ace satirist Kwaku Sintim-Misa (KSM) has asserted that DKB is still King of GH Comedy.

Last week, it was reported that former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings walked out during his performance at the Easter Comedy show which took place at the Accra International Conference Centre.

According to the report, Mrs. Rawlings left the auditorium because most of the comedians told jokes loaded with risqué language.

The Graphic Showbiz had also reported a supposed statement made by the former first lady implying that the comedian, DKB was not funny.

“An avid patron of concerts and comedy shows, the former First Lady made her way to the exit as soon as the famous Ghanaian comedian mounted the stage, saying to the hearing of other patrons seated close by, including this writer [Jayne Buckman-Owoo], “don't mind him; his jokes are boring”,” the reported indicated.

That notwithstanding, KSM who crowned DKB 'King of Comedy' a few years ago, has in an interview with MzGee on Hitz FM's Showbiz this Week said that the night's show cannot take DKB's shine away from him.

He said DKB's sense of humour is unrivalled and maintained that the comedian reigns supreme over his colleagues at present.

“He has an amazing sense of humour. DKB is a very funny person. He is very hilarious. When he did his show called Point of View, he practically filled up the National Theatre. His last show I saw at Silverbird, he got a standing ovation. So, he has one bad night and all of a sudden, it's like he is the worst that ever happened to Ghana comedy, I don't think it is a fair assessment.”

Lastly, KSM also intimated that DKB took Ghanaian stand-up comedy from the grip of the Nigerian comedians and has raised the bar of the comedy game in Ghana.

“He broke that chain when he went toe to toe with the Nigerian and flawed them. He went toe to toe with Basket Mouth and flawed him without a doubt. I am begging that let's not use that one night to judge his string of performances,” he said.

In the meantime, DKB has accepted that he presented wrong content to the wrong audience and has pledged to work harder on his craft to give his fans quality shows henceforth.

By: Kwame Dadzie/

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