Opinion › Opinion     ›   21 Jan 2016

Is Cinematography Influencing Ghana's Development ?

Cinematography represents a section of the overall mass media that educates ,enlighten and entertain. It is the science or art of motion-picture photography by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as film stock.

In Ghana ,there are many cinematographers who actually premiere movies in both foreign and local languages . The industry is indeed prosperous relative to patronage and the prolific trait of producers .

But i would hasten to ask if cinematography is positively influencing our society especially the developed status we are galloping to achieve?

I bow in shame ,coo and howl when some of these movies are given a public appearance.

I would have mentioned some of the classes and examples of these movies together with their respective producers but i feel we need to treat this as a general problem .

It's either our recent movies potrays or teaches the beauty of NUDITY or it's tainted with an antiquated tradition of unrealistic display of divine powers and WICHCRAFT.

Is that all we have as a people?

Is that the status this old and rugged country is striving to achieve?

What happened to the display of science and technology which would be the ultimate solution to abating the extreme malignant growth of bribery and corruption in our country?

Movies that teaches patriotism and nationalism would certainly propel this country to a developmental height that cannot be fathomed by the fore -runners [west] but why hasn't our cinematographers captured that in their priorities?

Albert Bandura (1925....) is a social learning theorist who propounded the Observational learning aid . He explained that Observational learning takes place when the ability to perform a behaviour is done by observing others .

Many more experiments has been conducted by psychologists and neuro -scientists and a positive correlation was established proportional to observation and imitation .

In that case ,both the youth and adults who happens to view these motion pictures developed into movies by our cinematographers would certainly act same. We would in fact become fixated to abysmal thinking because of our excessive believe in supernatural powers instead of realism and objectivity .

I also understand that the Ghana censorship board as a professional body has a responsibility to ensure that cinematographers comply with the basic national principles of the industry but has no obligation to direct the major concepts of movies because film makers are entrepreneurs.

However ,Ghana needs concepts that would enlighten it's citizenry and keep them on the rail of critical thinking.

Mother Ghana pleads and requests more patriotic and nationalistic movies that would teach her citizens to sacrifice in defence of her at all times.

The continous revelation of WITCHCRAFT and other demonic antics must be given a different consideration in order to plant logics and construct a real and sane society.

Thomas Akanyibah




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