Showbiz › Highlife News     ›   26 Jan 2012

Ramna Goes Solo, Releases Song With Wanlov

All over the internet, there was a buzz being caused by people as they patiently awaited the release of a song entitled, "Can't Get Enough".

The song had Wanlov, the barefooted Kuborlor, half of the daring duo, Fokn Bois on it, yet this was not the cause of the whole excitement and buzz.

It was the main songstress, simply referred to as Ramma. So I was surprised, I hold myself high for having the ear for the right sound of music and I had not heard of this Ramma musician who was being heralded on the internet. Thus I set out to listen to previous songs of the artiste, and this was when I realised that the artiste, Ramma was the very same Reckless Ramma, a member of the no more, Reckless Dolls, female trio. I then understood why she was being hyped all over

- she was really that good.
Contacting the said artiste, I wanted to find out why she had practically put the group Reckless Dolls, out of action. According to her the group had been suffering some management problems since the demise of a member, who is currently out of the country. Thus the trio became a duo and the major lack of the power of the trinity coupled with management problems forced her to go solo as she was even doing better as a solo artiste.

Asked whether this was her first solo song, she replied negative, pointing to a remix of Klu's "Wish Me Luck" of which she made a video.

For those of you who don't know her, Ramma is a product of the '08 batch Mfantiman Girls Senior High School, popularly known as SYTE, she is currently studying at NIIT and hopes to be an IT Technician oneday, fixing your computer and singing to you in her sweet voice.

Her debut song, "Can't Get Enough" feat Wanlov is yet to be released.

The track according to the rapper cum singer is a rock song and is set to cement her image as in the Ghanaian showbiz industry and beyond it.

She replied when asked whether, we should expect an album from her soon that, she wishes to finish her education and have more time to concentrate on her music career, so for a while we should not expect one. One thing is sure, as at when she releases her album, we will not regret it.

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