Blog › Business     ›   28 Aug 2017

How to Make Cow Dung Fertilizer

cow dung fertilizer

To solve a series of problems caused by a great deal of cow dung, it’s better to compost cow manure and make them become organic fertilizer, creating more benefits for economy, society and environment.

Currently, the most common and valuable processing method is to turn cow dung and manure into sellable organic fertilizer. Cow dung is a derived product from wastes produced by cattle, providing high levels of organic materials and rich in nutrients, including about nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium as well as many other essential nutrients. According to the data, daily cow dung contain 12.9% DM and excreting a total of 0.15kg N, 0.04kg P and 0.08kg K. Moreover, cow manure also contains high levels of ammonia that can almost kill the growth of the pathogens. Once raw cow dung composted by professional compost turner, it can provide lots of benefits to the garden and organic farm, which makes cow manure very popular and useful raw material of organic fertilizer production.

As one of the most important source to prepare effective bio/organic fertilizer, the processing method of cow dung organic fertilizer is first to collect the cattle residue. Heavy cow manure should be mixed with organic substances like vegetable waste, garden debris, dead leaves, sawdust, wood ash, hay and straw etc. The mixed cow dung is then subjected to better composting and fermentation via compost turner machine. After fully composting, cow dung would be transferred into crusher for materials grinding, in order to make sure smooth granulating process. Remember to choose a suitable organic fertilizer granulator according to the scale of cow manure composting and production. Usually, for easy packaging and storage, a rotary dryer would be used to evenly dry the granules and ultimately create a uniform and quality final product. Finally, we also provide an automated packaging machine so as to fulfill high-efficiency, automatic and convenient packaging and bagging solution for finished organic fertilizers. Here, we will discuss the two major procedures of cow dung disposal – aerobic composting process and granulation process in detail.

More details about how to make cow dung fertilizer:

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