
What Life Had Taught Me

What Life Had Taught Me
28 Feb 2014 LISTEN

1. People who crucify, criticise others quickly, sharply are likely to do worse when the table turns around and are more likely to revolt assertively, aggressively when criticised in same manner.

2. The child who had no books, shoes in the most horrible school can occupy the most honorable office in the land.

3. It's very easy yet very difficult for a wealthy individual to be humble and respectful.

4. Wisdom isn't just the practical application of knowledge but the presence of God in a life.

5. Some dreams never come to fruition because we nurture and pursue.

6. Miracles happen many times in life in the absence of faith, call it the mother of miracles if you like.

7. The earth isn't only physically round, spiritually as well. The good or evil men do go but usually come back even if the doer is no longer vertical and on the ground but horizontal and in the ground.

8. There's physical and spiritual gravitational force.

9. God is a God of energy, His voice has got unrivalled energy: He made energy transmutable and converted sound energy to solar (heat and light energy: the greatest source of energy on earth) when He said, “Let there be light.” That 'light' is energy! Of course life can't exist without energy. Man has learnt to harness and transmute the energy as well.

10. Wisdom doesn't do evil to another but intelligence could.

11. Where there's darkness, there's backwardness.
12. God is the science we study – He covered and gave us the mind and passion to uncover and discover.

13. There's one unknown thing about God which births many things unknown about Him.

14. People view and react to events and situations from their angle of interest per time

15. God is a democratic God and democracy is simply the freedom of choice.

16. Big minds distill big dreams; big dreams attract big problems and big problems birth great men.

17. The easiest to cheat, hurt or harm: the mentally, physically-challenged, widows … are the most dangerous to harm or hurt.

18. The person you think is the most foolish can give you a piece of wisdom that the wise may never think of let alone offer.

19. No permanent friend or foe not only in politics but life generally.

20. Dubious people who think and play smart start the race of life like the fastest cheetah but never finish as one for they usually mutate to a lame snail in the middle or toward the end of the race.

Life never taught me any of these but God did through the events and happenings in life. So God has also taught me that in life we sometimes or oftentimes cherish and honour 'Godwin' instead of 'Edwin.'

Have a refreshing weekend!
