20.07.2013 Feature Article


20.07.2013 LISTEN

I wonder why we look so worried about the impending verdict of the supreme court on the election petition before it, which is just about some few weeks to come. Perhaps due to the old adage that "the memory of the dead is a warning to the living" occurrences in our neighboring countries in Africa and beyond which is watched from far and near and by far hosted some refugees of war torn areas. With regards to these amidst all the accolades giving to Ghana we must not be complacent. We failed to instill discipline in our people especially the two main political parties over the past two decades, the practice had been rewarding their commentators who shower insults and beating war drums against our norms as a people. Our upbringing shapes us to shy away from commenting matters which has to do with the elderly in society let alone raising insults at them.

These innuendos, insinuations, inflammatory and derogatory remarks were employed by various commentators on our airwaves and other media houses but the peace loving nature of Ghanaians endured this. However, agreeing with people who feared violence one may not know the threshold of the people thereby the need to conscientize and sanitize the country and commit our leaders, youth, women, rich, average or poor to peace building for co-existence and a harmonious society before and after the court verdict.

Some politicians attempts to forget that the Almighty Allah is in charge but tried to ignore all odds and put their hopes on political power to salvage them from their economic doldrums. We have come of Age after twenty years of multiparty democracy in the forth republic, 56 years of independence and no civil war from independence till now unless coup d'état. It is my firm conviction that Ghana will remain more united than before.

We must commend ourselves once again for achieving this important milestone in the history of our beloved country Ghana. Petitioners, respondents and their Lawyers including the

nine justices of the supreme court need to be applauded for embracing the rule of law by taking to the law courts.God has given us the opportunity once again to test our constitution in almost one year now since the unprecedented demise of our late President J.E.A Mills which brought the whole nation together, preceded by smooth transition of leadership in continuity, we have done it again after general elections which is disputed and is yet to pronounced by the highest court of the land. Ghana will move on after verdict and I will Parliament and other civil organizations to ensure that we review our constitution such that we can do away with the "comprehensive winner and conclusive loser" syndrome which tend to nurse and grow the continues polarization in our political discourse.

May Allah grant the nine Justices the strength and wisdom for the determination of the matter.

Long live Ghana for the envy of many other countries in the World.
