Mon, 26 Mar 2018 Feature Article

I Weep For Ghana – There Is Danger Ahead In Trading Ghana's Sovereignty To Trumps America

I Weep For Ghana – There Is Danger Ahead In Trading Ghana's Sovereignty To Trumps America
26 MAR 2018 LISTEN

Granted there was some substance even in passing the US-Ghana military agreement, how can the majority receive such a bulky /sensitive document on the March 20, 2018 and was able to properly study such document, understood it, non politically, it's benefits to the country and its people and passed it by the third (3rd) day, March 23, 2018 in such a hurry without proper due diligence, scrutiny and consideration. Indeed, the majority had their skewed "way" as usual ignoring the "say" of the minority and as well the cry of the good people of Ghana against entering into such a bad and "sell out" of an agreement.

My little research shows that there are two (2) fundamental troubles with such foreign military bases/installations agreements and now that the agreement has been forced through parliament, the people of Ghana and its neighours should brace ourselves to deal/accommodate these below stated difficulties/challenges in the not distant future for surely we cannot escape such reality.

1. All these facilities are integral to preparations for war, and as such undermine international peace and security. Without the bases in Turkey, Germany, Diego Garcia, Saudi-Arabia and the Gulf States, the Iraq invasion could not have happened. The bases serve to proliferate weapons, increase violence and undermine international instability.

2. Many such military bases/installations cause social and environmental problems at a local level. Communities living around the bases/military installations often experience high levels of rapes committed by foreign soldiers, violent crimes, loss of land or livelihood, and pollution and health hazards caused by the testing of conventional or non-conventional weapons. In many countries the agreement that permitted the base/military installations stipulates that such foreign soldiers who perpetrate crimes cannot be held accountable, since they are granted immunity. Per the agreement that has just been passed, the US has unlimited access to the country and their soldiers are immune and insulated from all offences. Where they harm, destroy property and even kill in the course if their operations, the US government and their officials cannot be held liable.

This agreement with the US Government is a bad one and not appropriate for Ghana at this our current social, political and economic convolution as a result of some mediocre governance by some know it all bunch of political charlatans. Selling the sovereignty of Ghana to US for a paltry UIS$20 million against the call to collectively reject the agreement by the good people of Ghana is most mean and careless.

I weep for Ghana.
Nuhu Ndebilla
[email protected]
